05 November 2016

Gravity And Liberation


"Yearning is a force, a force of attraction, a force of gravity, a magnetic faculty"

Our personality is the center of a system called a microcosm, a minutus mundus, a world in miniature.

Where is this microcosm and where does it live? Here in this world! This world in which you live is organized according to the same principle as your 'little world'. That is why we speak of the 'cosmos' as the world, and of the 'micro-cosmos' as the 'little world' which you, yourself, are.*

* the Solar System is the 'macro-cosmos'.

The cosmos on which we live speeds through space with immense velocity. Why is it that we are not flung away from this globe? Because of the force of attraction, the force of the gravity of this earth. The magnetic faculty of our cosmos keeps us in our places. The electromagnetic field of this world keeps all creatures gathered together within its space. The operation and binding faculty of this system, however, depends entirely upon you and me! We have been born of this nature, of the principles of matter in this order, and by virtue of our birth, our personal electromagnetic filed is entirely attuned to the electromagnetic field of this earth, so that we are entirely one with this world. When our desires, our yearnings, are focused upon the horizontal plane of life, when our strivings are directed at this nature, towards the things of this world, then obviously we strengthen the magnetic attachment to earthly nature, because our yearning has an attractive, magnetic effect. If this desire is directed towards the earth, the other magnetic pole will naturally repel everything which is not directed towards the earth and thus keeps away all liberating influences.

So we see that we are held captive because of our dialectical nature, our own electromagnetic activities  and by the electromagnetic activities of the earth, whereby we ourselves are our own jailers.

Let us suppose thaty in this condition we experience suffering and are confronted with pain and resistance, which is inevitable because of the peculiarities of dialectics. Is this suffering, this vicious cycle of misery, the pain of the Spirit-spark Atom? Certainly not!

By virtue of the laws of this cosmos, locked in the electromagnetic field of our world-order, we all are subject to struggle, hate and natural passions. This is the curse of this field of existence. Now, when you experience this, when the hammer-blows of Fate fall upon you, what do you do? You long for help, for a way out, for protection. A spontaneous, electromagnetic radiation emanates from you. In this the desire, the yearning for salvation, the magnetic cry for help of the Spirit-spark Atom? Is this 'the faith in your hearts'? Certainly not!

It is an electromagnetic activity of your nature, of your threefold natural ego, which needs no deviation at all in the magnetic field of this world. It is an earthly desire for earthly possessions or earthly safety and earthly protection. When we develop mystical, occult or seemingly transfigurist activities out of such desire, we only awaken reactions in and of our natural field of existence, because of the nature of the magnetic field. We never detach ourselves from the reflection-sphere in this  way. Liberation, even to the smallest extent, is out of the question.

From experience, you've probably recognized the truth of all this. How much we have exerted ourselves, in natural sincerity! We have suffered through thousands of fruitless endeavors. It may be that we have approached the Spiritual School in natural sincerity but found the door locked since the Spiritual School cannot help us before the 'faith in our hearts is aroused', before the Spirit-spark Atom in our heart has been awakened.

Realizing this, we should proceed intelligently. We know that every activity is a motion of our electromagnetic field starting from our natural status. Its results, therefore, can only be useful in this nature. What is the obvious thing to do now? We must stop this magnetic motion, this hunting after our desires. Initially, because of the discovery that this hunting brings about no result whatever; on the contrary, it causes an even greater bond with this nature. However, the second phase of this Rest and Stillness should be a surrender to the Gnosis, a bowing down before the Gate of the Mysteries, as it is called in the myths.

In the Universal Doctrine, all candidates are taught how to acquire this Stillness, this Silence. It is said in the ancient Mysteries: 'My soul is still before God -- from Him comes my salvation', and in the new Mysteries it is said: 'Aspire to live quietly'. You can find this, for instance, in the epistle to the Thessalonians. And now you will understand, that through this true Stillness and the calming of the electromagnetic storms of nature, there arises a new possibility for the pupil: in this Stillness he or she can be touched by the radiation-power of the electromagnetic field of the Universal Brotherhood.

From "Gravity and Liberation" The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh.


Your controllers have been content to name the force that keeps man rooted to the earth "gravity", in order to mislead you into thinking that it is some mysterious, unexplainable force. However, what we know to be "gravity" is but the working of the cosmic law of "attraction between like elements". That which is of the earth will always return to the earth. That which is of the air will always return to the air, and so forth.

Therefore, when applying this law to the nature-born human-being, it is very simple: where your focus is directed is where your results will come from. One must either be earth-focused or Liberation-focused. One cannot focus upon both, as these two objectives are diametrically-opposed. There can be no melding or blending of these two objectives. We must choose one, and forsake the other.

As long as your desires are directed at the things of the earth, the things of the earth are what you shall receive, including death and dissolution. As soon as you turn your heart's desire away from the things of the earth, renouncing the world with authority, sincerity and finality, you will begin to attract that which is not-of-this-world, that which is Eternal, Immortal and Divine.

~ g

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