20 November 2016

The Soul-Killers

This writer once held the Bible in low regard. This was mostly due to encountering numerous contradictions and unexplained concepts. It read more like a fairy tale constructed to tuck one into bed at night than an actual work of Spirit.

This writer grew up not knowing that the books and psalms of the Old Testament had existed for an extremely vast period of time, pre-dating the appearance of the Christ by many thousands of years.

This writer grew up not knowing that much of the New Testament was purposely omitted from the Bible because of the power of the Truth that it carried.

This writer grew up not knowing that back in the late 4th century, church "fathers" held councils to decide which books would be included in the Bible. Debates were held, votes were taken.

This writer grew up not knowing that just after the Middle Ages, the Bible began to be translated into other languages. It has since been translated and re-translated a jillion times. All translations are subject to the whims of their translators and editors. Drop one letter of a Hebrew word, for example, or add one letter, and you have an entirely different word, with a completely different meaning.

So, this writer grew up under a delusion that the KJV Bible he had been given and told to read was The Word of God.

"Which 'God' is this book referring to?", was the first question asked. Was it the 'god' of the Old Testament, who sternly ordered people to invade inhabited lands, slaughter every man, woman and child in sight, usurp their property and burn their homes to the ground? The Old Testament 'god' who played a sick game of  'chicken' with Abraham by asking him to kill his own son in order to demonstrate allegiance only to call the whole thing off at the last minute by telling Abe, "I was just fooling around with you"?

Or was it the Father that Jesus spoke of often in the New Testament? The loving Father who is ready to forgive any wrong, accept any prodigal, as long as we renounce our sinful ways and travel the same Path as the Christed One, sincerely and once and for all?

These two could not be the same entity. Any child could see that! And yet, on Sundays, the officers of the church would stand behind their pulpits and read from this book without ever explaining the unexplained, never bothering to attempt to reconcile the contradictions for their questioning and troubled sheep.

This writer had to grow deep into adulthood before these questions could be answered. The answers had to be sought via an intense, personal Seeking, a desire to know that which there was To Know. During this search - which spanned a couple of decades, is still ongoing and will never end - it was discovered that the officers of the church do not have the best interests of their parishioners at heart. The officers of the churches have the best interest if their churches in mind, always.

Even though the officers of the churches falsely set themselves up as intermediaries between man and God, in truth, they have the least bit of interest in man's salvation or liberation. They serve the aeons of this nature, also known as the "Prince of this World". Their job is to hook us into a line of thought that will create a certain vibration within us so that when we die, we will be attracted to a version of their church that exists on the Other Side of the Veil, the temporary "heaven-worlds", what is known as the reflection-sphere, whence the remains of our mortal soul will be captured, and spend the next 1,000 earth-years or so in "heaven" as a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Jew, etc. That vibration remains with the microcosm, it persists. Thus, when the next personality is constructed in our microcosm, he or she will be forced to incarnate into a family that matches the vibration, i.e., Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew. And so, the circle is closed.

Man spends his life seeking spiritual salvation, a promised "heavenly reward". He looks to the priestly class of this world to guide and assist him in this regard. Instead of providing man with the information that he requires to intelligently and voluntarily make the changes necessary to regain (the word is regain, not obtain) Eternal Life, the agents of the churches offer him stones for bread, dead-letter doctrines that serve only to nail man ever more tightly to the Wheel of Death and Rebirth.

Such deception and chicanery amounts to murder. Murder of the souls of Seeking Mankind. For when, after so-called death, we reach the "heaven" that was preached to us on earth, a different reality will be encountered. The remains of our personalities will have to undergo the Second Death, victims of the purposely-false advertising of the nature-born churches.

Beware of the Soul-Killers. They exist in every town and city in this world. They wear collars, or fancy titles, or set themselves up as religious "authorities" and "intercessors before God". Steer clear of these soul-murderers. They are but agents of the archons and aeons of this nature. Strike out on your own and seek the Truth, which does exist and will approach you, if you ardently Seek in the right direction.

This writer once held the Bible in low regard. That is no longer the case. The reasons behind the change of opinion to be presented in a future post. This much can be said: once the Soul-Killers were identified and unmasked, it was possible to find the Eternal Truth embedded in the New Testament of what man calls the Bible.

~ g

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Bro G. I really enjoy your thoughts, sometimes even more than the quotes.