04 December 2016
Who Your 'Gods' Are
Just as you have hierarchies upon Earth that you may or may not be aware of, there are hierarchies in the cosmos. You can live within a certain area and not be aware that any hierarchy exists. You can farm your land, pay your taxes, decide not to vote, and simply be oblivious to any bureaucratic political structure. In somewhat the same way, Earth is oblivious to the bureaucratic political structure that operates in the Universe.
It is important for you to understand that bureaucracies or hierarchies exist, and that these organizations have different experiences of time than you do. Others do not live within the structure of time as you know it. What you call one year perhaps to others may be only one small portion of a day. If you can really begin to comprehend this, you can understand why this planet has seemingly been left to itself the last few thousand years. Now, activity is beginning to bubble and boil again from the skies, and you will be faced with inserting a vast amount of new knowledge into your paradigms and belief systems. This planet is in for a culture shock -- a big surprise.
You have come here at this time for a certain purpose. Those creator gods who rearranged the human species are returning. Some of them are already here. This planet has been visited over and over again, and many different forms of human-being have been seeded here through a variety of experiments. There have been many influential factors that have created the course of history on Earth. There have been civilizations on this planet that have existed for millions of years that have come and gone and not left a trace. These civilizations, each and every one of them, were influenced by those you may term 'God'.
Your history has been influenced by a number of light-beings whom you have termed 'God'. In the Bible, many of these light-beings have been combined to represent one being, when they were not one being at all, but a combination of very powerful, extra-terrestrial light-being energies. They were indeed awesome energies from our perspective, and it is easy to understand why they were glorified or worshipped.
There is no literature on Earth that gives you a pure picture of these beings. All of the gods came here to learn and to enhance their own development through working with creativity, consciousness, and energy. Some became very successful and mastered their own lessons, while some made quite devastating errors.
Who were these gods from ancient times? They were beings who were able to move reality, to command the nature-spirits and bend them to their will. Humans have traditionally called beings 'God' who could do things that the human race could not do.
These beings were passed down through the ancient cultures of many societies, portrayed as winged creatures and balls of light. The world is permeated with hints, clues, and artifacts of who your gods have been. However, those who wished to manipulate humans made up their own stories to create a paradigm that would control you. You were told that these beings were truly gods, and you were taught to worship, obey, and adore them. This paradigm is now on the verge of making a gigantic shift. The truth is going to come forward, a truth that will completely change the way you view the world. Woe be to those who are unwilling to look. The shock reverberations are going to move around the world.
The creator gods who have been ruling this planet have the ability to become physical, though mostly they exist in other dimensions. They keep Earth in a certain vibrational frequency while they create emotional trauma to nourish themselves. There are some beings who honor life before everything else and there are also beings who do not honor life and do not understand their connection to it.
Consciousness feeds consciousness. It is hard for you to understand this concept because you feed yourself with food. Be advised that the 'food' for some beings is consciousness. All food contains consciousness existing at some stage in its own development, whether you fry it, boil it, or pick it from the garden, you ingest it to keep yourself nourished. Well, your emotions are food for others. When you are controlled to bring about havoc and frenzy, you are creating a vibrational frequency that supports the existence of these others because that is how they are nourished.
There are those who would like to reestablish the frequency of Love on this planet. They would like to turn this Universe into the frequency of Love so that it can have the opportunity to go out and seed other worlds.
You represent the renegade group of Light, and you have agreed to come back on the planet. You are on assignment. You come into physical bodies and take them over, and you intend, through the power of your spiritual identity, to change the physical body. You all selected with great care the genetic lines that would best give you head starts with all of this. Each of you chose a genetic history through which members of the Family of Light have threaded.
When human-beings existed in their rightful domains and could understand many realities, they had the ability to be multi-dimensional, to be one and equal with the gods. You are beginning to awaken to this identity within yourself.
The gods raided this reality. In order to have you believe they were Gods with a big G, they rearranged you genetically.
That is when the Family of Light was scattered from the planet, and the Dark Team, which operated out of ignorance, came in. Your bodies carry a fear and a memory of striving for the knowledge that those gods represented and took away from you. The gods who did this are magnificent space creatures. They can do many kinds of manipulations and work with realities in many different ways. Humans, in ignorance, began to call these space creatures God with a big G.
God with a big G has never visited this planet as an entity. God with a big G is in all things. You have only dealt with gods with a little g who have wanted to be adored and wanted to confuse you, and who have thought of Earth as a principality, a place that they own out in the galactic fringes of this free-will universe.
Before the raid, you had tremendous abilities. The original biogenetic example of the human was given incredible information, and could do many things. When those creator gods raided, they found that the local species knew too much. The local species had abilities that were too much like those who were passing themselves off as God with a big G.
A biogenetic manipulation was done, and there was much destruction. There were experimental versions of the species brought onto the planet, where the original database was scattered but not destroyed. At one time, your DNA was intact. It was like a beautiful library where the information was all catalogued and referenced and you could find anything you wanted instantly. When the biogenetic alteration occurred to unplug the data, it was as if someone hid the reference system and pulled all the books off the shelves and heaped them into a pile on the floor so that there was no order to them. This is how your DNA was scattered and scrambled by the raiders a long time ago.
We are telling you a story now; there is definitely a story to this. We speak not to your logical mind but to your memory banks, so that you can begin to remember participating in this story. In this way, you will begin to understand what has happened and who you are in this process.
From "Who Your Gods Are" - Bringers Of The Dawn - Barbara Marciniak
As part of the end-game for this cycle, a group of these creator gods from the Dark Team have returned to the planet and will shortly step out of the shadows and allow humanity to see who they are. However, there will be deception involved, as the purpose of these creatures is to arrest the process of transmutation that millions are currently undergoing and thereby stall the transformation of the Earth and her humanity from 3rd density to 4th density. Our liberation means that they are in danger of losing their food source. As part of the Great Game, a grand deception is being planned by them to prevent that from happening. Without warnings such as these, humanity will be helplessly duped.
These beings will pass themselves off as benevolent, and will display "great signs and wonders" as they provide solutions to problems that they themselves originally created.
For the past couple of decades, there has been a campaign to prepare humans for this global event, on a subliminal level. Pay attention to how many movies, TV shows, cartoons, commercials and advertisements have dinosaurs and other reptiles in them, standing on their hind legs, smiling, and speaking perfect English (Barney, Rex the Dinosaur, the Geico Gekko, etc.). The idea is to get you to become familiar with seeing this particular type of half-human, half-reptilian being, so that you will not be unduly frightened when they make their reappearance in real-life, smiling and communicating telepathically with you.
It doesn't matter whether you believe the foregoing or not. You're asked to file this information away anyway, as it may very well prove useful to you in the near future.
Do not allow this information to distract you from your mission. Continue to purify your vehicles, continue to walk the Path of Light. It is our steadfast, collective dedication to successfully completing The Great Work that will ultimately defeat the forces arrayed against humanity.
all love,
~ g
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Dear brother g
What do you think of the 'Reptilians' David Icke is talking about? Does your post has anything to do with that? Long time ago I came across his publications.
I'm following your blog now for a very long time and I wanted to thank you for your help and all your insights!
hello, Natalie. Good to hear from you.
Icke is a credible source, as it pertains to this subject. As always, one should use discernment, as there are a couple of things that could be going on here.
(1) He can be part of the overall plan of the Controllers, permitted to disseminate this information in order to polarize or paralyze the common public. One of their favorite strategies is to "put the truth in our faces", as it were. Predictably and most frequently, when faced with information presented in such a fashion, the human mind will recoil at the impact of the revelation and ridicule, rebel against, or ignore it.
(2) On the other hand, he could be a true emissary of light whose particular mission is to focus humanity's attention on this specific set of concepts. It is true that Britain is one of the major foci for the leadership of the entities that he lectures and writes about. It may be his mission to awaken the eyes of sleeping Britons, who are, for the most part, completely bound up in a fantasy of tradition and need to be jarred awake.
The information that he is disseminating will only serve to open the eyes of the unaware. It will give those who sleep an indication that there are other realities, and that we are chained to the Earth-plane by our five senses. However, one should not make a life's study of the reptilians, to the exclusion of all other Seeking. Trust me, humanity will find out more about them in short order.
Our reptilian brothers are a part of the puzzle and an integral part of human history, but they are not the whole story, or the key to reaching our Goal of Liberation from the Earth-plane. Their job is to preserve their own existence in the physical realm, retain us as a food source (vibration-wise) and to prevent us from regaining the Divine Spiritual Treasure that awaits those who diligently Seek it.
~ g
Dear g
Thank you for your thorough answer. I don't know either, what Icke is up to...it actually doesn't interest me anymore.
It's so true, what you said, that the controllers put the truth in our faces, as seen last summer in my country Switzerland, when they celebrated the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel with many european high governmental members. There was a lot of satanic symbolism, not even hidden. But still, most of the spectators didn't understand.
I agree, let us not concentrade on that, it doesn't help us. Our way is just such an eyeopener!
Best greetings,
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