12 April 2017

No Less Miraculous, No Less Attainable

We keep coming back to the caterpillar, as its metamorphosis into a butterfly serves as a fitting allegory for what man can and must do. The butterfly was created for the express purpose of inspiring wonder in the minds of men, in the hope that someday, men would move beyond wonder, and realize that the miracle of the butterfly is an example of the miracle that awaits all spirit-spark entities.

If the Creator can program a caterpillar to spin a chrysalis, dissolve within it and then reconstitute itself as a beautiful winged creature, what makes you think that the Creator would not program us, mankind, Creator's highest creation, to do something not only similar but exceedingly wondrous and glorious in its magnitude!

You have within you the tiny Seed Atom that is required to make this human metamorphosis a reality. It lies at the center of your microcosm and it is waiting to be awakened and joined to the personality. It is your Divine Spark, the Spirit-spark, the Rosebud, the Jewel in the Lotus. It is the part of you that will manage your transfiguration into a New Man/Woman, but only if you follow the Path that has been set out for man to follow, the Path of the True Way, the Path that leads away from this world and its reflection-sphere. The Path that leads back to Eternity.

Do not sell yourself short. Do not resign yourself to "impossibility". This transformation is eminently possible, and within your ability to complete, even though the rulers of this world have worked overtime to keep that Knowledge from you. Vow to follow the Path, no matter the obstacles. Renounce the world and all the matter therein. Be in the world, but not of the world. Remember the miraculous example of the caterpillar / butterfly that was provided for you to emulate.

What lies ahead for the candidate on the Path is No Less Miraculous, and No Less Attainable.

"Verily, I say to you, the works that I do, you shall do also; and greater works than these shall you do" -- The Christ, talking to YOU.

~ g


Anonymous said...

Is Man at the centre of the Creator's material universe?

BrotherGee said...

Creator is at the heart of the material universe. Man is an important component of the material realm, and has a special purpose to fulfill.

It is the human-being who is destined to be the link between Spirit and Matter. It is the human-being who, with feet on the ground and head in the clouds, must enable Spirit to work consciously (through man) in the material universe. At this time, Man is disconnected from Spirit. As a result, he has lost sight of his purpose. He is running loose, without direction, without Divine Guidance, and because of this, Fear and Death rule this sector of the material universe.
No, Man is not the center of Creation, although he has grown accustomed to thinking that he is. That said, Man is an important component of the Divine Plan, and it's high time that he awakened to that realization and took up his True Vocation.

~ g