20 November 2021

Stopping the "Madness"


This post is in response to questions posed by Claude in his comments dated 18 November 2021:

To all:

"Madness" is investing in the delusion of existence that we accept as "reality". Madness is believing and reinforcing the lie that each human-being is separate from the other, separate from the animals, the plants, the earth, the solar system.

If one has truly found and accepted the Path then one should be consumed with Joy, not with Misery. This Joy arises out of the insight that we have gained, the insight that reveals to us that at our very core, we are eternal beings. There is no death for us. When the fear of death (so-called) evaporates, then we take a huge step on the road to discovering our True Purpose for existing. We have removed a large stumbling block from our Path.

Another important insight is that we should stop seeing ourselves as the center of the universe. When we live from an ego-based consciousness, we are easily displeased whenever we do not get what we want. We call this denial of self-satisfaction "unhappiness" when there is actually no such thing as "unhappiness". "Unhappiness" is simply what the human-being calls the emotion that we feel when we do not get want we want. In order to do away with "unhappiness", we must cease to desire pleasure and satisfaction for ourselves. If these things happen to come our way, fine. If they flee from us, that is also fine. We must learn to look at Life with neutral, objective, and somewhat detached eyes. If we do not do this, then we will doom ourselves to being ceaselessly tossed about upon the frothy seas of duality. 

Learn to focus your attention away from yourself. Live for others. Do for others. When we live to serve others, we will find that there is no time to agonize over our perceived "problems". This is one way to calm the turbulence that roils within us. Care for yourself? Yes. But only to the limit of the biological minimum required for the physical instrument to live healthy and function properly.

Stand back and away from the perceptions of the selfish self and begin to see the Bigger Picture: you are an eternal being serving the Creator over a succession of repeated lives in temporary physical vehicles. Your mission is always to reconnect with the Universal Spirit, and to voluntarily allow Spirit to work through you for the benefit of sleeping humanity. Although you may have forgotten your purpose, you are trying hard to remember. The magnetic allure of the physical delusion is hampering your ability to move forward with clear vision. Recognize this and then release your attachment to the results of your actions in this world. Be IN the world, but not OF the world. 

~ g

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brother gee,

This is the way everything is going for me my brother like the life of the pink panther.
please check out this link

