05 November 2008

U.S. Election Makes "History"

Call me heartless, but I can't get excited about what happened in America on Tuesday, Nov. 4th, 2008. This is what happens once one has peered beneath "the log" and seen the rot underneath. One can never look at the World in the same way that one once did. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Let me be clear about this. I wish naught but the best for Mr. Obama.

I am an American. I live among other Americans. I love America. Most of my American brothers and sisters have no idea of how their government was originally PLANNED to work, nor of how it works NOW. Because of this, they think they live in a "Democracy", when in actuality, they live in a "Constitutional Republic" (rule by The People backed by The Constitution) that is being secretly replaced by a "Legislative Democracy" (rule by a controlled Congress and a controlled President). This ignorance has come about because "Civics" and The U.S. Constitution are subjects that are purposely no longer taught in elementary or high schools.

Because of this, many Americans think that their President is some sort of a "King" who "makes all the rules". Their President is not a "King". In fact, the average Citizen has more Freedom than an American President. The American President's job is TO DO WHAT HE IS TOLD. If a U.S. President knowingly chooses to not do that Job, a Bullet awaits him.

The Obama storyline is that a man "came from nowhere" to become President of the United States. Inspiring! Sadly, not many people find it "curious", which is what it actually is. No one comes "out of nowhere" to receive the approvals of The Elite as their choice for Figurehead of the most Powerful Nation in the World. If anything, they are "chosen".

The Obama storyline is one that promises "Change". Change of what, I ask? IF HE IS NOT GOING TO START BY ADVOCATING A CHANGE THAT SAYS GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS CANNOT BELONG TO ANY SECRET SOCIETIES (i.e. FREE and ACCEPTED MASONS), then his promises are empty. For from the ranks of these Secret Societies, the public organizational "fronts" they've inspired (Council on Foreign Relations, TriLateral Commission, Brookings and Aspen Institutes, etc.) and the giant International Banks that fund them are chosen the men and women who Truly Rule This Nation.

I watched his acceptance speech. He already looked older. He did not smile. In my opinion, he looked as if he had just gotten a "congratulatory" call from the men who are his TRUE masters. To me, it was as if he'd finally seen that the Devil really was going to have his Due. Obama looked like a man who realized that the Loan Sharks were coming and he'd just lost his job.

My advice to Americans is to stop focusing on Obama and focus instead on the people who make up the House of Representatives and the Senate. Focus also on who Obama appoints to all Cabinet positions, advisory positions and ambassadorships. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO RULE THE UNITED STATES and they have done a rotten job of it. It's the same pool of people who get recycled every four years or so because they have "experience".

Was history "made" on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2008? No. History was "planned and manufactured", just the way it's been every minute of every day for the last few thousand years.

Sorry for digressing into Politics, but All is Connected. We Do Indeed Live in Interesting Times.

All Love,

~~ G


Anonymous said...

I didn't watch much of the election. I didn't vote,never have... I will not join there ranks.

Politics is a really big distraction from what we really need to be doing. Which is to Wake Up.

Obama made a deal with the devil.
It was his choice and he will be their puppet.
You saw it in his face BrotherGee,

There he was out there in front of a huge cheering crowd with his wife and kids. Evil appearing to be good.

BrotherGee said...

You know Kevin, I slept on it. And I began to reconsider my position. If I ascribe to the Law that We create our Reality (and I do), then I'm guilty of helping to create something awful by painting an Obama who willingly fits into The Web of Intrigue that has enslaved all of us for so long.

I thought "here's a Moment in which I need to Remember to Live what I Believe". Therefore, although I know what lurks in the Background of International Politics, I am refusing to lend it my Power or make it part of my Reality.

I am choosing now to lend my Energies in Positive Optimism that this election will herald the Beginning of ...?


~ G

Anonymous said...

Thank you, G for having courage to do what is right.
We in the sense depend on your senses.

Just me, another you.