29 November 2008

A Brief History of Man - The Root Races - Part I

"Historians" want us to believe that "civilization" began 3,500 to 6,000 years ago. This is untrue. Civilizations have risen and fallen for millions of years. A broad outline of our Earth heritage begins with this post.

There are Seven Root Races of man in this evolution: The first five Root Races are named


6. ??
7. ??

Each Root Race is composed of seven Sub-Races. Each Sub-Race spawns in turn, seven sub-Sub-Races. A Root Race will usually reach its zenith during its fifth Sub-Race. After that, it begins its decline. The seeds of the next Root Race are taken from "the cream" of the current fifth Sub-race. The new Root Race is born while the current one begins its decline.


The World is currently under the dominion of the Fifth Root Race, the Aryan (although this word has recently acquired a negative connotation, the word "Aryan" is derived from the Sanskrit Aryas and means "noble"). There are two more Root Races to come. The Sixth Root Race will be borne out of the Fifth Sub-Race of this current Fifth (Aryan) Root Race. The "seed" for the coming Sixth Root Race is destined to come primarily from the United States. This is why so many different races and nationalities have voluntarily emigrated to the U.S. or have been brought to this country by force. The "melting pot" feature of the U.S. is a portent of the World to come. Those who can learn to handle living and working with beings that are different from them enhance their chances of graduating to 4D. These "pioneers" of the Sixth Root Race will be the ones selected to move into 4D with the New Heaven and the New Earth.

This does not mean that inhabitants of other nations will not be able to move ahead in their own evolutions. Anyone, from any country, who can learn to love their fellow human as they love themselves will be eligible to "graduate". The United States simply offers a naturally diverse environment of a necessary intensity for a particular group of Spirits to develop in.


The Polarian and Hyperborean races existed millions of years ago but left no archaeological traces. Because the planet at that time was still partially 4D and descending into 3D, their forms and the form of the Earth were more etheric than solid/material. "Science" searches in vain for evidence of man from millions of years ago, fails to find it, then arrogantly pronounces that "Man did not exist" millions of years ago. Make no mistake, a form of humanity did exist millions of years ago. Traces of their remains can be found embedded in the Earth's etheric plane. This plane exists side-by-side with this physical plane. Those who have access to esoteric knowledge know this. Our Controllers are well aware of this. WE are the ones who have been left out of the loop.

The Polarian Race lived where the North Pole is located. However, the North Pole wasn't always the North Pole. At that time, the area now known as The North Pole was located 90 degrees from where it is today. The magnetic poles of the Earth were east-west, or horizontal. How can I express this? The Earth rotated on its side with the Polarian continent facing the Sun. This made for an equatorial, very tropical, temperate region. When the time came to remove the Polarian Race from the planet to make way for the Hyperborian Race, the planet shifted on its axis (pole shift). This action moved the Polarian continent towards the North, in the area that has become known as the Arctic Circle.

The Hyperborean Races then assumed their position in roughly the same equatorial region. Again, when the time came to make room for the next Root Race, the Lemurian, there was a series of catastrophes, and the Hyperborean continent was erased. The Lemurian continent arose in its place, situated primarily in what we now call the Pacific Ocean.

The 3rd Root Race, The Lemurian Race, will be outlined next.

~~ G


Anonymous said...

Dear BrotherGee:

I am grateful and honored that you have walked the path of service and helpfulness. I enjoy reading your blog and will comment where I think it will benefit to do so.

For example, your statement that "The United States simply offers a naturally diverse environment of a necessary intensity for a particular group of Spirits to develop in." is somewhat inaccurate. First of all, there was/is nothing natural about the diverse environment (i.e races of people)in the United States.

The border between Mexico and the States has been left wide open, purposely, for illegals to pour in, unchecked.

Affirmative action, is not a natural process, but forced upon the peoples of businesses, institutions and the like in the United States. Like that of Canada, where a percentage of minorities MUST be hired into places of employment. Where the natural-born citizen of that country may lose their rightful claim to a position of employment, solely because he(she would be listed as minority) has not been categorized as a 'minority' In that same country, a landed immigrant or refugee can receive more support money per month then a pensioner, who has worked all his/her life in that very same country he/she was born in!

Diversified groups in America are not working together in harmony, quite the contrary. Racial segregation of communities, facilities and services are quite the norm and not the exception. Hostilities between races of people have not lessened, but have increased. Not just because of the inequalities felt by minorities, but by also the reverse effect felt by those labeled NOT a minority.

For the most part, the Constitution and Bill of Rights are nothing more than difficult words to spell/pronounce or unimportant words spoken in broken-English by those same diverse groups of people who are just looking for the next dollar to pocket or send back to their home country, undermining the already weakened-economic situation in America. Also, those very same diverse groups of people are destabilizing the salary base, whose benefits are only seen by the corporate elite, board members and CEOs.

What is seen on the surface as a 'melting pot' of diverse cultures/races has been for the most part, FORCED unto the populace and by no means a natural phenomena or spiritual evolution(?)
I am sorry to say that America is no model or example of 'things to come' spiritually, but will be seen as a model of degradation, exploitation,self-righteousness, egocentrism,barbarism,pop-culturalism,corruption,intolerance, adulterers,voyeurism and unparalleled/unprecedented greed.

I believe there are other countries that are more suited as a spring-board or fulcrum of spiritual 'things to come', such as in South America, parts of Asia,countries of Scandinavia, areas of the mid east and parts of Europe.

Working and living together side-by-side, with people of different nationalities can be easily accomplished, but ONLY if it is not FORCED upon oneself to do so and takes place naturally, fairly and justly. I see a violation against freewill in any manner..unnatural and NOT spiritual.

Thank you and God bless.

BrotherGee said...

Freedom4Life, hello, my Friend!

Your comment was expansive and thought-provoking. Thank you for posting it here. I started to respond but it's 5:30 in the morning and my response began to run long. Your comment demands a coherent answer born of careful consideration.

So, give me a minute. My next post - probably December 30th -will answer your comment in full.

Thank you for placing this in front of me.

All Love,

~~ G