28 June 2009
Checking In
Haven't posted in a few days. I've been involved in reading The New Call. I've been working to integrate this information. It's been eye-opening, heart-opening, enlightening. I'm definitely not in the same place as I was a couple of weeks ago. I'll have more to say soon.
All will be Well.
Keep your heart-center open.
~~ G
23 June 2009
Website Alert -- "The New Call"
I am going to start posting links here in my blog. When I come across things during my Seeking that are Enlightening I will make them available to whomever wishes to make use of them.
This is how Truth is spread.
I came across the following site totally by "accident" a couple of weeks ago. I offer the link here as there may be some benefit that others can derive from it. The booklets can be downloaded for free and excerpts are posted for convenience. The site covers Ascension/Harvest and what we need to do to be ready. The Information is free because although Truth is Priceless, no true Servant would ever put a Price on Truth.
There is a quote, from the Bible, which states: "Do not cast your Pearls before Swine". I feel that those who visit this blog have the proper Heart and the proper Discernment needed to Appreciate, Accept or Reject the "pearls" set forth at this website.
And so, I present http://thenewcall.org
All Love,
~~ G
20 June 2009
Final Liberation -- Conclusion
Yet dark forces will try to fill us with doubt,
For misery loves company and they won't leave us out;
For eons have they toiled upon Earth in the dark,
They are thus well-practised and cunning is their mark.
Indeed, in the darkness our souls can learn,
Yet age after age we shall wait our turn,
For trials must be passed and victory known,
Before at last we can soar all the way Home.
Harder and harder will life now get,
As more and more souls inwardly fret,
As tighter and tighter our nerves are reeled,
And hearts will be tested as emotions are steeled.
We must not falter but just look ahead,
Though many may suffer and fall down dead,
For every soul its own journey must take,
And each one of us our own choices must make.
Now, most people believe only what they are taught,
And such blind faith can with danger be fraught,
For religion and Truth are far, far apart,
Thus the Aquarian age gives all a fresh start.
A new presentation to all who on Earth stroll,
Which seeks to draw out a response from the soul,
Of any true heart under the sun,
No matter what in past they may have done.
And thus in this prophesied 'time of the end',
Is given one last chance for our ways to amend;
Great opportunity to come in from the cold,
The Final Liberation that was promised of old.
But many have been taught: 'Jesus will us save',
Yet these words of untruth are born of the knave;
Jesus came only to show us the way,
Now it's our turn to act just as he in his day.
It is clear to some that these words are not new,
Yet the one who can see knows them to be true,
For each man saves himself, of this let's be sure,
And only by LOVING, no less and no more.
We must make the effort now to be true,
As we walk this last short road into the New.
Liberation is sure for each and every one,
Who acts as a conduit for the spiritual Sun.
So let us make haste to see this truth,
And in service to all let none stand aloof.
It is we who choose just where we shall go,
Our level of love and joy lets us know.
Let us open our hearts as never before,
And release our past karma by loving much more,
For only when clear will we truly be,
Prepared to fly Home for all to see.
Today the reaping bins do overflow,
From evil sown millions of years ago;
Deeds done in past by resolute men,
Who played with fire but can't recall when.
Now as we behold the fulfilment of Law,
We shall all recollect what we did before;
When old memories resurrect for us to see,
We shall understand well that justice must be.
Yet 'tis not our task to vengeful be,
For the universe brings balance naturally,
So we seasoned wanderers from out of the past,
Must do our best to spread this truth fast.
Truth and foreknowledge of that which shall be,
Carries the power to set each man free,
For right understanding surely guides our way,
As it directs our thoughts and actions each day.
So may the sweetness of Truth help us to see,
May we be blessed daily with new clarity,
Thus we shall emerge from out of life's maze,
Our thoughts fully cleansed and all evil erased.
Calmer now and wiser for sure,
As we perceive the glory of that far distant shore;
All darkness is gone and our conscience is clear,
At last! At last! to our Home we draw near.
For misery loves company and they won't leave us out;
For eons have they toiled upon Earth in the dark,
They are thus well-practised and cunning is their mark.
Indeed, in the darkness our souls can learn,
Yet age after age we shall wait our turn,
For trials must be passed and victory known,
Before at last we can soar all the way Home.
Harder and harder will life now get,
As more and more souls inwardly fret,
As tighter and tighter our nerves are reeled,
And hearts will be tested as emotions are steeled.
We must not falter but just look ahead,
Though many may suffer and fall down dead,
For every soul its own journey must take,
And each one of us our own choices must make.
Now, most people believe only what they are taught,
And such blind faith can with danger be fraught,
For religion and Truth are far, far apart,
Thus the Aquarian age gives all a fresh start.
A new presentation to all who on Earth stroll,
Which seeks to draw out a response from the soul,
Of any true heart under the sun,
No matter what in past they may have done.
And thus in this prophesied 'time of the end',
Is given one last chance for our ways to amend;
Great opportunity to come in from the cold,
The Final Liberation that was promised of old.
But many have been taught: 'Jesus will us save',
Yet these words of untruth are born of the knave;
Jesus came only to show us the way,
Now it's our turn to act just as he in his day.
It is clear to some that these words are not new,
Yet the one who can see knows them to be true,
For each man saves himself, of this let's be sure,
And only by LOVING, no less and no more.
We must make the effort now to be true,
As we walk this last short road into the New.
Liberation is sure for each and every one,
Who acts as a conduit for the spiritual Sun.
So let us make haste to see this truth,
And in service to all let none stand aloof.
It is we who choose just where we shall go,
Our level of love and joy lets us know.
Let us open our hearts as never before,
And release our past karma by loving much more,
For only when clear will we truly be,
Prepared to fly Home for all to see.
Today the reaping bins do overflow,
From evil sown millions of years ago;
Deeds done in past by resolute men,
Who played with fire but can't recall when.
Now as we behold the fulfilment of Law,
We shall all recollect what we did before;
When old memories resurrect for us to see,
We shall understand well that justice must be.
Yet 'tis not our task to vengeful be,
For the universe brings balance naturally,
So we seasoned wanderers from out of the past,
Must do our best to spread this truth fast.
Truth and foreknowledge of that which shall be,
Carries the power to set each man free,
For right understanding surely guides our way,
As it directs our thoughts and actions each day.
So may the sweetness of Truth help us to see,
May we be blessed daily with new clarity,
Thus we shall emerge from out of life's maze,
Our thoughts fully cleansed and all evil erased.
Calmer now and wiser for sure,
As we perceive the glory of that far distant shore;
All darkness is gone and our conscience is clear,
At last! At last! to our Home we draw near.
-- I do not know who authored this poem --
~~ G ~~
The Final Liberation - II
So now is the 'testing time' spoken of old,
Time to do good or be left in the cold.
Our minds in this season will need to be,
In perfect control of all negativity.
And when our dark feelings begin to rise,
Deafening our ears and clouding our eyes,
We must remain calm with hands by our side,
For only thus can we the storm outride.
So we should be restrained as along we go,
Doing no wrong lest we know more woe,
Let us keep a tight rein upon mouth and mind,
And by living in truth, to others be kind.
But should we proceed to think selfishly,
In breaking the Law we'll pay a large fee.
We must give of what we have, all that we own,
For if we cannot then grief will be known.
A penny in the pocket and we'll never go;
A camel through a needle's eye we cannot sew.
That which we cherish we may fight to retain,
And what we hold onto will become our bane.
Let us give as we can and serve as we may,
Reaching out to all who may come our way.
Compassion and forgiveness must be to the fore,
In dealing with all who come to our door.
So today the time, just like before,
Has come 'round for us to tend to the poor;
The needy and hungry must all be fed,
A pillow found and a comfortable bed.
Clothing too and medical supplies,
All these things will help ease their cries.
Shelters and havens must be prepared;
Family homes; all must be shared.
And all of the servers and helping hands,
Must be pre-warned of the coming bands;
Groups of brigands rising tall,
Filled with madness and grasping all.
But those vengeful and violent who are suffering thus,
Are the ones who'll most need to rely on us,
For as their inner darkness rises to clear,
They, too, will emerge as angels dear.
So we must reach out and do what is right,
To help all of those in the coming plight;
To feed, clothe and shelter each person in need,
And thus in our charity we shall be freed.
It's crucial today that we all understand,
That the fate of our soul rests in our own hand;
If we cannot contain rising feelings within,
We may further fall dragging all of our kin.
Whatever we've caused along Life's Great Road,
Will now begin to surface, whatever the load;
We must all accept what happens to us,
With such understanding we'll avoid much fuss.
For 'tis a mighty test that we all now face,
Yet a chance to move on from this self-seeking race,
For greener pastures and joy evermore,
As angels guide us to Heaven's door.
Time to do good or be left in the cold.
Our minds in this season will need to be,
In perfect control of all negativity.
And when our dark feelings begin to rise,
Deafening our ears and clouding our eyes,
We must remain calm with hands by our side,
For only thus can we the storm outride.
So we should be restrained as along we go,
Doing no wrong lest we know more woe,
Let us keep a tight rein upon mouth and mind,
And by living in truth, to others be kind.
But should we proceed to think selfishly,
In breaking the Law we'll pay a large fee.
We must give of what we have, all that we own,
For if we cannot then grief will be known.
A penny in the pocket and we'll never go;
A camel through a needle's eye we cannot sew.
That which we cherish we may fight to retain,
And what we hold onto will become our bane.
Let us give as we can and serve as we may,
Reaching out to all who may come our way.
Compassion and forgiveness must be to the fore,
In dealing with all who come to our door.
So today the time, just like before,
Has come 'round for us to tend to the poor;
The needy and hungry must all be fed,
A pillow found and a comfortable bed.
Clothing too and medical supplies,
All these things will help ease their cries.
Shelters and havens must be prepared;
Family homes; all must be shared.
And all of the servers and helping hands,
Must be pre-warned of the coming bands;
Groups of brigands rising tall,
Filled with madness and grasping all.
But those vengeful and violent who are suffering thus,
Are the ones who'll most need to rely on us,
For as their inner darkness rises to clear,
They, too, will emerge as angels dear.
So we must reach out and do what is right,
To help all of those in the coming plight;
To feed, clothe and shelter each person in need,
And thus in our charity we shall be freed.
It's crucial today that we all understand,
That the fate of our soul rests in our own hand;
If we cannot contain rising feelings within,
We may further fall dragging all of our kin.
Whatever we've caused along Life's Great Road,
Will now begin to surface, whatever the load;
We must all accept what happens to us,
With such understanding we'll avoid much fuss.
For 'tis a mighty test that we all now face,
Yet a chance to move on from this self-seeking race,
For greener pastures and joy evermore,
As angels guide us to Heaven's door.
- to be continued -
~~ G ~~
19 June 2009
The Final Liberation - I
Evil compels us to take a side,
For it's a tool used to test our souls,
And should we fail, over us it controls.
So we need hear the message, and hear it right,
For evil is unleashed today with all its might,
And all those souls who did in past evil sow,
Will now feel that darkness within them grow.
These tempting forces of the shadow within,
Seek to bend our minds and make us sin,
And amidst such transgressions that are so unwise,
We may fall down far as all hear our cries.
As our sin seeks to clear from lifetimes past,
Our perception may brighten if the light we can grasp.
Yet should we react to such rising dark,
Then again evil is sure to make its mark.
So let us pay attention and listen hard,
For the time has come when we may get charred,
Just like a coal as it burns in the fire,
For all debts must be paid before we retire.
So, brothers and sisters, now we shall reap,
During the day and even as we sleep,
For evil powers and forces below,
Are arising fast as challenge they sow.
Such icy darkness so far from the Light,
Is being purged from the Earth and is seeking a fight.
All hatred, vengeance and cunning now free,
Will surely seduce all those who can't see.
As evil effects do draw to us near,
With right understanding we shall not fear,
For we are only reaping what we have sowed,
Let us then calmly accept lest we add to our load.
All negative reactions must be laid to rest,
For if they are not then we prolong our test.
Should we fail to embrace karma as forward we go,
Then we'll err again and pain we shall know.
Yet should we but see opportunity today,
Then occasion may be seized and grief kept at bay.
If we bend our will to do what is right,
We shall keep pending glory within our sight.
Our loving God from way up on-high,
Says, "Now is the time to do or to die.
Yes, souls do live forever and that you well know,
But those who fail now choose long delay below.
"Oh, dear, sweet children from out of My past,
Will you not see the light and do My Will at last?
Or will you forever on this Earthly plane roam,
Back and forth within the twilight zone?
"Oh, what silly children you all have been,
Living for self thinking you cannot be seen,
But now dear ones the truth will be known,
So prepare you all for your past to be shown.
"Be strong of heart and bold in faith,
Though mistakes have been made you've not yet lost the race,
For My great compassion from high above,
Will cleanse all those souls who now choose to LOVE."
- to be continued -
~~ G ~~
The Final Liberation,
The Gate of Choice
17 June 2009
A Parable of Heaven and Hell
There once was a devoted priest who wished to see both heaven and hell, and God gave way to his pleading.
The priest found himself before a door which bore no name. He trembled as he saw it open before him into a large room where all was prepared for a feast. There was a table, and at its centre a great dish of steaming food. The smell and the aroma inflamed the appetite.
Diners sat around the table with great spoons in their hands, yet they were shrieking with hunger in that terrible place. They tried to feed themselves, and gave up, cursing God, for the spoons that God had provided were so long that they could not reach their faces and get the food to their tongues. So they starved, while their dish of plenty lay amongst them. The priest knew their screams were the cries of hell, and as this understanding came, the door closed before him.
He shut his eyes in prayer and begged God to take him away from that terrible place. When he opened them again, he despaired, for the same door stood before him, the door that bore no name. Again it opened, and it gave onto the same room. Nothing had changed, and he was about to cry in horror. There was the table, and at its centre the steaming dish, and around it were the same people, and in their hands the same spoons.
Yet the shrieking had gone, and the cries and the curses had changed to blessings; and nothing had changed, yet everything. For with the same long spoons they reached to each other's mouths and fed one another, and they gave thanks to God.
And as the priest heard the blessings, the door closed. He fell to his knees, and he too blessed God who had shown him the nature of heaven and hell, and the chasm - a hair's breadth wide - that divides them.
Author unknown
All Love,
~~ G
There Are No "Others"
One of the hardest things in the World for Us to do is to understand that we are a Unity of One. What we do for One, we do for All, including ourselves. The following is a quote from one known as "Hidden Hand":
See yourself within all Others and treat Others as You would like to be treated Yourself. Then remember this one crucial thing:
There are no "Others".
A very Simple, yet Profound statement.
It's a huge shift for us to make, as we have spent thousands of Lives pretending we were Separate from each other. But it's a shift that can be made. We simply need to Open our Minds to the Memory of what was and of who we Truly are.
All Love,
~~ G
12 June 2009
The Great Cycle Orbit

------------------ Alignment - 2012 ------------------
I made the above illustration for use as a visual aid with the following excerpt. You may have to print it out or save it to Picture Manager and open it there, because it opens up BIG. Sorry 'bout that:
Atlantis was not the only great civilization that has evolved on Earth. There have been others lost to antiquity, such as Lemuria. Each time that Mankind has advanced to the level of a Lemuria or an Atlantis, it has had within its reach the opportunity to raise Earth's level of consciousness to Fourth Dimensional awareness and it has failed. Each failure was due to the misuse of spiritual powers.
"In the past, this could be condoned because there was still another chance. Now, however, we have reached a point in Earth's history and in Galactic evolution where the transition into Fourth and Fifth Dimensional consciousness must be made.
"Man is now being made aware of certain galactic facts of Universal, Immortal life. As you know, our Solar System is a part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Our Solar System revolves around the Great Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy in an orbit that takes 206 million years, as you calculate time. Let us refer to this revolution of our Solar System around the Galaxy as the Great Cycle Orbit. Our Solar System was created over four and a half billion years ago. This corresponds to 22 Great Cycle Orbits of our Solar System around the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy. In the Will of Divine Mind, as communicated to the Spiritual Hierarchy of our Solar System, this completes the time cycle in which our entire Solar System is to remain in its present state of evolution. As the Aquarian Age dawns, we begin to move into a new orbit around the Great Central Sun, and to move into a new vibration where no expression below the Fifth Dimension can continue to exist on Earth.
"Man first began to experience life in our Solar System 206 million years ago, at the beginning of the present Great Cycle Orbit. The Divine Plan is for all Human life within our Solar System to achieve at least the awareness of Cosmic Consciousness by the end of this orbit, which is reaching its conclusion now with the end of the Piscean Age. This means that Man of Earth must immediately become aware of what Cosmic Consciousness is and take the necessary steps to raise his Individual level of consciousness to that state of awareness. Failure to do so will result in temporary self destruction! Man of Earth, in his present state, simply cannot tolerate the new incoming vibration.
"Within this Great Cycle Orbit, there have been a number of lesser cycles. When the Atlantean civilization failed to reach its development potential, this left only the 26,000 year cycle of the Zodiac to complete the Plan (the 25,920 year "Precession of the Equinoxes"). As the present Piscean Age draws to a close, this 26,000 year cycle, concurrently with the Great Cycle Orbit, comes to an end.
"At this moment, Planet Earth is the only planet in our Solar System where Man has not yet reached the Cosmic level of awareness. This level of consciousness must now be rapidly attained in order to fulfill the Divine Plan."
[The Ascended Master KUT HUMI, channeled by Joseph Whitfield in 'The Treasure of El Dorado', published 1977 by Treasure Publications, P.O. Box 3300, Roanoke, Virginia 24015-1300, USA. ISBN 0-912119-02-0. ]
Just thought some may want to get an idea of what is occurring on a Cosmic Level.
Like the workings of a Divine Clock... *click, click, click* ... the Gears of Time are tumbling into place.
Soon, The Gate will be Open.
All Love,
~~ G
Atlantis was not the only great civilization that has evolved on Earth. There have been others lost to antiquity, such as Lemuria. Each time that Mankind has advanced to the level of a Lemuria or an Atlantis, it has had within its reach the opportunity to raise Earth's level of consciousness to Fourth Dimensional awareness and it has failed. Each failure was due to the misuse of spiritual powers.
"In the past, this could be condoned because there was still another chance. Now, however, we have reached a point in Earth's history and in Galactic evolution where the transition into Fourth and Fifth Dimensional consciousness must be made.
"Man is now being made aware of certain galactic facts of Universal, Immortal life. As you know, our Solar System is a part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Our Solar System revolves around the Great Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy in an orbit that takes 206 million years, as you calculate time. Let us refer to this revolution of our Solar System around the Galaxy as the Great Cycle Orbit. Our Solar System was created over four and a half billion years ago. This corresponds to 22 Great Cycle Orbits of our Solar System around the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy. In the Will of Divine Mind, as communicated to the Spiritual Hierarchy of our Solar System, this completes the time cycle in which our entire Solar System is to remain in its present state of evolution. As the Aquarian Age dawns, we begin to move into a new orbit around the Great Central Sun, and to move into a new vibration where no expression below the Fifth Dimension can continue to exist on Earth.
"Man first began to experience life in our Solar System 206 million years ago, at the beginning of the present Great Cycle Orbit. The Divine Plan is for all Human life within our Solar System to achieve at least the awareness of Cosmic Consciousness by the end of this orbit, which is reaching its conclusion now with the end of the Piscean Age. This means that Man of Earth must immediately become aware of what Cosmic Consciousness is and take the necessary steps to raise his Individual level of consciousness to that state of awareness. Failure to do so will result in temporary self destruction! Man of Earth, in his present state, simply cannot tolerate the new incoming vibration.
"Within this Great Cycle Orbit, there have been a number of lesser cycles. When the Atlantean civilization failed to reach its development potential, this left only the 26,000 year cycle of the Zodiac to complete the Plan (the 25,920 year "Precession of the Equinoxes"). As the present Piscean Age draws to a close, this 26,000 year cycle, concurrently with the Great Cycle Orbit, comes to an end.
"At this moment, Planet Earth is the only planet in our Solar System where Man has not yet reached the Cosmic level of awareness. This level of consciousness must now be rapidly attained in order to fulfill the Divine Plan."
[The Ascended Master KUT HUMI, channeled by Joseph Whitfield in 'The Treasure of El Dorado', published 1977 by Treasure Publications, P.O. Box 3300, Roanoke, Virginia 24015-1300, USA. ISBN 0-912119-02-0. ]
Just thought some may want to get an idea of what is occurring on a Cosmic Level.
Like the workings of a Divine Clock... *click, click, click* ... the Gears of Time are tumbling into place.
Soon, The Gate will be Open.
All Love,
~~ G
Great Cycle Orbit,
The Gate of Choice
11 June 2009
Tribulation and "The Last Chance Saloon"
"The Tribulation that has been planned for many thousands of years is descending upon the Earth. It will be recognized early by some who have remained aware of the Higher truths, but most will fail to see that the Last Days are upon them until near the end of the time of trial.
"We have previously spoken of the arrangement for Humanity by which Rebirth and Karma were to allow individual Souls to learn the main spiritual lessons and to settle the debts incurred when that learning process led to the harming of others. It was thought at first that this great Plan would permit virtually all of Mankind to achieve the basic goal, which was to escape by its own efforts from the Wheel of Rebirth and the Karmic necessity.
"But this hope was not realized. The temptation of Man's own base nature and the whisperings of the Forces dedicated to his destruction proved, again and again, too strong for many Souls whose Resolve and whose Spiritual Sight were not sufficiently developed.
"For this reason a new Plan was devised in order to allow for all those whose steps had faltered, a final chance to gain the goal that had been set for Man. This Plan was laid some twelve thousand years before the present, at about the time that the great continent of Atlantis sank to its final destruction beneath the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. All of the details of the new Plan were carefully worked out at its inception and have not been changed in any important degree since that time.
"One of the most important components of the 'Tribulation' was the necessity that all those who appeared unlikely to have reached the required level by the end of the Rebirth arrangement were to be given the chance to make the right Choice during the period in question. At the inception of the plan for the Tribulation, it was not known and could not be foreseen exactly how many Souls this necessity would apply to. But as the millennia passed and the Time draws near, it became clear that a number in excess of four billion Souls would require this last desperate chance to succeed where before they had failed.
"Prior to the passage of the Earth through the 'cloud' in space (the Photon Belt), a sign will appear in the sky, to indicate to those who have realized the Truth, that the Last Days have come. This is the sign of the Son of Man spoken of in the Scriptures. Those who fail to understand and heed the meaning of the signs in the Heavens will not be able to escape the final, dreadful weeks and months of the Tribulation by a subsequent change of heart. All of those who earnestly and with the whole heart change their old sinful ways and take up the cross of service and dedication to their fellow man will become entitled to what the Scriptures call the 'Rapture'.
"The Rapture is essentially an escape from the horrors of the Tribulation, to a place of Safety where those who have assembled there can work and learn in order to prepare themselves for the great task of Reconstruction which will begin literally minutes after The Day of Wrath has terminated."
[The Master HILARION, channeled by Maurice B. Cooke in 'The Nature of Reality'. First published 1979. Marcus Books, Box 942 Bradford , Ontario L3Z 2B4 - Canada – Tel: (905) 551-1661 - chris.rieder@rogers.com - www.hilarionbooks.com ]
Again, Creator is Merciful in the Extreme. Even for those who are fast "asleep" a final Opportunity to Choose Light will be offered. A "Sign" will be Given. A Sign of Global and Unmistakeable Proportions, whose Meaning it will be Impossible to Misconstrue or Ignore.
There Will Be One Last Chance.
All Love,
~~ G
Mission Briefing: Evacuation
Another view on Evacuation, from HATONN:
"We of space have millions of space ships stationed in the skies above your Planet, ready to instantly lift you off at the first warning of a planetary tilting on its axis. If this happens, we would have only a very short period of time in which to lift you from the surface before such as great tidal waves lashing your coastlines - possibly five miles or more high!
"Such tidal waves could unleash great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and cause some of your continents to split and sink in places and cause others to rise.
"We are very experienced in the evacuation of populations of planets! This is nothing new for the Galactic Fleet! We could expect to complete the evacuation on Earth of the Souls of Light in fifteen minutes - even when they are of a tremendous number.
"We should rescue the Souls of Light first. On our great Galactic Computers we have stored every thought, every act you have done in this and previous lifetimes. At the first indication of need to evacuate, our Computers would lock onto the location of the Souls of Light where they are at that instant!
"After the Souls of Light have been evacuated, then all the Children would be lifted off. Since children are not old enough to be accountable for their Earth actions, so they will all be evacuated to special ships to be cared for until they can be reunited with their parents. There will be people specially trained to handle their trauma. Many may be put to sleep temporarily, to help them overcome their fear and anxiety. Our computers are so sophisticated - far beyond anything on Earth in this Age - and can locate Mothers and Fathers of children wherever they are and notify them of their safety. Make no mistake – your Children shall be lifted to safety during any evacuation.
"After the evacuation of the Children from the area in question, the invitation will be extended to all remaining Souls in that location to join us. However, this will be for many only a short time although there is no question of not having enough space on board the Ships for you. The atmosphere, by this time, could possibly be full of fire, flying debris, poisonous smoke, and because the magnetic field of your Planet may be disturbed, we might have to leave your atmosphere very quickly or we, along with our spacecraft, could perish.
"Therefore, he who steps into our Levitation Beams first will be lifted first. Any hesitation on your part would mean the end of your Third-dimensional existence you call the physical body.
"Which brings us to the most serious and difficult part of an evacuation: As mentioned earlier, Souls of Light have a higher vibration frequency than those who are more closely 'tied' to the Earth and its ways.
"Since our Levitation Beams, which will be lifting you off the surface of the Planet, are very close to the same thing as your electrical charges, those of low vibrational frequency may not be able to withstand the high frequency of the Levitation Beams without departing their Third-dimensional bodies. If this happens, then your Soul will be released to join our God, the Father.
"In His House are many Mansions."
"If you do not decide to step into the Levitation Beams to be lifted up, you might be one of those who survive a cleansing of your area of the Planet for the New Golden Age. However, during this period of cleansing, there could be great changes in climate, changes in land-masses, as the Poles of the Planet may have a new orientation.
"The most important point for you to remember is this: Any show of fear lowers your frequency of vibration, thus making you less compatible with our Levitation Beams!! Therefore: Above all else, remain calm and do not panic. Know that you are in expert hands, hands which have extensive experience in evacuation of entire Planets! We cannot overemphasize this: remain calm! Relax! Do not panic when you step into our Levitation Beams. Above all else, maintain your faith!
"What is to happen to you if you survive the lift off? First you will be taxied to our 'Mother Ships' anchored high above the Planet where you will be taken care of during your great trauma. Some of you may need medical attention. Our expert Medical Staff will be there to treat you with our highly advanced medical equipment. You will be fed and housed until such time as transfer elsewhere is advisable.
"Some of you may be taken to cities on other Planets to be trained in our advanced technology before being returned to the Planet Earth to start the New Age.
"Your beautiful Planet Earth is destined to be the most beautiful Star in the Universe. A Planet of Light! Here, you will rejoin the remainder of the Universe in brotherly love and fellowship with God the Father."
[Channeled through Glenda Stocks, 3 May, 1994, in "Sipapu Odyssey", available from Phoenix Source Distributors Inc., http://www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com/Phoenix_Journal_001.pdf]
Continue to gather as much Information on these coming Events as you can. The more we Know, the more Prepared we are, the less Afraid we will be. These are like Mission Briefings prior to Mission Execution. For when the Time comes, there will be no room for Doubt or Delay. Each of us will have to make Important, Critical Decisions within Moments.
Remember your Training, use Discernment and Listen for Your Spirit when the Time comes.
~~ G
10 June 2009
Fifty-One Percent
That's the percentage, the ratio of Service-to-Others (STO) that one must be at or above in order to qualify for Harvest. Although it seems like an easy number to reach, you'd be surprised at how few Souls-Experiencing-as-Human are above this Level.
Right now, approximately 1% of Humanity are at or near the Level necessary for Harvest. With a world population of 6.5 billion-plus, that averages out to about 65 million Souls, world-wide. A vast number, but nowhere near where it could or should be.
Think about it. 51% Service-To-Others or more requires that for every Negative Thought or Action a person commits, that person must offset that Negative Thought or Action with one or more Positive Thoughts or Actions in order to attempt to remain Positive. This means that every minute of every day, we are constantly and dynamically raising (or lowering) our Vibrations via our Thoughts and Actions, whether we are aware of it or not.
We should strive to live in the Present Moment. Live and Think Positively, in the Present Moment, in ways that will help Others to raise their Vibrations. As many of you well know, when we help Others, we help Ourselves.
There is no more Time to waste. Graduation can occur at any Moment. It doesn't matter what we did ten Lives Ago or ten Minutes Ago. I mean, it matters, but we can't dwell on it. We have to keep working Here and Now to balance our past Karma and work even harder to not create additional Karmic Debts. If we generate new Karma, new Debts, we will remain on The Wheel of Rebirth, starting from scratch on a different 3D Planet.
Where are you? Where am I? Who Knows? I recommend that All of us aim for 75%, 80%, 100% Service-To-Others. We should leave no Doubt as to where our Hearts Lie. I promise you, once you begin to live your Life in this Conscious fashion, Wisdom will increase and your Life will Change. Every time you catch yourself doing something Negative or Hurtful, Learn from it, Forgive yourself, try to make it Right, and then do Three Positive things to Obliterate the effect of those Negative Actions.
Graduation/Harvest/Ascension could go down in the next thirty minutes. No man knows the Hour or the Day. The important thing to remember is that it is where you are in THAT moment which will determine the next few hundred thousand years of your Evolution.
Fifty-One per cent "STO"? No, One Hundred per cent "STO"!
Let's get to work, shall we?
All Love,
~~ G
Brother Gee,
Service to Others,
The Gate of Choice
09 June 2009
Catastrophe = Salvation
From "Secret of the Andes" Brother Philip. G. W. Williamson
And now we enter this great period of Initiation. The skies of Earth will become fantastic. Through many prophecies that have come to you from other people working throughout the world, you feel that you have an insight into what shall take place; and yet I say verily that pen has not recorded nor voice uttered that which shall become a great sign and display in the skies of Earth, for the Elements themselves will have control for a short period of time. There will be great rainstorms and floods. You have heard how it rained forty days and nights. That is nothing compared to what it will rain. Perhaps it will be forty months. The entire face of the Earth will change. It will be unrecognizable.
Strange creatures shall appear from the depths of the Oceans to the wonderment and bewilderment of Man, creatures many times larger than the largest ocean liners. There shall be plagues and famines. Beasts and creatures unknown shall appear.
The Earth is about ready to become a 'sun' -- not like the Sun of your System -- but it shall be surrounded by a golden corona. It is stepping into a higher rate of vibration. You are going from a three dimensional to a fourth dimensional world. No longer will others be able to see you or your world. This must necessarily take place as you pass through the heart of the great Cosmic Cloud. And then shall the prophecies, as recorded by Joel and many of the others, come true: when the Sun shall turn blood red and the Moon shall be red as the ruby, and the day shall be gone and it shall be dark upon the Earth for a period of two weeks. There shall be much Confusion. And the oxygen will be reduced upon the Earth for a short period, followed by periods of great moisture, baking heat and parched areas alternating with great moisture. Almost everything upon the face of the Earth will be destroyed.
When is this time coming? We are now in it. Each day it grows in Intensity. More of your craft that fly in the air are coming down. Every day you hear of it. More tornadoes! More floods! The Polar caps melting more each day! The water levels rising! Increasing earthquakes!
The Governments of the world are in panic, yet they do not show it outwardly. Beneficial bacteria upon the Earth which you depend upon are dying at a rapid rate, so that you will be exposed more and more to that which is detrimental to your physical form.
As you see that which decays and dies before your eyes, it is because all is being made New. Rejoice that you see these things, for it is your Salvation that draweth nigh, and not your Doom.
And therefore you must tell your fellow-man that the Catastrophes will come, but that they are your Salvation. Rejoice! for the Old passes away.
If Man can release the Old, then he can glimpse a more glorious New. Those who cannot release the Old will have to start again at the Beginning. They shall place their Soul progression back several million years, and once again will have to come up through various forms of Cave Men through thousands of years, even millions, until they develop to this very stage again. And then they shall have the chance once again to accept the new and, if they cannot accept the new, they will go back once again millions of years.
This is not retrogression as it would appear. It is retrogression in the Physical, yet it is progression from the standpoint of Spiritual evolvement, for in the Father's realm, there is no retrogression -- only continual expanding Grandeur.
Yes, those who say Catastrophe comes are true; they speak with Truth; but the Earth shall not end. It shall become new, as it is written. It does not say that the world will end. It says there shall be a "new heaven and a new earth", not a new Earth from the destruction of the old, but a new Earth -- the old made new.
So, tell them the words with which the Elder Brother wishes you to feed his flock. It is the way of the Father. Catastrophe comes so that Man might learn from the Experience. But only the Great and the Beautiful and the Good shall be inherited from it. Out of it, Mankind shall arise Phoenix-like unto his own Golden Glory.
God wishes Man (man that He created) to Rule over his celestial Worlds. He wishes each man to take charge of His worlds. Recognize that each one of your Fellow-men that passes you during the routine of the day -- recognize him as a potential god. For some day, each one, no matter whether they are in your institutions of correction, whether they have gone to your gas chambers, or to the hangman's noose, some day that Soul shall command a Planet, and then a System and then a Galaxy. We are all on the road to that Legacy.
Do not become weary from the routine of the day. Always keep the Goal before you, not the eternal goal, for there is no eternal goal, but keep the Goal of the Moment which shall be an eternal goal, in a sense. Keep it before you, ever shining like a great, golden sun. Turn not your face from its radiance nor its warmth. Stay within it. Let it enshroud you in its Warmth. Go where the Father doth lead. Do what the Father feels is best for you.
For this is the time that you have died Countless times over, for which you have been Crucified, whether you were a man or a man on a Throne.
Accept now your Graduation, and prepare for The Great Initiation.
I have nothing to add to this. It stands on its own.
All Love,
~~ G
Brother Philip,
The Gate of Choice
08 June 2009
Positive, Negative, Mixed
The Earth is/was a Mixed Vibration planet. She is/was able to accomodate beings of Negative, Positive and Mixed Vibration. Billions of years ago, She descended into a manufactured 3D physical "reality" in order to provide us Souls-Experiencing-As-Human with a place to Experiment with Duality -- Choice -- and its Consequences. These Experiments in Free Will were undertaken with the object of teaching Ourselves the twin traits of Love and Compassion, for these are the traits we would need to Consciously ascend to a 4D-Positive existence.
The Time for Lessons is now past. Graduation is at hand. The Earth is re-ascending to 4th Density. Cosmic cycles are Simultaneously moving towards completion, and like the workings of a finely-tuned Swiss clock, when the final gear clicks into place, all will be changed.
Right now, the Earth is abandoning her Mixed Vibration state as she heads toward 4D-Positive. This is causing tremendous problems for those who are 3D-Negative. The discomfort they are feeling is due to a dissonance with the new, higher vibration. The discomfort is unexplainable to many because they are "feeling" it on a Soul level, a level they have spent little time connecting with. It will manifest itself in many ways (Violent Behavior, Sickness and Infirmity, Depression, etc.) as the days go by. These ones have no idea of what is happening because they've never contemplated the possibility of there being anything outside of their tiny, contrived and manufactured world "reality". Those false worlds are crumbling for Many, and they have naught to hold on to. The more Positive the Earth becomes, the more violently they will attempt to hold on to their Negativity.
Those who are 3D-Mixed Vibrations are confused and conflicted. Like children playing in the Woods at dusk, they want to catch "just one more Firefly", before answering their Mother's call. Yet, they know that to venture any deeper into the Woods is to run the Risk of getting Lost, forever unable to return Home. These ones have reached The Gate of Choice, and they are torn. Which will it be? More Eons of 3D "Fun"? Or a Glorious 4D Future of Immortality, Love and Re-joining our Galactic Brothers/Sisters?
The 3D-Positive Humans are at various stages of Recognition. Some are anxious, nervous, etc., but are trying to fight those negative emotions. Others are Alert and Aware, as they have come to the Realization that the Events for which they Incarnated to Participate in, are on the verge of taking place. These ones cannot afford to indulge themselves in Fear, because they will soon be Needed by the two aforementioned groups.
Something IS happening. Those who at this late stage deny or debunk this are simply whistling in the dark. I feel Compassion for those who have chosen to Snicker and Doubt, puffed full of Centuries of Lies that pass for the "Knowledge" of Man. Sadly, there are Millions, Billions of Humans who have chosen this Path, and they are on schedule to learn a Vivid lesson in "Why One Should Trust One's Intuition".
In the end, Some will make the Grade, Many more will have to Repeat this Cycle. All must Learn at their own pace. Each Will Have Their Own Result.
To Those who are ready for the Events That Are To Come, Stand By to Assist all those who will Require Assistance. This is a major portion of what You came here to do.
Good Luck to All. Choose Wisely.
~~ G
The Gate of Choice
07 June 2009
The Riddle Of Life
"Man is a Spiritual Intelligence, who has taken flesh with the Object of Gaining Experience in the Worlds below the Spiritual, in order that he may be able to Master and to Rule them, and in later Ages take his place in the Creative and Directing Hierarchies of the Universe." -- The Riddle of Life
Yes, Life does have Meaning. We are "gods-in-training".
Let's learn our Lessons well.
All Love,
~~ G
02 June 2009
"Service-To-Others" Is Key
There is so much material available that can assist Us in making ourselves eligible for the Harvest, but there is no one all-encompassing document. You find a bit here, you find a bit there, you piece it together, like a Quilt or a Tapestry. At some point, we stand back, take a look and realize that all of the squares in our Quilt say the same thing, in different ways:
Live to Serve Others.
This is a MAJOR KEY. It is THAT simple. In every Interaction, Confrontation, Chance Meeting, we have to LIVE in that moment and Learn to say Silently within ourselves:
"What can I do in this moment to Serve this Other-Self in a Positive Way?".
We don't have to wash their feet. It could be something as simple as giving them a Smile! Or allowing someone to take your place in line. Or give that beggar a dollar, a child a hug. No matter how uncouth, rude and uncaring another person may be, our Duty is not to help Create negative interactions, but instead, to Radiate Love and Understanding that the other person will feel long after you have both parted ways.
We should also learn to think Positive Thoughts when presented with Negative stimuli such as Television news, Cable Television shows, etc. Better yet, we should avoid these Stimuli altogether as they are purposely designed to lower our vibrations (sadness, fear, anger, envy, etc.). Let's face it..have you ever seen "Happy News"?? Our Controllers are in charge, and are working overtime to ensure that as few of us "graduate" as possible.
The worst things that we can do are to Believe that
-- We are Powerless
-- Our Thoughts have no Power
-- We cannot change our Behavior
I'm here to tell you that the answers to those False Beliefs are No...Not True...and Yes We Can.
It's not easy, but it CAN be done. Whether it's the cashier checking you out at the grocery store, your fellow commuter on the bus, other total strangers, your family, whoever...!! Try to recognize that each confrontation is an Opportunity to expand the Energy of Love on this Planet, thereby Helping You, your fellow Man AND the Planet.
Darn it, I don't think that I've explained this as well as I could have, but I hope my point gets across. WE have the power to touch the lives of Others, change Ourselves and assist the Earth in time for the Events that are about to unfold.
Believe. Know. Act.
All Love,
~~ G
Harvest of Souls,
Service to Others
There Is Only NOW
As my friend Kevin knows only too well, there is no real "past" and there is no real "future" There is only "now", this Moment. What we do in THIS moment is what counts.
Does this mean that we should not Dream? No, it does not.
Does this mean that we should not Reminisce? No, it does not.
It means that we should not waste undue time and energy on Regret (the Past) or Longing (the Future). We should work in this Moment to do the best that we can do in this Moment. If we handle that, the "future" will take care of itself.
When We Fall
If we perform some Action that brings harm to others or to ourselves, we should dwell on it only so far as that dwelling gives us an opportunity to analyze our Actions and their Consequences. We should not wallow in Regret, Self-Pity or Self-Hate. That moment is past. It cannot be changed. We must Forgive ourselves for our Misdeed(s), Forgive those who have wronged us, and move forward into the present Moment. For all we have is this Moment, and it is in this Moment, this Now, that our Evolution takes place.
Living to the Best and Highest of our Ability from one "Now" to the next will afford us the greatest Opportunity to make effective and lasting Changes in our vibration. We mustn't get entangled in Regret or Longing.
Live Fully in the Now. Be the best YOU that you can be, Right Now.
All Love,
~~ G
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