19 June 2009

The Final Liberation - I

Evil compels us to take a side,
For it's a tool used to test our souls,
And should we fail, over us it controls.

So we need hear the message, and hear it right,
For evil is unleashed today with all its might,
And all those souls who did in past evil sow,
Will now feel that darkness within them grow.

These tempting forces of the shadow within,
Seek to bend our minds and make us sin,
And amidst such transgressions that are so unwise,
We may fall down far as all hear our cries.

As our sin seeks to clear from lifetimes past,
Our perception may brighten if the light we can grasp.
Yet should we react to such rising dark,
Then again evil is sure to make its mark.

So let us pay attention and listen hard,
For the time has come when we may get charred,
Just like a coal as it burns in the fire,
For all debts must be paid before we retire.

So, brothers and sisters, now we shall reap,
During the day and even as we sleep,
For evil powers and forces below,
Are arising fast as challenge they sow.

Such icy darkness so far from the Light,
Is being purged from the Earth and is seeking a fight.
All hatred, vengeance and cunning now free,
Will surely seduce all those who can't see.

As evil effects do draw to us near,
With right understanding we shall not fear,
For we are only reaping what we have sowed,
Let us then calmly accept lest we add to our load.

All negative reactions must be laid to rest,
For if they are not then we prolong our test.
Should we fail to embrace karma as forward we go,
Then we'll err again and pain we shall know.

Yet should we but see opportunity today,
Then occasion may be seized and grief kept at bay.
If we bend our will to do what is right,
We shall keep pending glory within our sight.

Our loving God from way up on-high,
Says, "Now is the time to do or to die.
Yes, souls do live forever and that you well know,
But those who fail now choose long delay below.

"Oh, dear, sweet children from out of My past,
Will you not see the light and do My Will at last?
Or will you forever on this Earthly plane roam,
Back and forth within the twilight zone?

"Oh, what silly children you all have been,
Living for self thinking you cannot be seen,
But now dear ones the truth will be known,
So prepare you all for your past to be shown.

"Be strong of heart and bold in faith,
Though mistakes have been made you've not yet lost the race,
For My great compassion from high above,
Will cleanse all those souls who now choose to LOVE."

- to be continued -

~~ G ~~

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