02 June 2009

There Is Only NOW

As my friend Kevin knows only too well, there is no real "past" and there is no real "future" There is only "now", this Moment. What we do in THIS moment is what counts.

Does this mean that we should not Dream? No, it does not.
Does this mean that we should not Reminisce? No, it does not.

It means that we should not waste undue time and energy on Regret (the Past) or Longing (the Future). We should work in this Moment to do the best that we can do in this Moment. If we handle that, the "future" will take care of itself.

When We Fall

If we perform some Action that brings harm to others or to ourselves, we should dwell on it only so far as that dwelling gives us an opportunity to analyze our Actions and their Consequences. We should not wallow in Regret, Self-Pity or Self-Hate. That moment is past. It cannot be changed. We must Forgive ourselves for our Misdeed(s), Forgive those who have wronged us, and move forward into the present Moment. For all we have is this Moment, and it is in this Moment, this Now, that our Evolution takes place.

Living to the Best and Highest of our Ability from one "Now" to the next will afford us the greatest Opportunity to make effective and lasting Changes in our vibration. We mustn't get entangled in Regret or Longing.

Live Fully in the Now. Be the best YOU that you can be, Right Now.

All Love,

~~ G


Anonymous said...

Hi, Brother

we laughed when we read that you give even a remote possibility for more than one 'Misdeed(s),

you are so gentle...

BrotherGee said...


When I wrote those words, I did not see the humor that was buried within them. Thank you for pointing it out to me!

We tend to beat ourselves up too much over our "misdeed(s)". Those Misdeeds are our Instructors, and as long as we heed the Lessons being offered, we will be fine.

Keep that healthy Sense of Humor, for there is Humor and Goodness to be found in all Things. It is especially important in these Times for us to keep our Spirits up, no matter what.

Thanks again, for helping me to chuckle today!

Love to You and Yours,

~~ G