22 January 2011

The Awakened Ones

"Acknowledge my Presence within you. Pray to me for direction. I will amplify your effectiveness a thousand-fold" -- Vision, Ken Carey


When the human design is allowed to work properly, One Holy Spirit is incarnate in a multitude of human lives. Each of these healthy humans knows the Holy Spirit as his or her own spirit. These are the Awakened Ones, who have returned the use of their bodies, minds and hearts to God, the human spirits who have chosen to remain fully incarnate.

The Awakened Ones take responsibility for their immediate perception field. They know who they are. They are my channels into a particular geographic location. Awakened Ones do not segregate their spiritual selves from their everyday affairs. They accept responsibility for being eternal god-beings, and they are willing to bring Reality into every human activity. They do not shy away from offering healing when healing is called for. When they perceive a situation where the Holy Spirit's input will lighten the loads of all concerned, they do not hold back, fearing criticism, judgment or human attention.

The Awakened Ones are the healthy cells in my planetary organ of intelligence. They are my teachers, healers, priests and priestesses; they are the new doctors and new lawyers. They teach the laws of Love, the laws of Health, the laws of Creation. They assist in the removal of all that obscures perception and diminishes the experience of God.

They do not lead people externally, as in the old world. They guide all who are open to the inner leadership of the indwelling Spirit. They are the angels whom I have sent, not to speak of God afar, but to dwell on Earth, an example of the truth that they themselves are. Thousands of Awakened Ones already light this world and soon there will be many more, incarnate men and women, whom all in love shall meet.

The Awakened Ones share my Spirit and my power. My Presence works through each of them. Through them I teach, heal and forgive sins. When one of these Awakened Ones forgives sins, it is I that forgive, and when one of these Awakened Ones heals, it is I that heals. My Presence acts on all from within, but when my inner activity is accompanied by the outer activity of an Awakened One, it is much easier for people to be made whole; for the Truth then is not abstract, but manifest in expression.

Sacred writings can lead people to my Spirit, but it is my Spirit working through people that will change the world. I now send you as the agents of my inspiration. I give you the assurance that you will succeed. The age has turned. Go forth with certainty, knowing that these teachings, these Truths, will be welcomed.

[end quoting]

Man, by design, is the crucial link in the attempt to unify Spirit with Matter. On this downward arc of evolution, humanity has spent eons involving itself in matter. It is now time to evolve. Spirit is returning to this plane, in power, in order to effect unification with those humans who can surrender their self-focus and willingly turn their physical vehicles over to the leadership of Christ Consciousness. This, many are afraid to do, as the ego-personality is accustomed to perceiving itself as a separate entity, apart from The All, The Absolute, what men call God. This fear must be released. Man must set himself afloat upon the waters of tomorrow. Care not for what we leave behind, for so much more is awaiting us.

During this period of Transition, we can help the most by allowing ourselves to be used for Spirit's purposes. Although people are fond of saying that "God is dead". God is not "dead". If the All were dead, nothing would exist, as we live in the Mind of the All. What has happened is that we have not allowed Christ consciousness, - the Love Aspect of God - to express itself through us, through our daily thoughts and activities. Foolishly, we then mistakenly believe that because we have refused Christos a base of operations, that there cannot be a God.

All of this has arisen through man's false belief that he is a separated entity, apart from the Creation and from other selves. At one point in man's evolution, this belief was necessary, in order to help build vehicles for Spirit to work through in the lower, grosser physical planes. We have reached the axis of turning. The belief in separateness will no longer be needed where we are going. It will not fit, it will not have a place. Now is the time for us to release the idea of the "I" and to embrace the Truth of "We".

We can become vessels of Love. We will not lose our individuality. We will only lose our attachment to that individuality, as we move forward in group formation.

~ g


Serpardum said...

Wow, so there are other awakened at this dawning of the Messianic age. Finally to not be alone.

BrotherGee said...

We are everywhere, friend. Spread across the entire globe. Patient and unassuming, serving humanity in whatever way possible while we await The Signal.

~ g

Unknown said...

Yes were light and we shall reign forever..I knew in my heart there were other's. This powerful feeling is from the most divine... Thanks father.I love all of you...

Unknown said...

I understand it all now..the different times in my LIFE... Meaningful suggestions YOU PUT in my daily life.

Anonymous said...

I've searched for nearly a year to find other awakened ones...each day it becomes a little harder to continue the act of pretending to still be asleep...just to make those still asleep feel at ease. I feel as if I'm surrounded by animated dolls...programmed to laugh and smile on cue at the illusion that they believe to be true and actually occurring. I will continue to patiently wait until we receive the signal.

Unknown said...

Me too I'm patiently waiting for the signal

Unknown said...

I'm patiently waiting for the signal

Ray gonzales said...

As a awakend one i wish there was a site were we could discuss the Manny wonders. We have awakend to including more insight of how we could spread the awaking and of its realization happening right now among all mankind and i understand that manny will not have ears that will listen or ears that will hear much less some of the awakend ones will fight to live in the flesh but as this sight has given me proof to what my vishions had told me that of the great awakening and of living in the SPIRIT also there were manny others all around the world being awakend i found here .so pray soon this hope will manifest its self in to a reality offering ones hope and understand that there not alone. any ways god bless us all in the believing of the great awakening and staying true sevants of our greators and love Amen