13 January 2011

Resurrection : Transmutation

trans·mute  [trans-myoot]

1. to change from one nature, substance, form, or condition into another; transform.
2. to change the form, character, or substance of
3. to alter (an element, metal, etc) by alchemy

al·che·my [al-kuh-mee]

1. any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value.

From the AGJC - Chapter 172:

25) The garden of Siloam was silent on the Sabbath day; the Jewish soldiers watched and no one else approached the tomb; but on the following night the scene was changed.
26) At midnight every Jewish soldier heard a voice which said,
Adon Mashich Cumi, which meant, Lord Christ arise.
27) And they supposed again that friends of Jesus were alert, were coming up to take the body of their Lord away.
28) The soldiers were alert with swords unsheathed and drawn, and then they heard the words again.
29) It seemed as though the voice was everywhere, and yet they saw no man.
30) The soldiers blanched with fear, and still to flee meant death for cowardice, and so they stood and watched.
31) Again, and this was just before the sun arose, the heavens blazed with light, a distant thunder seemed to herald forth a coming storm;
32) And then the earth began to quake and in the rays of light they saw a form descend from heaven. They said, Behold an angel comes.
33) And then they heard again,
Adon Mashich Cumi.
34) And then the white-robed form tramped on the Roman seal and then he tore it into shreds; he took the mighty stone in hand as though it were a pebble from the brook, and cast it to the side.
35) And Jesus opened up his eyes and said,
All hail the rising sun; the coming of the day of righteousness!
36) And then he folded up his burial gown, his head bands and his coverings and laid them all aside.
37) He rose, and for a moment stood beside the white-robed form.
38) The weaker soldiers fell upon the ground, and hid their faces in their hands; the stronger stood and watched.
39) They saw the body of the Nazarene transmute; they saw it change from mortal to immortal form, and then it disappeared.
40) The soldiers heard a voice from somewhere; yea, from everywhere, it said,
41) Peace, peace on earth; good will to men.
42) They looked, the tomb was empty and the Lord had risen as he said.
43) The soldiers hastened to Jerusalem, and to the priests, and said,
44) Behold, the Nazarene has risen as he said; the tomb is empty and the body of the man is gone; we know not where it is. And then they told about the wonders of the night.

From the AGJC - Chapter 173

30) The stranger lifted up his hands and said,
I am.
Then the disciples knew it was the Lord.
31) And Jesus said,
Behold, for human flesh can be transmuted into higher form, and then that higher form is master of things manifest, and can, at will, take any form.
32) And so I come to you in form familiar unto you.
33) Go speak to Thomas, and the other men whom I have called to be apostles unto men, and say to them,
34) That he whom Jews and Romans thought was dead is walking in the garden of Siloam;
35) Will stand again before the priests and Pharisees within the temple in Jerusalem;
36) And will appear unto the sages of the world.
37) Tell them that I will go before them into Galilee.
38) Then Peter, James and John went forth and found their brethren and said,
Behold, the Lord is risen from the dead, and we have seen him face to face.

From the AGJC - Chapter 174:

6) Cleophas said,
Have you not heard about the man from Galilee who was a prophet mighty in both word and deed?
7) A man whom many thought had come to found again the kingdom of the Jews, and drive the Romans from the city of Jerusalem and be himself the king?
8) The stranger said,
Tell me about this man.
9) Cleophas said,
His name was Jesus; he was born in Bethlehem; his home was up in Galilee. He loved the people as he loved himself.
10) He was, in truth, a master sent from God, for he had matchless power. He healed the sick and made the deaf to hear, the blind to see, the lame to walk, and even raised the dead.
11) The Jewish scribes and Pharisees were jealous of his fame and power, and they arrested him; by perjured witnesses they proved him guilty of a score of crimes,
12) And on last Friday he was taken to the place of skulls and crucified.
13) He died and he was buried in a rich man's tomb, out in the garden of Siloam.
14) This very morning when his friends went to the tomb they found it empty; the body of the Lord was gone.
15) And now the news has spread abroad that he has risen from the dead.
16) The stranger said,
Yes, I have heard about this man; but it seems strange that after all the things that Jewish prophets long ago foretold concerning him that when he came men knew him not.
This man was born to demonstrate the Christ to men, and it is just to say that Jesus is the Christ.
18) According to the word, this Jesus came to suffer at the hands of men, to give his life as pattern for the sons of men;
To rise from death that men might know the way to rise from death.
20) And then the stranger told the two disciples all about the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms, and read to them a multitude of things that had been written of this man from Galilee.
21) And now the men had reached their home, and as the night was near they importuned the stranger to abide with them.
22) And he went in with them and as they sat about the table at the evening meal, he took a piece of bread, and blessed it in the name of Christ.
23) And instantly their eyes were opened up, and they perceived that he, the stranger, was the Lord, the man from Galilee; that he had risen from the dead; and then the form of Jesus disappeared.
24) When he had gone, the two disciples were amazed.

"Truly, truly, I say to you; he that believes in Me will do the works that I do; and even greater things than these shall he do, for I am going to my Father, and whatever you ask in My name, I will do it for you, so that the Father may be glorified through the Son." John 14:12-13

~ g

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