25 May 2011

The Other Reality - Part II

"AS I search your symbol storage systems for a word with which to express something of the reality in which you exist as one with your Creator, I come across the American Indian word "nagual". It is a term which you understand to mean "everything that cannot be named". This is a good word for the Region of Being, the Region of Unity. I will use this word for a moment to emphasize a point.

In the pre-Fall state of awareness, you existed in the nagual, the all, the everything, the nothing, the primal void where all exists in a state of potential. This is the Creator that surrounds Creation like the sea surrounds a fish. Out of this nagual, you are called many times to dwell, for the space of a relationship, in its opposite, the "tonal". The tonal is everything that can be named. It is the imaginary world of God in which all apparent differences exist. It is the playground of What Is. The tonal draws all of its sustenance from the nagual. It cannot exist apart from the nagual. While the nagual is a dynamic, yet steady state of rest, the tonal, or manifest physical universe, is continuously flashing on and off. This oscillation occurs in all things manifest, from the smallest subatomic particle to the greatest galaxy.

All of us, angels, humans, anything that can be named, are only in form one half of the time. The other half of the time we exist in the Totality of Being. This Totality of Being that we have been calling the nagual, has also been called God the Father. It is the Life of God the Father that animates all Creation. It is this reality that all healthy creatures oscillate back and forth to and exist in half the time. In this reality, we do not exist in time or space, for we can name these; they are both features of the manifest universe. From this spaceless, timeless state we derive all energy, blessing and nourishment. This always holds true, even for you in the fallen condition.

The difference is that in the fallen state you are not aware of this process and therefore unable to participate in it consciously. By forfeiting your ability to oscillate in consciousness between the two realities in which you dwell, you are restricted to an awareness of just the tonal, just the material, conceptual world. You still receive your nourishment from the light of the nagual, but no longer directly, only through animals, plants and minerals. You are unconscious of being and conscious only of form.

How did you lose the ability to shift your awareness from deity to identity, from form to meta-form? How did you lose God-consciousness? How did you "fall" into the illusion of separation?

I will tell you.

It was through a simple lack of faith".

"The Other Reality" - The Starseed Transmissions - Ken Carey

Next: The Conclusion

~ g

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