20 January 2012

The One Goal Of Humanity

The Souls of men were once divine. This means that the there was a direct connection between the Souls of men and The All. This Spirit-Soul partnership we call The Heavenly Man. In direct contact with the Will of The Logos (God), these beings worked to carry out the plans of The Logos.

One of these plans involved the development and evolution of a new, material plane of existence, the 7th Cosmic Plane - our Physical realm. Just as it was recorded in the Bible, man - not the degenerate man of today, but Heavenly Man, the Original Man - was supposed to have dominion over all creatures, subdue the earth, etc.

As long as Original Man worked in concert with the Will of the Logos, all was well. When man began to force his thinking through speculation and self-willedness, problems arose. We deviated from the Divine Plan of Evolution. We chose to involve ourselves in our creations. We "saw our reflections" and fell in love with them. As we became more deeply involved with Matter, we began to lose contact with Spirit. Spirit and Matter are opposite poles of the same substance. We serve one at the expense of the other.

Gradually, over vast ages of time, the connection with Spirit was severed. Original Man no longer manifested the Will of the Logos. We had become self-willed creatures, pursuing our separate thoughts, feelings and desires, all bent on self-maintenance.

This has become known as The Fall of Man.

Once immortal, we were now bound to a mortal existence. The only portion of us that retained its attribute of immortality was a single, tiny atom, situated in the center of the microcosm (the soul vehicle), which corresponds to the location of the physical human heart. This 'spirit-spark atom' is all that is left of our immortal heritage. We call this atom "The Rose of the Heart". Thus, our microcosms carry an immortal principle that is trapped in a mortal universe, a universe of change and death. The microcosm cannot die, because it is essentially immortal. However, it cannot truly live until it regains its immortal heritage.

This is why it was truthfully stated that "the Kingdom of Heaven lies within you", because each of us essentially carries a single, immortal atom of the Original Divine Kingdom within the upper portion of the right ventricle of the heart.

Persistent Self-willedness took this segment of the human life-wave on a downward spiral. To prevent humanity from becoming permanently lost in the Physical dimension, a plan was devised to rescue us, the Fallen. This plan is recognized as The Divine Plan of Salvation. In short, it works like this:

Original Man (that's us), is in a state of exile. We have been ship-wrecked, marooned in the lowest known Cosmic Realm. Because we have become self-focused, our selfishness and self-maintaining ways have only served to anchor us in Matter, thus crystallizing our thinking away from Spirit. Such a state-of-being leads us to commit horrible atrocities against our brother and ourselves. If we were allowed to remain in this condition indefinitely, we would ultimately destroy ourselves. One needs only to take a quick look at the world around us to see the unassailable truth of this statement.

To prevent this, another group of Original Men, those who did not fall, set forth to implement the Divine Plan of Salvation. They have been called, among other names, the Elohim. These mighty beings created a universe of physical worlds and placed our microcosms there. The mission of these microcosms was to develop a perfect personality, one that would, while on Earth, recognize the  awful dilemma that it was in and take the steps required to liberate itself from Matter so that it could re-unite with Spirit and return to the Original, Divine Kingdom (Sixth Cosmic Realm). This is accomplished through the act of transfiguration.

Transfiguration is The One Goal Of Humanity.

It is not to 'get rich', or 'become famous', or 'obtain power', or 'fall in love', or 'be happy', or 'to enjoy life' (which is really a living death), or 'to make it to heaven' (which is really not an eternal heaven at all), or 'to make the world a better place' (which cannot be done in this dualistic universe). The One Goal of Humanity, the sole purpose for our repeated incarnations is to find the Key that will get us out of here!

To prevent our microcosms from crystallizing beyond the point of salvage (due to our self-willed thoughts, desires and actions) the life-span of the personality was shortened. If a personality did not transfigure during its allotted time on the material-sphere, it was transferred to the reflection-sphere (the so-called 'heaven-worlds'), where the physical and subtle vehicles of the personality slowly disintegrated. The experiences, developments and karma of the past physical life would be stored away in the microcosm, while the personality was discarded. The microcosm would stand empty, except for the accumulated karma and the latent spirit-spark atom lying dormant in the center of the microcosm.

After a period of rest in the reflection-sphere, the microcosm would respond to the urge to incarnate once more and, through the agency of vast Cosmic Intelligences, create a new personality for that purpose. The new personality would incarnate in the material-sphere and try once again to achieve The One Goal of Humanity.

How may times have we made this journey? Hundreds of thousands of times, perhaps even millions. You are the umpteenth personality to inhabit your microcosm. You are the current composite of all the personalities that preceded you. If you are unsuccessful in your task to obtain the One Goal of Humanity, then your incarnation will terminate in failure. When you transition (i.e., 'die'), you as a personality, will eventually disintegrate as outlined above. Your microcosm will generate a fresh personality for its next sojourn on earth.

The only way to maintain your current personality is to succeed in completing The Task that your personality has been created for - you must transfigure. You must re-establish the link between Spirit and Matter. At the bare minimum, at the very least, you must earnestly begin this process. If the Link can be re-established, then the personality will not be dissolved, but will re-unite with Spirit to begin the journey Home.

How is the Link re-established? It begins with the awakening of the tiny atom that lies sleeping in our hearts, waiting for us to respond to the call of the Gnosis.

End Part 1

~ g


Anonymous said...


So I was once immortal, but I became a self-willed creature,pursuing separate thoughts, feelings and desires, all bent on self-maintenance. How is it possible that I could have been so stupid?


BrotherGee said...


We should try not to personalize things. This was a group error. Humanity as a unified life-wave fell from grace.

'Stupid' is probably too harsh a word. Man fell victim to a certain amount of curiousity and naivete. The Forces of Matter have their own peculiar magnetic attraction. If an entity is not vigilant in its desire to carry out the Will of the Father, that entity can fall victim to these forces.

Let's say that a man is walking along and spots a mud puddle. Just for fun, he steps in the puddle, only to find out that it's not mud, but quicksand. No problem, he thinks to himself, i'll just take my foot out. But he finds that the quicksand is thick like glue, sucking and pulling him down into it. He struggles, only to discover that his struggling makes things worse. Pretty soon, he's up to his chin in quicksand and is desperately screaming for help.

That is how Humanity arrived at its present condition. Unaware of the problems that can be created when interacting within a dualistic realm, Humanity continued to make this situation worse and worse until the thought of escape has become the furthest thing from our minds - to be replaced by thoughts of survival alone.

Thankfully, at the end of every world-cycle, an opportunity is offered for all those who wish to escape to do just that. The time for feelings of guilt, fear, shame and helplessness is over. Grace has stretched forth its hand towards mankind. We need to grab that Divine Hand and hold on tightly as we wave good-bye to the quicksand of Duality.

~ g