12 July 2012

Answer for John D.

John D. recently asked this question:

"...you say that we can 'retain the use of the current personality and soul vehicles' after death. Does this mean the personality, soul, microcosm can reincarnate as some form as the previous lifeform?".

The response required a little more space than a normal comment, so it is being posted here, as others may find it useful.

The short answer is that the current personality with its the soul-vehicles will not have to go through the process that man calls 'death'. The long answer follows:

Man has four vehicles, or bodies, which are composed of ethers of various densities. These bodies surround and inter-penetrate one another. Beginning with the lowest and most dense, they are:

- physical, or dense body (chemical ether)
- etheric double, or vital body (life ether)
- astral, or desire body (light ether)
- mental body (reflecting ether)

The normal after-death process results in a gradual dissolving of each of these bodies. First the physical disintegrates, as the etheric double that vitalized and animated the physical body withdraws to the reflection-sphere (the so-called 'heaven-worlds') along with the two higher vehicles. After a period of time, the etheric body also dissolves, leaving only the astral and mental bodies. Eventually, these two bodies will also cease to be. The microcosm has been effectively emptied and will reverse the process when it is time to incarnate once more.

However, if during the physical life a person answers The Call and, understanding the requirements and in total self-surrender, begins to walk The Path of Return, then upon transitioning from the material-sphere the physical body will disintegrate as required, but the etheric double (which is a 100% replica of the physical form composed of more subtle ethers) along with the astral and mental bodies will not dissolve, but will be brought over to Shamballa, a specially-prepared location in the subtle realms created to house those who have begun but were unable to complete the Transfiguration process during physical life.

This means that you, as John D. or as (your-name-goes-here) can retain your etheric form as well as your astral and mental vehicles IF you answer the Call of the Gnosis and allow the spirit-spark, the rose of the heart, to be  touched, to open and to blossom. This is the only way that a human entity can retain these vehicles. He or she must go The Path of Return. Making humanity aware of this fact was a major part of the Mission that the one known as Jesus incarnated on this earth to execute. It was his mission to demonstrate to humanity that this Process exists, that it is real, and that it can be accomplished by every human being who chooses to go The Path. This is the reason he remarked "Be my followers". Not 'followers' in the normal, passive sense of the word, but followers as in, "My life is the example. Do as I have done and you, too, will not taste Death". The entire New Testament is a veiled revelation of this transfiguristic process!

The ultimate aim of Transfiguration is to provide Spirit with a full set of purified vehicles with which to operate in the lower planes. That is the great purpose of the etheric double. The etheric double will be the lowest vehicle for all members of the New Race. Currently, the dense physical body is man's lowest vehicle.

What is so special about the times that we are in is that humanity is being given the opportunity to begin and complete the entire Transfiguration process without having to go through the 'dying' process. For those who are able to bring their subtle vehicles into a certain state of purification, the incoming Christine radiations will, at a given moment, provide the impetus required to transform the physical body and its vehicles into a more etheric form. Qualified humans in the physical world as well as those waiting beyond the veil in Shamballa will undergo the transfiguration process. The dense physical body will no longer exist. It will be absorbed (for want of a better word) by the etheric double, the Light-Vesture of the New Man.

This is why we are urged to begin the purification process right now, so as to be ready for the Great Day of Transformation when "the last trumpet will sound". That moment is now upon us, just below the horizon. Daybreak nears. Those who are now preparing, and those who are in waiting beyond the veil do not have that much longer before the Great Wedding Feast begins.

"Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall not all die, but we shall all be transformed.  Suddenly, like the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet. When it sounds, then the dead will rise with an imperishable body; and we (the living) shall be transformed.

For this perishable is going to wear the imperishable, and this mortal is going to wear immortality"

1 Corinthians 15:51-53 (Peshitta Aramaic New Testament)

 ~ g

1 comment:

acehipdx said...

WOW Bro G, you answered my question. It's an awesome feeling to know when I answer the call and walk the 'Path of Return' that I can transcend the body and person that i am right now.

This also answers the question of reincarnation. My microcosm will not need to reincarnate anymore because I would have ascended.

Plus it gives a better understanding of the scriptures you quoted ; 1 Corinthians 15:53.

By the way this is John D...different email.