05 July 2012

No New Karma

There are a couple of things that bind souls to the material-sphere.

1. desire for sensation
2. unbalanced karma

We can discuss number one later. This post is about karma, and how it relates to this ending-cycle.

When, by our actions, we generate a cause, that cause has an effect of some type. That effect, in turn, generates a fresh cause, which goes on to have its own effect. Our thoughts, feelings and actions set a pendulum into motion that cannot be stopped, because in duality, the measure of swing to the right is always matched by the measure of swing to the left.

When the human personality passes on with unresolved karma, it leaves a "balance on the books", so to speak. This unresolved karma must be reconciled, and so, the soul must seek reincarnation with a new personality. Humanity has been trying to balance their individual and collective karma for many millions of years. We have mostly only succeeded in creating fresh karma, thereby exponentially increasing out karmic debt until it has now reached impossible proportions. We are born with this karma, which is what the holy language has always cryptically referred to as "Original Sin".

"Sin" should not be understood to mean "evil". The ancient definition of sin is "error". We are born bearing the burden of the errors of all the personalities that preceded us in our microcosm. Balancing this karma is a daunting task.

What is special about this ending-cycle is that humanity is being given a chance to erase its karma, eliminating the need for reincarnation on the physical plane. It is the job of the Christine radiations to dissolve the karma of all microcosms, so that a fresh start can be made. This fresh start, this new beginning, would take place on the New Heaven and the New Earth, where a place has been prepared for all those who qualify for harvest. Here, you have been given a clue as to what lies behind the meaning of 'Christ and the forgiveness of sins'.

With this in mind, it is important for us to realize that we should be careful to not make the mistake of creating any new karma. Things are happening extremely fast now. Causes and effects that we put into motion which would have once taken many lifetimes to balance are now being brought to us for resolution in a few years, months or even days. Perhaps you have noticed karma coming back to bite you almost instantly? It is because of the times we are in, as new causes and their effects must be resolved as quickly as possible.

Any serious new karma will make it that much more difficult for a soul to achieve the optimum level of vibration needed to survive the cleansing that is to come. Along with all of the other requirements of the Path, we must constantly guard our thinking, willing and feeling. Remember:

No New Karma

~ g

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