04 September 2013

"Be My Followers"


It is said that Lao Tzu wrote nine hundred and thirty books about ethics and religion and seventy about esotericism. But of all those works and the copies made of them, nothing remains. They have vanished without a trace. The only one of Lao Tzu's works still extant is the Tao Te Ching, a brief document of some five thousand words, covering twelve pages or so. Often, this text is virtually impossible to understand. And maybe that is why it has been spared the fate of the others.

It is the same old story. The primordial Adversary, which has taken so many forms since the beginning of time, did as it always does, using every available means to destroy any documents which appear to threaten the continued existence of the nature-of-death or which contains information about the reality of the two natures. Indeed, over the centuries, many people have fallen victim to the Adversary because of this kind of thing. For it is a fact that, in the nature-of-death, everything possible is done to erase any trace of the Divine messengers.

So there is but one way, one method, of removing all obscurity and confusion that stands between you and The Great Reality. It is the Way, the Method, we have been explaining. You need to approach the actual nature of Tao, which exists in the center of your being. In self-surrender of the heart, and in profound yearning, you need to approach the nature of Tao within you. Then you will discover that there really is an infallible, Divine testimony, a Kingdom of God within you. Since the most distant past, says Lao Tzu, the Divine Essence, which is so near to us, has been imperishable. And it is that Divine Essence which can bring about genuine creation, the Rebirth of what is True and Real.

So let us take a look at how this process of creation can unfold in someone who puts the threefold gnostic method into practice:

First of all, the person needs to withdraw from his own astral field, which belongs to the nature which deviates from the Divine;

Secondly, he needs to dissociate from the astral field of the group to which he belongs as a result of his birth in this nature;

Thirdly, he needs to dissolve any astral ties there may have been between himself and the astral field of the nature-of-death as a whole.

At first sight this threefold assignment seems like an inescapable wall, barring our way. Yet it is the same task that has been carried out by all the Great Ones throughout history, by all the Children of God. It is exactly the Path that Jesus the Lord exemplified on His via dolorosa. The Kingdom He sought and found was 'not of this world'. That is why He immersed Himself in the waters of the Jordan, the river of life, and why He overcame the Adversary.

So if you want to become a real follower of Christ -- and you can, because the Kingdom of God is within you -- you must make a concrete beginning. With an all-encompassing desire in which your whole heart is absorbed, you must turn towards the 'Lord in your Midst'. If you cannot yet summon up that kind of desire, or if it costs you a great deal of effort -- well, then your time has not yet come. No one can force you to produce that boundless longing of the heart. You cannot achieve it by means of exercises or through an intellectual decision. It is a state-of-being, rather like being in love.

From The Chinese Gnosis - Catharose di Petri


Do we know what is meant when we are told that 'The Kingdom of God is within you?". It is not just some comforting platitude. It is a living truth, it is a literal reality. Your Spirit-spark atom, your Divine-Spark, The Rose of the Heart, is composed of Divine matter, from the Original Realm, a nature-order which has nothing to do with either the material-sphere or the reflection-sphere (the so-called 'heaven-worlds').

In order to awaken this Spark, one must be ready to part with all that this world has to offer. We must kill our desire for the things of this world. There must be a deep yearning for that Kingdom which we cannot yet see, but which, through a newly developed insight, we know does exist.

Jesus, the Christ, the Prototype of the Liberated Man, set forth the requirements for walking the Path via the demonstration of His life. He passed on important guidance and information to all who would hear, albeit in various stages of detail. To the curious crowds, he spoke in parables which left most of them in confusion. Why? Because they did not have The Key and therefore, were not given to know. To His disciples, He presented deeper teachings and to His Apostles, He entrusted the greatest secrets. These latter two groups were much smaller than the former, but their influence was infinitely greater. After the departure of the Christ,  they carried forth and spread the Pure Teachings to those who were ready for them, those who had "ears to hear".

These Pure Teachings are with us even today, embedded in the gospels of the New Testament. They remain disguised to the profane masses but speak plainly to all who possess The Gnostic Key. This is why many are baffled, confused and frustrated by the New Testament. They are like the curious masses referred to above. Without The Key, they will never be able to comprehend what has been set before them.

Those who are ready to awaken their Divine Spark and begin the process of building the New Soul need only to look towards the Living Example set by the Divine Avatar two thousand years ago. There was a reason that he spoke these words to all who would aspire in the future to walk the Path of Return:

'Be My Followers'.

'Followers' not in the sense of worship and adoration, but 'followers' in the sense of imitating His life. If we follow that Example assiduously to the Good End, we too will triumph over death and regain Immortality.

~ g

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