14 September 2013

Thirteenth - Conclusion


However, if you are ready for it, if you want to shake off the pressure of the old Twelvefold, and if you long in every fibre for a fresh new start on a new 'thirteenth floor', then this is possible. Then you can break the cycle of life and death, abandon the Twelve and go up into the Thirteenth, the Higher Spiral of Life.  And even if you are unable to do it on your own, it is nevertheless an autonomous process.

Initially, you become aware of how closed you are, at least your emotional sphere, your inner being, your aura. Just as the Pistis Sophia, you go through the mist in order to reach the luminous certainty of the Christ-Field. You are assisted by a group, which carves a shaft through this collective field of mist, and which is actually indispensable in this. It concerns a collective of Light-seeking people and they form a new 'Twelvefold', from which a truly new, Thirteenth (aeon) speaks. It is a truly magical, gnostic-magical miracle! And in others, this Thirteenth will again awaken the 'holy agitation' - the Thirteenth becomes the number of the highest happiness.

From "Thirteenth" - Pentagram - the Journal of the International School of the Golden Rosycross, Vol. 34, 2012, number 4


The Thirteenth Aeon, the radiation-field of the Christ vibration, is here now. It offers its transformative light energies to any and all who can hear its silent Call. Opening the heart, awakening the Divine-Spark within, tunes the seeker to the New Field of Life. All those who receive it will be given the power to become Sons of God once more.

"Unlucky", indeed.

~ g

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