12 September 2013

Thirteenth - Part Two


How have these nature-forces become aeons that control humanity, and how has humanity itself erected this prison and evoked these demons? Aeons are electromagnetic powers, and archons are concentrations of these power principles. The aeons are caused by mental activity and by the creation of mental images. Mental images have the property that they are able to increase infinitely, provided that they are nourished by a similar mental activity. In this way, nature-gods are formed, nature-forces that will wholly control the human being.

The head is continually busy thinking how the desires of the heart can be fulfilled. These mental images and desires do not have the same nature and vibration and, consequently, neither have the created aeons. Clouds of the lowest vibration have gathered closely around the earth. Layer after layer has been formed, with, at the top, the layer with the highest vibration. This exceedingly varied 'reflection-sphere' forces humanity to continue its fateful course.

The forces and energies of these spheres are able to penetrate the human vehicles so that the human imprisonment is virtually complete. Man is lived. No one is able to get out on his own strength. A 'thirteenth one' is needed for this. This thirteenth one exists in what the ancient Gnosis called: the Thirteenth Aeon, the radiation-field of The Christ. It is the radiation-field of the Original, Divine Nature that has one goal only: to transform the material world consisting of two poles, the pairs of opposites, to the transparent world of The Unity.

In our time, the vibrational frequency of the earth increases and, therefore, everyone reacts to the Touch from the spheres of that Field. For each human being, the Thirteenth Aeon creates the possibility to enter a new, Higher Field of Life.


How is the human being able to bid farewell to what is old, that is, to the Twelve ruling powers and to concentrate on what is new, on the Thirteenth Aeon ? It is clear that a human being cannot possibly walk this Path if he still experiences the touch of the the Twelve ruling aeons in his daily life as a pleasure.

And here we see the reversal of the "Holy Thirteenth' into the "doom-predicting thirteenth". In general, people who do not have the desire to fathom the great question of The Why, feel quite alright in this world. They prefer that everything stay as it is -  at least, no illness and war, of course - but basically, they are not fundamentally troubled by what they find within time and space and within themselves. And yes, if then the thirteenth fairy enters the stage uninvited (!), and predicts that the Sleeping Beauty will prick herself and sleep for a hundred years -  as a symbol for humanity and for every human being in whom the Divine Principle is still asleep - this thirteenth fairy still does not cause any undue alarm.

Thirteen is threatening, thirteen breaks through what is familiar, and in this way, the Holy Number 13, the number of the New Dimension, the Higher Spiral, becomes an "unlucky" number. We do not want it...We skip the thirteenth floor.

End Part Two

From "Thirteenth" - Pentagram - the Journal of the International School of the Golden Rosycross, Vol. 34, 2012, number 4


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