25 December 2013

Ether Parasites - Part III



One might ask whether these entities, who are so set on remaining earth-bound, cannot satisfy their appetites with ethers that volatilize through the efforts and activities of the many who direct themselves to the higher planes; or with ethers liberated in the ordinary earthly life-processes. There are indeed thousands who try this and there are also hordes of elementals that parasitize in that way.

There are countless entities in the sphere of transition who use this method. For instance, if their earth-binding is mainly due to dipsomania (def: insatiable craving for alcoholic beverages), they will haunt bars and other places imbued with alcoholic vapors to satisfy their appetites. Tens of thousands of others suffer from nicotine addiction, which is even more dangerous than dipsomania. They, too, can be found in the drinking places and in houses where there is much smoking, and especially in the smoking carriages of trains. Many of these entities stay near human beings to get the food they long for by means of this vulture-like practice.

There is hardly a photograph which, on keen observation, does not show several elementals. A photographic plate is often more sensitive than the human eye. On photographs, taken immediately after the death of a relative, we often see an impression of the deceased who was not yet ether-free and still had a tie with the earth. Of course, such a phenomenon is not lasting.

Parasitism in the form of vulture-like practices is only a temporary phenomenon with these wretched creatures. They are not sufficiently bad, conscious or cunning and besides, they do not possess enough higher ethers to be able to maintain themselves. They are only loathsome, dirty like vermin.

Further investigation shows that a good deal more cunning and quite different methods are necessary for permanent residence in the intermediate sphere. For entities who aim at this it is a question of "to be, or not to be". Their fear of hellish spheres is so terrible and their longing to prolong their lives is so dynamic that they have no scruples at all about what they do to maintain themselves by gaining ethers. The activities of the Nazis, their horrible bestiality, their incomprehensible cruelty and their lust for murder were, quite literally, derived from and inspired by satanism. Satanism can have such a grip on a human being or nation that it incarnates, so to speak.

Satanism is now stronger than ever before and hangs over the world like a dark cloud. As a result, spiritualistic activities are more powerful and widespread than ever before. Hundreds of thousands have been caught by it and theoretically the situation could be called hopeless as far as present-day humanity is concerned.

Conditions in the intermediate sphere are so chaotic, the grip on all living beings is so intense, such terrible advantage is taken of the decency still left in many people and the demons are with us so directly and in such numbers that ten years ago we would have considered it an impossibility. So many of the finest people have been caught by satanism that we must say that the prince of darkness has established his kingdom on earth; that satanism rules this world.

There may be those who think that we are exaggerating, but these things and these dangers cannot be exaggerated. What may seem to be the greatest exaggeration and the boldest fantasy is no more than a simple indication of a dreadful realty.

How does satanism work? To understand this we must begin with the fact that the etheric body of every man and woman is different in nature and vibration. This means that an entity in the intermediate sphere cannot simply usurp strange ethers. He will certainly try, but he will not be able to keep them for any length of time because they volatilize readily on account of his own differing vibration formula. So, to succeed in this he resorts to an extremely cunning process of over-shadowing. He must try to take possession of a being that lives on earth with whom he has a certain degree of polarity so that, after a few months or years, a suitable balance in vibrations will be established. He will then be able to vampirize the required ethers, literally draining them off and will live at the expense of his victim, who leads a miserable existence.

He associates with accomplices and in this way controls entire groups, drawing off ether and phosphorous forces, which he assimilates by way of a medium. In this way such entities keep their spiritualistic groups just as a farmer keeps pigs, hens and cows and lives on what they produce.

Sometimes there are accidents, when the controlling entities penetrate so deeply into the being of their victims that they dislodge them completely. The result is lunacy, from which most controls shrink since they could not very well use such a strange body, for then they would also lead a miserable life. In other cases, however, such entrances are forced for fear of being expelled from the sphere of transition, or for fear of colleagues, or on account of a fight between several entities who are controlling the same medium. Anything is possible with them.

There are still a number of problems and questions on this subject to discuss, such as the nature of the mystifications, the organization of satanism, the causes of suicide, the general nature of murders, the cause of bestial actions and the influence on religion and occultism. Above all, the way of curing satanism and the way of fighting it need to be discussed.

End Part 3

From "Spiritualism" - Elementary Philosophy of the Modern Rosycross - Jan van Rijckenborgh


From earliest youth onwards, every child is drilled to accept that "there are no such things as ghosts". This is a part of the clever mis-education of humanity that eventually results in countless numbers of adult human beings stumbling blindly through life struggling against forces we have been instructed to disregard as fantasy.

This writer has an acquaintance who is consistently depressed and has contemplated suicide on several occasions. Even after explaining the nature of the reflection-sphere and the reasons behind her emotional distress, she continues to play hostess to dark thoughts and emotions. She is obviously being over-shadowed by some fairly persistent reflection-sphere entities and has been since childhood. The only thing that has been able to give her pause was when this writer explained to her that those who commit suicide will face an even greater suffering when they transition to the reflection-sphere, due to the fact that the archetype from which the physical human was constructed still exists and cannot be dissolved prematurely. Perhaps there will be a short post on this in the future.

The point is that almost all psychological and emotional maladies experienced by humans can be explained by some sort of over-shadowing or outright possession by earth-bound entities inhabiting the lower realms of the reflection-sphere. They hover about us, constantly seeking an opportunity to prod us into performing the specific actions that will release ethers of the specific vibration quality that they require. If you think you are alone where you are right now, you are not. Your demons are with you, and will remain with you until you first gain insight into what is really going on and then take the steps to purify your thinking, willing and desiring.

Steady and constant purifying work, if successful, will raise the vibration of one's etheric, emotional and mental bodies to levels higher than these earth-bound entities can match. You will become useless to them. They must then flee from you and try to locate a new victim, a new host to parasitize.

It may be helpful to remember these things the next time one encounters an impulsive desire to drink, smoke, consume narcotics, argue, fight, indulge in promiscuous or self-harming behavior, depressive thoughts, etc. There are entities on the other side of the veil just waiting for you to make that move and who are more than willing to assist you so that they can gorge themselves on the ethers you will give off. The split-second you entertain such thoughts or desires, discarnate entities of like-vibration will instantly flock to your side, prepared to "fan the flames", as it were. Try to keep that visual in mind.

These points are not meant to inspire fear or dread. They are designed to provide the reader with much-needed insight into the extent that mankind has been enslaved. Fear/ignorance is like a dark room. Knowledge can be likened to a candle. Once this candle is taken into the dark room of fear/ignorance, we can see where everything is and what must be done to avoid danger. No longer ignorant, fear dissolves. We now see clearly and can navigate the Path that lies before us with some measure of confidence.

~ g

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