15 December 2013

From Below Upwards


The Great Work of Liberation must be done from below upwards if it is to be truly redemptive. It cannot be done by starting from above. If this were possible, this Work would have been completed centuries ago.

It has to be realized from below-upwards because inner liberation is a matter of awareness, and therefore of self-liberation. Liberation from above, from outside, would not give man inner liberation but would bind him to his liberator. In this way, a new, different kind of dependence would be created. Man will only be free when he possesses the Light inwardly, when he has made free the way for the Light within himself. So, from below upwards, sufficient people must yearn for the Light; ask for the Light, seek for the Light; have true love of mankind; know inwardly about the True Way, and be willing to give up the separate "I", the cause of all darkness.

These people will have to be drawn from those with remembrance. Therefore, all those who at present move in the various esoteric fields of existence must be aroused to this Work. For this purpose, the Brotherhood of the Golden Rosycross makes its call sound ever more strongly.

From "The New World Brotherhood and the Dangers of the Church" - Elementary Philosophy of the Modern Rosycross - J. van Rijckenborgh


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