31 December 2013

More On The Atmospheric Revolution

This post is a follow-up to The Atmospheric Revolution, July 1, 2012.


One should also not overlook the fact that metals and stones become "fatigued" much more quickly than was formerly the case. Present atmospheric concentrations have a strong oxidizing and disintegrating tendency. In our time, the ultraviolet and thus disintegrating cosmic rays, in combination with concentrations of inert gases of the same polarity, will put an end to much that has always been regarded as ageless. They are also responsible for irregularities and deviations in engines and instruments.

In this respect, the disease which has affected the Notre Dame, that beautiful Gothic monument in Paris, provides us with an extremely instructive lesson. The walls, stones and sculptures of the Notre Dame and several other large French churches and monuments, have been affected by a process of rapid decay called the stone plague (g: also known as stone decay). Great lumps of pulverized and totally porous stone fall off, and no matter what precautionary measures are taken, it seems that the disease cannot be checked. Even new stones which are inserted for repair soon share the same fate. As a result, should no effective counter-measure be found, the fate of these buildings, which have hitherto defied the centuries, is sealed.

One may wonder why so many French churches are falling victim to this disease. The cause lies in the fact that certain remarkable atmospheric constellations are gathering over France, which are connected with future events in Europe.

As for the Notre Dame, there is an additional cause which places the new cosmic influences in a special light. The Notre Dame is a masonic edifice. That does not mean that this Gothic cathedral was built by freemasons linked with a Spiritual School, but by ecclesiastical prelates who used magic to captivate the public to an even greater extent than was already possible  by means of ordinary church practices.

The Notre Dame was built by an archbishop who practiced occultism for the benefit of the church. He is responsible to the French people for the three magically powerful "roses" placed in both the transepts and above the organ loft. These three "roses" work collectively upon the three corporeal structures of those who are present in the church and, when seen with etheric sight, they have a distinct, rotating, clockwise movement from left to right.

These influences cause the public to become strongly bound to the power-field of the church. At the same time they bring the building, with the help of which they occur, into an atmosphere which makes it highly susceptible to the disintegrating ultraviolet activity in the atmosphere.

We considered it essential to give this explanation regarding air crashes and the stone plague  as an introduction to what will be discussed in the following chapters, in order to spur the reader on to deeper reflection on the atmospheric revolution which is currently spreading with so much power. All the kingdoms of nature will be affected by this agitation "in the clouds of heaven". In the Spiritual School all these activities are stirring the pupil to wakefulness; they are stimulating him to serious investigation and driving him to a way of life which counteracts the passion for destruction and links him with the healing and constructive forces of structural rebirth, which seek to lead him into a New World.

As a result of the atmospheric revolution a great drama is being enacted in world history, a drama in which air catastrophes and the decay of cultural monuments will be mere incidental phenomena. Among other things, the atmospheric forces will have a disrupting effect on the bodies of all those who continue to cling to their earthly nature. By influencing, among other things, the endocrine glands, these forces will confront physicians with tremendous problems. A few examples may serve to illustrate this.

The activity of the two adrenal glands which formerly had such a soothing and tranquilizing effect upon  human emotions, will be seriously disturbed and will increase, for example, the incidence of diabetes. A diminishing of the spleen activity will be responsible for an increase in the various forms of anemia.

Infant mortality will result from an alteration in the activity of the thymus gland. Apparently an overwhelming number of disorders of the thyroid gland have already attracted the attention of the medical profession. The increasing number of congenital malformations is related to the pituitary, while an alarming increase in symptoms of insanity draws attention to the pineal gland.

This is anything but a reassuring picture, but it is certain that a new revolutionary, spiritual orientation and a way of life in conformity with it, can reveal to the person concerned a powerful and entirely different group of vital forces. The coming times will teach us that it is of no use to stand aside, speculating and contemplating, and that man is forced to make a positive Choice in life. Thus the atmospheric revolution bears, for some, the signature of death, whereas for others it opens the gateway to a Higher Good.

The Spiritual School of the Rosycross awakens its pupils to the genesis of a new spiritual consciousness and to a regenerative encounter with the forces of Christ in the clouds of heaven.

"The Atmospheric Revolution" - The Great Revolution - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Below are pictures of the South, North "rose" windows of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Don't stare.

~ g

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear brother g... Could you please elaborate on the fire at Notre Dame de Paris a few days ago. I see that the three rose windows are still intact after the fire... Thank you. All love Chanett Edden, Denmark