29 April 2014



"Do I love the Soul enough? Is my self-surrender to the Soul really complete? Can the new Soul-power be sufficiently active in me and can it take shape in my being? Is everything going well with me? What way of life would be the best, the most efficient, in this respect?"

These are common questions which every pupil is faced with at one time or another.

We aim to confront the student of The Alchemical Wedding and those who are approaching the feast of the wedding hall with the imperishable fact that the love of God, which must become a reality within the True Man, is given to every creature; that it shines over good and bad alike.

The love of God is over everything and everyone. It is undivided. It knows no more or less. If a person has truly been reborn as to the Soul, he too can live according to this glorious Law. The love-radiation of the Soul, too, is emanated equally to all. It cannot do otherwise. With imperishable hope it comes to all who need help; to all who are seeking: to those who have gone astray and have been damaged; and also to those who still utterly oppose its requirement of Renewing Life. The Soul never flags in its loving activity. its loving Service. It faithfully perseveres, throughout all eternity.

You should not confuse the love of God, which is over everything and everyone, with the un-scientific "do-gooding" of some people, which is quite superficial and useless, and in fact even harmful. The love of God which goes out from every true Soul-being to all in the same measure, will help one and punish another, it will build up one and break another down. It gives to each one what he or she needs, in an absolute impersonal intervention. It has no I-central motives whatsoever.

Now that we have said all this about the love of God, we would like to point out to you that the first requirement for gaining control over your astral self is the absolute constancy of vibration of your entire astral body. Once you have attained this absolute constancy, the gate to the Alchemical Wedding is opened wide to you. The ability to do so is present within you. The astral body itself is able to achieve it. To make this clear, let us remind you that the astral body, or desire body, has three faculties: attraction, repulsion and equanimity. The faculty of equanimity -- not to be confused with neutrality or indifference  -- is an invariable, impersonal, objective, silent, dynamic radiation, emanating in absolute uniformity to all God's creation. If, on the basis of Soul-growth, you can attain this, strong feelings and emotional disturbances, with all their results, will no longer take place in you. Then you will stand like a candle, shining and clear, in God's greatest temple.

As long as this stillness of the astral light has not been realized within you, your astral turbulence will be manifested in three aspects. You will find yourself continually in conflict, both internally and externally. You will seek and attract what you strongly desire, and you will repel, and thus fight against, what offends or displeases you. And you will be indifferent  to what does not interest you, to those things you do not love or towards which you are inwardly hostile. In this way, your entire personality will be undermined by a continual whirl of impressions and influences.

If however, strengthened by the Soul, you are able to ascend to that equanimity, that equilibrium of astral vibration, you will quite naturally be able to attract and receive what is good, but without emotion. What is not good will simply be unable to enter your system. You will not need to devote a single particle of energy to what does not need it or is not worth it, although you are nevertheless connected with it. Through astral equilibrium you will be able to demonstrate a way of life in harmony with the Sermon on the Mount. Then you will love those who hate you. You will not resist the evil one and you will bless those who curse you. And you will do all this not in a personal, I-central way -- for that would be impossible in such a way of life, lived according to the Sermon on the Mount -- but on the basis of the disposition and nobility of the Soul, which enables every candidate to live such a life.


A good friend once reminded me that one should not spend any time looking at one's feet while trying to walk the Path, for that one will be sure to bump into things.

Free advice in tow, we should also not spend too much time wondering if we are "worthy" to walk the Path. There are no "saints" on this planet. All have sinned, all have erred, for many lives, in different bodies. What is important about this ending-cycle is that we take advantage of the Grace that is being offered to all.

Stilling the astral body is a key component of what needs to be done on the way to transfiguration. Once again, like attracts like. The Gnosis is neither positive or negative. It is a sublime equilibrium, emanating from the heart of the Logos. If we remain slaves to our emotions, affinities and dislikes, we will continue to careen helplessly back and forth between the pairs of opposites and miss the point of Balance.

Find the Middle Way and maintain it. For when the astral body emanates equanimity it will enable the candidate to receive in return the abundant love of God.

~ g

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