24 April 2014

Pymander II


As the radiations of the Seven-Spirit descend into the heart, they meet the proto-atom, the Rose, which contains the structure of lines-of-force of the True Man, the latent spiritual principle. As soon as the rays of the Seven-Spirit touch the reborn soul, the Rose is awakened to life.

If you have a plan regarding a given object, this will give rise to a structure of lines-of-force in your astral body. If someone then asks you to tell him about your plan, you will look, eyes turned inwardly as it were, into that structure and describe the plan. You will trace all the lines-of-force and the image will become visible to your audience.

The same applies to the proto-atom, the Rose of the Heart, which contains the image of the True Man. This image can be awakened and take shape only if the Seven-Spirit can act within you by means of the matured soul.

If we look at this activity from the point-of-view of the head sanctuary, the radiations of the Seven-Spirit acting on the seven cerebral cavities form Pymander; seen from the heart sanctuary they form the Spirit-Soul,  the structure of lines-of-force of the True Man. This Pymandric man, this structure of lines-of-force which is within us and urges us on, raises us out of the animal state into the world of the Living Soul state. It places the microcosm in a new Reality and under a new Law. Those who have thus been baptised and purified in the power of the Spirit, will achieve a perfect human existence and particpate in the Gnosis, the living Knowledge of God. They will acquire a new state of consciousness, in which Knowledge is an absolute faculty.

Dualistic knowledge is likewise a consequence of a faculty. In the dualistical, animal state, the ability to think exists and by means of it knowledge is acquired; disjoint, fragmented, relative knowledge. However, if the Pymandric state predominates, absolute Knowledge becomes a faculty. Then one will not acquire knowledge by means of intellectual training, but Knowledge will be an essential part of the personality. The opposite development is described in Hermes as follows:

"However, those who have sinned against the Proclamation* by not listening to it, remain within the limits of reason, as they have not received the powers of the Spirit and do not know why they were created, nor by whom. The sensorial perceptions of such human beings are almost equal to those of irrational animals, and as their nature is a mixture of passions, they have no admiration for what is worthy of reflection and contemplation; they devote themselves to their bodily pleasures and desires and believe that man has come into being for such things. However, those who have partaken of God's gift are no longer mortals, as proved by all their deeds, but Divine men who understand with their Spirit-Soul all that is on earth, in heaven and perhaps, above heaven. Having beheld The Good, those who have raised themselves in this way have learned to consider their sojourn here on earth as a disaster. They repudiate all things corporeal and incorporeal to reach the One and Only."

End Part II

From "Receiving the Holy Grail" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol 2 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


* The Proclamation:

God imparted reason to all men, but not the Spirit. It was His will that the link with the Spirit should be obtained by all souls, however, as a prize for the race.

He sent down a great Mixing Vessel, filled with the powers of the Spirit and He appointed a herald and bade him proclaim to the hearts of men:

"Immerse yourselves in this Mixing vessel, you souls who can; you who believe and trust that you will ascend to Him who sent down this Vessel; you who know for what purpose you were created".

It is said that the seed contains within it all that is required for it to grow to a majestic maturity. A tree doesn't grow because of something outside of it. The instructions and attributes needed for it to grow and fulfill its tree-destiny are already embedded within the seed.

So it is with the proto-atom, the Rose of the Heart, the Divine Spark. This sleeping atom contains within it all of the lines-of-force necessary to bring forth the True Man. The image of a Divine Possibility lies within. That is why we are called image-bearers; because we carry within our hearts the Divine Atom containing the lines-of-force, the image of the Divine Man.

The tree needs water and sunlight. The child requires food, water, love and guidance. The Coming New Man enters the process of soul-rebirth when the Seven-Spirit begins to water the Rose of the Heart..

This is the gnostic meaning behind the parable of the Mustard Seed.

~ g

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