20 November 2014

Wake-Up Calls - Conclusion


Wake-up calls are often misunderstood by Servers due to the initial excitement (emotional agitation and glamour), personal desire and pride which they may so easily evoke. For example, some, in their naïveté, may earnestly believe that they have suddenly and miraculously become fully enlightened, like a master of wisdom, or so divinely commissioned that they are adequately qualified to teach with spiritual authority. Such impetuous Servers would do well to ponder upon the fact that early wake-up calls herald but the beginning of a potentially ongoing and cumulative process of spiritual unfoldment, and that until their own tiny point of consciousness merges completely with the Cosmic Consciousness of the Universal Mind, they are at best but a messenger or servant for something much greater than their little personality.

Imprudent impulsiveness often produces much impractical idealism and delusion which, in turn, will result in a retardation of further wake-up calls, and at worst may bring about such perfect conditions within the Servers' vehicles that they become an easy target for negative psychic impression. They may then be manipulated by evil minds residing within the hidden worlds for their own sinister purposes, and it is in this way that much neutralisation of the positive efforts of others is effected worldwide by well-intentioned but unwary Servers. Psychic contamination is a very common and escalating phenomena today for humanity, and may lead to outright occult possession, spelling calamity for the Server, while simultaneously fulfilling the promise of certain forebodings made thousands of years ago predicting the appearance of "many false prophets and Christs", for even accomplished Servers may be misled.

Servers may also curtail their own process of awakening by their misguided use of those abilities that have been conferred upon them for the benefit of others. If the knowledge and powers given are not used wisely and selflessly in service to humanity, then the Server should expect no further wake-up calls. Indeed, should spiritual gifts be abused in service to self, great remorse may be known as the Server's privileges are quickly revoked by the group-soul. Additionally, and due to the unwise employment of faculties that may have been stimulated by a wake-up call, imbalance is likely to ensue. This may manifest itself, for example, as a brilliant intellect but a closed heart, a distorted perception of the true Aquarian vision, or the preponderance of psychic powers, replete with all the temptations and dangers of lower psychism.

Many partially-awakened Servers, in becoming infected by the widespread glamour within the New Age movement, are today joining the swelling ranks of the enthusiastic but deceived to build fairy-tale castles in the sky. They are then proceeding with the greatest fervour to lavishly furnish their imitation New Jerusalem with an assorted abundance of colourful and most pleasing allurements and romantic ideals that offer little more than distractions from the real divine Work. Today, the expanding light of the New Dawn is throwing shadows in all directions; temptation is everywhere apparent, and Servers will be at a great disadvantage without basic self-knowledge and an adequate understanding of the hidden side of life.

Wake-up calls sound intermittently, then, in a consecutive series of increasingly brighter realisations, and these prepare Servers to eventually receive the forthcoming conclusive Revelation - or final Wake-up Call - that will restore their full multidimensional awareness together with their higher spiritual faculties and powers as it launches them into the blissful state of divine remembrance. Upon receiving this crowning Wake-up Call, all limitations and karmic afflictions connected to the lower worlds will be completely neutralised as successful Servers emerge from their past struggles in darkness and limitation into the long-awaited majesty of their true divine estate, and as they experience their final emancipation from the world of duality and separation.

The timing of the final Wake-up Call is partially contingent upon the ongoing, invocative appeal of both Servers and humanity alike, for in a free will system divine assistance may be given only in response to sincere requests for aid. At a not-too-distant future time the crisis faced by humanity will elicit an urgent demand for effective spiritual service, and this will incite a far-reaching global invocation which, in turn, will speed up the reunification of groups of Servers as they hasten forth in response to the call of mankind and the immediate needs of the world. The concluding Wake-up Call cannot sound before the time of worldwide group reformation, a process that is being duly expedited today. Due to the powerful synergetic dynamics evoked at that time, a profound world awakening - a global Initiation - will be catalysed.

Servers collectively constitute a kind of living bio-spiritual orchestra, each individual or group awaiting their appropriate playing time. Prior to the occasion of their gala performance, they are necessarily silenced by the limitations imposed upon them by the veil of forgetfulness. They are, however, duty-bound to care for their instruments, keeping them in good working order, and also to keep their playing skills well-honed and ready to employ. Like any professional member of an orchestra, Servers will wish to listen intently to the surrounding melody of life in patient anticipation of their wake-up calls, which will lead them to their forthcoming major cue to join in with the greater concerto. However, let it be known that today the prelude to the grand symphony of the Servers' collective mission has already begun, and the Maestro of the Divine Plan is presently summoning all the remaining members who are ready to begin playing their part.

Ultimately, those Servers who respond with sagacity and intelligent discrimination to their wake-up calls will experience valuable insight, positive expansions of consciousness, elation and expeditious spiritual unfoldment as they are much facilitated by the rising Aquarian frequencies and as they are catalysed into a supreme awakening. They will soar to new heights of experience and expression, and they will enjoy the greatest freedom and capacity for love that they have ever known in their present incarnation. Eventually, together with the discovery of a marvellous new agility and vitality born within their finely-tuned vehicles, they will open up to a much greater inflow of spiritual force, and will finally graduate most joyfully at the impending Harvest Time, taking as many amongst humanity with them as are willing and able to rise up and behold the refulgence of the New World.

From "Wake-Up Calls" - Servers Of The Divine Plan


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