17 November 2014

Wake-Up Calls - Part 2


An inspiring characteristic of early wake-up calls is that they provide a tiny yet thrilling glimpse of just how much more there is to be known and experienced upon the Server's mission. It becomes clear that there are still as yet most wonderful discoveries to be made, and although the dimly-sensed future glory remains imperceptible and incomprehensible to awakening Servers, such glimpses always beckon and inspire them onward. Servers are often awestruck and frequently overwhelmed by the light of progressively brighter revelations that pertain to the greater magnificence which awaits them beyond their presently limited but growing field of vision. Wake-up calls are therefore intended to incite further seeking and service by inspiring the Server's spiritual thirst.

Following a major wake-up call (i.e., one having significant and lasting transformative effect), Servers will generally pass through three stages of response. First comes the stage of enchantment, euphoria and of grand recognition; then a relative darkness follows, and sometimes even despair when the revelation fades, and Servers find that they must walk again in the ordinary dim shadows of the world. They now have some idea of who they are, but it is at this point that their real test lies, for they must now proceed on that inner knowledge and memory alone, and without the spiritual stimulation of the wake-up call. Moments of sometimes intense inner vision are usually balanced and integrated in this way by relatively dormant periods of reflection, absorption and consequent preparation for the next step forward. Finally, awakening Servers become so engrossed in their service, in aiding their fellows, and in helping them forward toward their next wake-up call, that the initial excitement and reaction are forgotten. They then discover to their surprise that at any time and at will - if it serves their selfless interests and those of the Divine Plan - the revelation and spiritual light that were first delivered by a wake-up call are forever theirs.

There are three modes of delivery for wake-up calls, which may be received either in waking consciousness or while asleep in the dream state. They are:

1) a gentle, gradual and steadily unfolding process, often spanning a number of years - the soft alarm bell;

2) a sudden, intense and profoundly transformative awakening - the loud alarm bell; and

3) an overdue and startling wake-up call - the late alarm bell.

This last kind of stimulus becomes eventually necessary due to the Server's lack of appropriate response to previous opportunities provided them, and consequently due to their failure to begin to penetrate the veil of forgetfulness in good time. The belated wake-up call will be much more demanding upon the Server due to its necessary severity. Such a sudden and intense spiritual stimulation generally presents certain hazards and may even cause damage to the lower vehicles of consciousness. As a result of this potent inflow of force the Server may be rendered mentally and emotionally unbalanced, and therefore prevented from fully completing his mission. As the planetary deadline draws nearer, such radical wake-up calls are less likely to result in positive awakenings. This is so because the needed personal purification will have been delayed for too long, and as the Kundalini fires are forced upwards along the spine, piercing the chakras of an impure and unprepared personality, nervous breakdown, insanity and even death may ensue. Late wake-up calls will require a very resilient constitution indeed and an unusually strong will in order for disaster to be averted. It may be clearly recognised, therefore, that there is presently an urgent need for Servers to embark upon or to swiftly proceed along the path of purification without delay.

End Part 2

From "Wake-Up Calls" - Servers Of The Divine Plan


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