15 February 2015

Non-Conflict, No Criticism, No Judgment, Unselfishness

These words are written on a whiteboard that is placed on this writer's refrigerator. There are no pictures of family, newspaper clippings, drawings and the like. There are only these four phrases, positioned in a location that enables them to be viewed several times a day.

These words can serve to help the candidate to maintain focus on one's daily responsibility to the Gnosis. It is by observing this fourfold mantra that one can truly serve humanity while simultaneously assisting in the birth of the New Soul. So simple and so easily understandable are these four concepts that it is not even necessary to define or explain them.

We know what these words mean. The challenge is to put them into practice consistently, every single day, to live the Path.


No Criticism.

No Judgment.


~ g


dave1010 said...

When I'm a witness to things, I find it hard not to judge.


BrotherGee said...


This much can be added to what we are taught regarding judgment.

If one must judge, one is allowed to judge the actions of another as to appropriateness, wisdom (or lack thereof), etc.

What we must not do is judge the person as "bad", "stupid", "evil", etc.

There have been many personalities in our microcosm. Not all of them have been "good" or "wise". We have made many, many, many egregious errors over the course of millions of years of experience. For that reason, we do not have the right to judge another person, as it is a certainty that at some point in a past or present incarnation, we ourselves committed the same act that we now condemn.

Over time, we may have learned that the act was wrong and cultivated an aversion to it. We should allow that the person we are trying to condemn needs to be given time to learn the same lessons that we learned. We are not allowed to place ourselves in a position of judgment, when we ourselves were once transgressors. Such hypocrisy results in an injustice to our fellow man and is extremely harmful to our own soul-growth.

Judge the act, not the person.

~ g