04 February 2015

Orbits, Spirals, Periodicity and Harvest

As we know, the Earth, along with the other planets of this solar system, orbits the Sun. The Sun, in turn, with its collective solar progeny, orbits some other star. That star, with all of its orbiting solar systems, orbits some other celestial object, and so on and so on. Wheels within wheels. All of these systems describe orbits, spirals, journeys that by definition start and end at roughly the same point. Orbiting objects end and begin on the same plane, relatively speaking. Solar systems and star systems end and begin on slightly higher planes.

Planetary revolutions are circular in nature. Solar orbits are spiral in nature. Planetary orbits essentially cause a repeating of circumstances. The Solar orbit results in some existential similarities, but the life of the entire system is elevated to a higher level of existence. The former represents sameness, the latter, progress.

At this point in time, our Solar system has travelled into a new region of space. The Sun, and all of its planetary children, has entered a Divine sphere of influence, a radiation-field that is foreign to this nature, while at the same time, above this nature. This radiation of the Seven-Spirit, emanating from the sixth cosmic domain, is now permeating the seventh cosmic domain, the physical plane. As a result, transfigurative changes are set to take place both here and elsewhere.

You have heard references to the concept of "harvest" when it comes to the transformation and salvation of human souls. This is an apt description, for after the Farmer plants in the spring, he tends to his crops and encourages their growth. Throughout summer, some growth may be attacked by foraging beasts, others may fall to disease or wither due to lack of rainfall. But there will always be those that will bear fruit. At the proper time, which is the same time every year, the Farmer will decide that the window for harvesting is open. He must pick his crop at the peak of ripeness before it is spoiled beyond use.

We are in that time. Since the dawn of this current Day of Manifestation mankind has, through bitter experience and sorrow, once again arrived at the point of Harvest. Presently, there is a segment of humanity whose souls are ripe for harvesting into a New Life Field. Others have had their growth stunted by disease (ignorance) or lack of water (turning away from God). These may receive a final opportunity to join the Harvest, but because the time is so short, it is not known how many will be successful and how many will be left to rot on the vine.

What we do know is this: Harvest occurs on a regular basis. The Holy Language of all times refers to these Harvests time and time again. We have once more returned to this point in time. Cosmic, Solar and planetary cycles are returning to their Start-Finish lines. Before the Door shuts on this epoch, each man and woman must voluntarily choose their Destiny.

~ g


Unknown said...

Thank you Brother G, your posts are really appreciated.

Unknown said...

Each great solar period of evolution is called in theosophy a manvantara. In this solar period or manvantara the monad starts out at the very beginning as an unself-conscious god-spark. And the object of its passage through all the forms of life in that particular solar manvantara is that it may emerge from them as a fully self-conscious god. When the end of that solar period comes, a monad which has successfully completed its evolution will have first-hand knowledge of — will in fact have been — all the life-forms in that manvantara. It will have absorbed to itself at last the power self-consciously to understand and assimilate and use all those experiences. So it becomes a self-conscious god, a master of wisdom and life in that manvantara which it has just rounded out. In a later solar manvantara, the monad will go on to experience still higher levels of evolution and knowledge.

The monadic evolution from 'The Seven Principles of Man'