08 February 2015

The Folly Of The Humanist

Humanism is the idea that solely through humanitarian efforts all worldly strife can be overcome, "good" will conquer "evil" and the world can be made into a paradise solely through the generosity and compassion of human beings.

If this were true, the world would have reached a state of complete peace and tranquility long ages ago. However, we experience in a duality, where everything has its polar opposite and everything eventually changes into its opposite. The more we work at cultivating "goodness", the more that "badness" will work to counteract it. This is the way duality works. Neither side is ever allowed to maintain an advantage or an upper hand over the other for any extended period of time.

No matter with what good intentions a humanitarian effort is started, it will eventually fall victim to its opposites. A couple of examples: The United Nations, which was birthed in a desire for world peace now sanctions global war and murder; or take the United States of America - the nation whose birth sprang from a fervent belief in the sanctity of personal liberty is now the World's Policeman, engaged in unending global warfare punctuated by the occasional kidnapping and execution of sovereign heads-of-state.

Do you know where Mother Theresa is right now? She is in the reflection-sphere, most likely on her knees worshipping some reflection-sphere light-spirit posing as Jesus. Why? Because no matter how noble and admirable her humanistic works were while incarnate, she knew nothing of the Path of the True Way and remained a loyal vassal of the Catholic church right up to the moment of her death. This enabled the capture of her mortal soul by Church aeons once she passed beyond the veil. Gotcha.

To advance that "giving a man a sandwich" will change the world is foolishness born of a type of naïve ignorance. Giving a homeless person food and shelter, while it is our duty to do so, will do almost nothing to advance the salvation of that human soul or of the collective soul of humanity. Mankind's problems go far deeper than an empty stomach. Many who insist that humanitarianism is "the way" speak from an internal egoism that serves to pat the self on the back while making sure to point out their "good works" to others. "Look at me! See what I'm doing? I, I, I,! Me, me, me!"

Mother Theresa and those like her are beautiful human beings who, due to their ignorance of how things work in this fallen nature-order, fall victim to the lies of the orthodox church and become lost to the Gnosis, at least temporarily. One should be aware that the war being waged is not a terrestrial one; it is a war that rages in the heavens for the souls of mankind.

The most effective way to help humanity is to lessen the grip that the aeons of this nature have on humanity. Each candidate that sincerely seeks Liberation, the Path of Return, can draw the forces of the Gnosis into this world while simultaneously effecting an escape from this world, and from the grip of the archons. It is akin to poking holes in a sheet that is held in front of a lamp. Each new hole allows a bit of light to enter. Every new hole permanently weakens the structural integrity of the sheet, until eventually, an abundance of Light is able to shine through without obstruction.

Additionally, those who truly know and understand must make it their business to assist and enlighten those who are still in darkness. This does not mean grabbing people by the collar and forcing upon them something they do not wish to hear, or are not yet ready to hear. But it does mean being available and ready to assist if or when asked by someone who exhibits a true seeking nature, a weariness with the material world and a sincere desire for Truth. It also implies that one study the requirements of the Path and the workings of both the visible and invisible worlds, so as not to spread ignorance via the dissemination half-knowledge.

Most important of all is to live the Path of Return, not just talk or read about it. What that entails is not too hard to fathom: Love God with all your heart, mind and strength; Love thy neighbor as thyself. Purify the thought-life. Open the chambers of the head and the heart to a New Life-force. Let your actions be as speech.

Humanitarianism has its place as a salve for some of the things that plague mankind, but it is not what will ultimately free mankind. Only true insight, sincere yearning for salvation, surrender of the self and a completely new attitude of life will lead one to Liberation, thereby striking a crucial blow for humanity in the execution of the Divine Plan.

~ g


Anonymous said...

"However, we experience in a duality, where everything has its polar opposite and everything eventually changes into its opposite."

This is one aspect that continues to confound me. How is 'experience' possible in a non-duality dimension, or in an absolute state. It is only in realtionaship with 'another' that experience is possible. Granted, we humans have got carried away in our foray into the materialistic realm, but as a long the saprks remain divided it still is duality, irrespctive of the realm. Could you shed some light on this please?

Andrew said...


You state,'Purify the thought-life.'As I understand it we are led by our thoughts and therefore all our actions originate from these thoughts.I understand the theory very well but fail in putting the theory into practice. Fixation on earthly things seems to be my problem.

BrotherGee said...


There is 'experiencing' in the realm above this one (the Sixth Cosmic Domain or Cosmic Astral Plane), the Realm to which we must all seek to return. Entities there proceed from power to power and from glory to glory. There are amazing, incredible experiences that were left behind in the non-dualistic, Divine domain that we once were a part of. For example, we were once co-creators with God, literally, with the ability to create life forms and self-generate our own form at will. All this was possible because we allowed the Infinite Power of God to work through us. We forfeited those abilities when we selfishly arrogated God's power for our own use.

Experience is not something exclusive to a dualistic nature-order. However, conflict is. Constant conflict and opposition is what we in the Seventh Cosmic Domain (the Cosmic Physical Plane) have substituted for "experience". Fighting to achieve, to overcome, to accomplish, etc., all of these ego-centered actions are driven by conflict which is a direct result of the interplay of opposites that characterizes this nature-order.

Unfortunately, we have forgotten our Divine origins and therefore, like an orphan, we cling to and exalt the only 'reality' we know. Many are reluctant to reject this nature-order, fearing that the higher, Divine Realms will prove to be boring or monotonous.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


The Path is about struggle, an ongoing struggle between our I-being, which has millions of years of karma and history to fall back on, and the Other One within, working to liberate Itself from an age-long sleep of death.

There is no "Easy" button here. The toughest adversary we will ever face is ourselves. The I-being knows our every weakness, our every desire and tempts us accordingly. It uses this vast resource of stored information to place one obstacle after another in the path of the candidate.

Purification of the thought-life comes about via a persistent and diligent monitoring of our thoughts, even the most mundane. We mostly think without any advance consideration, not realizing that the thoughts that pop into our minds are placed there by the aeonic forces that permeate our respiration field. It is important to pause and think before we allow a thought to be converted into a feeling or an action. If a thought is not in line with the requirements of the Path, we should cultivate an attitude of indifference to that thought. This will cause the thought to starve due to lack of attention and it will pass from our minds. Of course, the thought will eventually return and we will have to repeat the process, but that is where the work lies.

The pull of the material world is always strong when we start on the Path, largely because the aeons of this nature know that they are in danger of losing us and so they pull out all the stops in an effort to reel us back in. If we are weak in the Gnosis, we will fall for it. That's okay. The Path of Return is a process. It requires great strength to engage in battle with a crafty and cunning adversary. That is why we are taught to allow The Other One within to fight this battle for us. The "I" cannot kill the "I". It's just not going to happen. There's an obvious conflict of interest. Therefore, we should stand aside and not interfere as these battles rage. Yes, we stand to lose a few, but Perseverance, Steadfastness and Devotion to the Path of the True Way will turn the tide slowly but surely.

Do not focus on the failures or beat yourself up over them. Failure is a recognized part of this glorious process...and so is Victory.

~ g

Andrew said...


Thank you for your answer. About thoughts,would it be posible to have no thoughts? Sitting quietly today watching the passing crowd there seems to be a running commentary going on in my mind.Like she is fat, she is attractive, tattoos are ugly,he is very old and that child is spoiled etc. Any tips about stopping this flow? Can one actually get in touch with the Other One? For years I tried meditation but that did not work.

BrotherGee said...


Each of us has a physical, etheric, astral and mental body. The physical body is the most developed. The mental body is the least developed. It is man's duty to learn how to properly utilize the mental body.

The word "man" comes from the word "manas", which means "Thinker", which is what man is destined to become, once he learns to control his thinking. Wondrous things can be created via thought. Right now, our thought-creations are twisted, haphazard, self-focused and evil, hence we have the world that we see around us.

It is helpful to eliminate judgment and/or criticism from our thinking. This is not easy to do, for thinking that we are separate from one another, we are constantly in the habit of comparing others to ourselves and passing judgment or criticism.

Instead of inserting adjectives like "fat", "ugly", "attractive" etc., into the sentences that pop into our mind, we should observe objectively and without criticism or judgment. Instead of thinking "There's a fat girl", it would be better to say "there is a girl". Instead of saying "that child is spoiled", just say "there is a child". Once we strip away the comparative judgments that we place upon our brothers and sisters, we approach the objective neutrality that is a requirement for those who walk the Path or Return. Give it a try, see how it goes. If it doesn't appear to be working, keep trying until it does.

Finally, one cannot get "in touch" with The Other One within us who is looking to be re-born. The Other One emanates from the Divine Spark, the Rosebud, once it begins to bloom. Because this Divine Spark is not-of-this-world, we do not have the sense organs necessary to communicate with it. At most, it is a Silent Voice that lives within us. We can only "hear" it if we are still.

Stillness does not imply meditation. Meditation as practiced by today's society will only put one in touch with the reflection-sphere. The best we can do is to still the noise in our own lives, and listen carefully for the Voice of the Silence. Turning off the television, radio and computer helps, but stilling the cacophony that plays between our ears (mental body) and in our hearts (astral body) is also an important task.

A great deal of discipline is required to do these things. But this writer has always known that we can get used to anything...we just have to want to do so.

In closing, our actions during the waking state are important for establishing and maintaining a link with the Gnosis. When we forget about ourselves and live each moment to serve and help someone else, we bring ourselves closer to The Other One than by any terrestrial method of communication.

When we consistently and selflessly perform the will of the Father, here on Earth, you can be sure that the "contact" you seek will be silently made.

~ g

Andrew said...


I recently watched on DVD a film called Lucy. The storyline was she became a drug mule and the bag she was carrying inside her stomach burst. The drug could make her brain function from the usual 10% to 100%. At that point she knew everything. So even if in the future we could get our mind to function at 100% we are still stuck in dialectics.

We would still have to rely on those who have direct contact with the Holy Seven Spirit. Can I ask you a serious question would they to have to go from 10% to 100% in the sixth cosmic domain?

Could I also ask why after so many years the Schools symbol changed? Is there a reason or was it simply overlooked?

BrotherGee said...


Re: "...still stuck in dialectics"

Quite the contrary. Once one is able achieve successful Transfiguration, the mental, astral and etheric bodies will no longer be composed of the matter of the Seventh Cosmic Domain (the Cosmic Physical Plane). Due to the alchemical transmutation that is at the core of Transfiguration process, those vehicles will then be composed of the pure ethers belonging to the Sixth Cosmic Domain (the Cosmic Astral Plane).

This enables the Victorious One to re-establish full contact with the Divine Kingdom, as he or she will then have regained the appropriate sense organs for perception in that Higher Realm.

There will no longer be a need to rely on Divine intermediaries as the successful candidate will have direct access to first-hand Knowledge. His or her "eyes will be opened".

This is the ultimate aim of the Path of Return - complete and final Liberation from the Physical Plane.

Re: the change in the School's symbol.

I will answer the second part of your question separately, either via comment or post.

~ g

Anonymous said...

G, greetings,

In my opinion, we cannot judge if mother Teresa is in the reflection sphere or some other liberated space like the one we call Shamballa. But I understad you used her as an example of "someone humanitarian", which she certainly was!

There are great souls, in the gnostic sense, who were clergy of all the world's religions, we just cannot know who were a servant of the race or just a worldly humanitarian.


BrotherGee said...

hello, andrew.

In order to transition to Shamballa, one must have consciously begun the alchemical process of Soul-Rebirth. This birth of the New Soul must already be in progress prior to death.

In order to begin this process, one must have knowledge of the true teachings of the Universal Doctrine. A true gnostic transfigurist would not be caught dead in a Roman Catholic church or any other church, for that matter. Such persons know about the aeons that rule the natural religions both on earth and beyond the veil. Membership in a terrestrial church is soul entrapment and virtually guarantees that one will belong to that church's aeon after death, unless he or she can find - and walk - the Path of Return prior to crossing over.

The unfortunate truth is that no matter how "good" a person is while on earth, earthly "goodness" alone will not enable one to reach the Vacuum of Shamballa. Man is unaware of this Truth, which is why the Christ (through Jesus) taught that "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of Heaven".

A true gnostic transfigurist can be recognized by his or her fervent rejection of this nature-order and its institutions (in the world, but not of the world). Mother Theresa died clutching a crucifix, ample proof that she was completely within the thrall of the Catholic aeon right up to her dying breath. Her entire life is one of deep allegience to the Church and its Doctrine of Error. Although there is no doubt that her microcosm gained from the fruits of her incarnation, she was not on the Path that would have led her microcosm to Soul Rebirth and eventual reunification with Spirit. If she had been, we would probably never have heard of her. This because true gnostic transfigurists tend to withdraw from the world, not immerse themselves in it.

It can be stated without judgment or blame that the microcosm that housed the personality known to us as "Mother Theresa" is currently in the reflection-sphere. Certainly a very exalted and high region of the reflection-sphere, but the reflection-sphere nonetheless.


~ g

Anonymous said...

Your reply was very useful for me, the phrase "The true gnostic transfigurists tend to withdraw from the world, not immerse themselves in it" clarified a lot of misunderstandings I had, including ones regarding to the concept of "service" - serving others in gnostic sense seems to be something very different to being an humanitarian.

When it is said about "new soul" or "soul rebirth", what it really means is that when someone start to obey the impulses from the spirit-spark-atom, this gradually regenerates our souls, constructing a "link" for the personality to recieve more and more inpulses from the spirit-spark-atom. If we persist following those impulses, this "link", or new soul, becomes more and more prevalent in our system, eventually substituting or "old", fallen soul (desire body, impure blood and etheric fluids etc) with a new, clean soul, capable of recieving impulses from the spirit atom - is this right?


BrotherGee said...

Good job, alex. You are essentially correct, although we should add the following: the New Soul is generated as a separate entity within the microcosm. The old soul still remains, for we need those vehicles (the nature-born mental, desire and etheric bodies) in order to maintain the material man and navigate the material world. The New Soul is destined for use in another Realm, the Divine Kingdom, although the genesis of its purified vehicles must begin here on terrestrial earth. At some point the old soul will merge with and be absorbed by the New Soul, but what's most important is that we start the process in the here and now.

In essence, for a time, both soul vehicles will co-exist within the same microcosm. For our part, we must ensure that the New Soul continues to increase in influence while the old, I-centered, nature-born soul decreases.

As for service, yes there is a difference between nature-born idea of service and true Service to humanity. Once one begins to build the New Soul, drawing more and more of the pure, divine astral light into one's microcosm, one will also begin to radiate that Light via one's auric field. These radiations will touch our fellow human-beings without their knowledge but will nonetheless be beneficial in their activity. This is the True Service those on the Path of Return can render to mankind.

Well done, my friend.

~ g