07 June 2015

Living Two Lives


So a mighty development of the soul-aspect is underway in our School. Pupils have an unmistakable, intense inner need to participate in the spiritual work and most spare no effort to do so. All this is wonderful and we feel deeply grateful, because it proves that virtually all stand in the awakening Life of the Soul. With their minds they are serving God's law. However, many remain in a state of miserable dividedness. With their minds, they serve the law of God as far as it is possible for them to do so, but with the personality they are often driven by their earthly demons. With their personalities, they remain firmly attached to their type, to the character which has typified them since their youth. Thus, they are not yet free of their earthly personality, which is so much subject to the law of sin. As far as the Soul is concerned, they are engaged in becoming Newly-Born, but as regards the personality, they are still entirely driven by earthly desires.

Where lies the solution to this problem? Paul answers this question too, in Romans 8, a beautiful chapter in which he says "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ; who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the Spirit, mind the things of the Spirit".

The full extent of the difficulty is explained in these words. You know a life of the needs of the awakening Soul, in which you are completely satisfied. Quite apart from that is the life of every day, your life at home and in your position in society, and the intimate life behind the curtains of your own room, far, very far away from the Gnosis; completely one with your own type, your own character and the motive power of your earthly demons; the life, governed by the astral currents of the nature-of-death. Thus -- and there is no denying it -- you live two lives.

This threatens to lead to your downfall. Although you may love the Spiritual School ever so much, although you may never miss a single conference, the divided state we have described will increase your misery hour-by-hour. For mind you, the astral influences of the nature-of-death are constantly increasing in strength so that, if you do not intervene radically in your own life, you will be lost, even though you are Soul-born.

How should you intervene? What is the formula? Apart from living the life of the Soul, you should no longer live according to the flesh, and you should apply yourself to this very consciously, scientifically and decidedly. That is the only solution, however young or old you may be. The younger you are when you begin, the better, because if you lack resilience, if you can no longer summon up the necessary vitality in your nature-born state, it will be an almost impossible task.

"If you remain living according to the flesh, you will die".

Understand well what Paul means by this: in that case you will remain imprisoned in the embryonic field and you will perish in the Cosmic Night. All the valuable Soul-karma that has accumulated in your microcosm will be destroyed. And in time, perhaps in a few hundred thousand years, you will be able to begin again. We say 'you', but we mean 'your microcosm'.

"If you remain living according to the flesh, you will die. But if, through the Spirit, you mortify the deeds of the body, you will Live", as a True Human-Being in God's great, joyful World.

From "The Formula of the Path of Life" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol. III - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Until your way of life is entirely in harmony with the requirements of The Path, you will be susceptible to this conflict. You must maintain a constant vigil over your thoughts, feelings and actions. Occasions will arise when you will not be able to stop yourself in time before acting against the Gnosis. But with steadfastness, devotion to The Goal and perseverance, eventually you will be able to consistently choose the Right Thought, the Right Feeling and the Right Action for any circumstance. It will become a part of you. When that happens, you will have successfully adopted a New Attitude of Life, the 'old you' will have disintegrated into nothingness. Your feet will be firmly planted on the Road to Liberation.

~ g


Anonymous said...

Are there an untold number of universes parallel to our own, or coming into existence even as we speak?
Are all these universes created by different GOD's?
Is there a difference between a CREATOR and GOD.....what I mean is, that, somehow GOD Inc manages the creations of the CREATOR?
Whew....am I over stepping here, do the above even matter in context of our current situation.
all love ~m

BrotherGee said...

~ m:

re: "Are there an untold number of universes parallel to our own, or coming into existence even as we speak?"

"Parallel" is not the best word for it. The idea of "parallel" universes was conjured up by "modern" scientists who are unable to use their intuition. "Parallel" implies universes side-by-side, or one atop the other. This is not the case.

The countless universes co-exist, permeate and inter-penetrate the same "space". This means that all universes are present where we are sitting now. A tremendous realm of activity is taking place where we are, nearer than hands and feet. We are unable to experience this activity because our five physical senses enable us to only see, hear, touch, taste and smell the Physical World.

When the vibration of an entity is raised to levels that correspond with other planes of existence, higher senses will become available, allowing those planes of existence to become "visible" to that entity.

Are all these universes created by different GOD's?

When it comes to the creation of universes, "Logos" is the more appropriate word. Answer is yes.

Is there a difference between a CREATOR and GOD.....what I mean is, that, somehow GOD Inc manages the creations of the CREATOR?

As every manifested thing comes forth from The All, there are truly no "differences". The All is both "apart from" and "a part of" The Creation.

Each Logos originated from a Divine Spark and went through a human-like stage just as we are navigating now. Through long experience and by living voluntarily in service to the Divine All, they demonstrated that they were fit to handle the creation of other beings, then worlds, then solar systems, then galaxies, then universes.

The Logoi know the Plan of The All and are aware of The Pattern. They have the autonomy to create and voluntarily choose to create those things which fulfill the Divine Plan of The All.

Considering our current situation, we are at the lowest rung of the ladder. Each man or woman is destined to become a Logos, long ages hence. Right now, we are in a sort of Kindergarten, learning to create. How do we create? With our thoughts. Unfortunately, because we create selfishly and not in line with the Plan of The All, our creations are flawed (as can be seen by looking around at the world that has resulted from our poor thinking).

Not until we learn to align our Thinking, Feeling and Actions with the Divine Plan of The All will we be allowed to "graduate" from this lowest rung of the ladder and take another step towards our destiny.

~ g

Anonymous said...

On the untold number of universes, as `g rightly said co-exist or 'simultaneous' would be more appropriate. Think of the mobile network with billions of different phones, each SIM is allocated a unique band but all signals are present simultaneously in the same space. All creation and its manifestation are oscillatory and cyclical. The physical senses are both the biggest blessing and our greatest curse. We need to look beyond, outgrow and move 'higher', we have been in the kindergarten playpen too long, let go of the toys and move up with big boys.
This blog and its author is giving us the directions to move on.....heed the advise offered. all love.........

BrotherGee said...

The mobile network / SIM analogy is a very good one. Thanks!

~ g