22 July 2015

Choose Another Thought

"Energy follows Thought; what is focused upon, grows".

Whenever you find yourself with a thought that is not entirely pure (and by pure we mean free of selfish desire or intent) either cease to give that thought any attention or...

...choose another thought.

The former action will result in the thought fading away, dying of starvation, as it were. Because you have withdrawn your focus from that thought, it dissolves due to a lack of attention.

The latter action will obtain the same result, that is, if one chooses a thought of a higher and purer vibration. This requires a significant act of will, as one endeavors to literally evict an unwanted thought out of the head sanctuary.

Both actions are examples of conscious thinking and should be practiced every moment of every day. If we want to succeed in purifying the mental body and benefitting from what that purification can provide, we must gain control over our thinking. This should not be forced. It has to come naturally, which is why it takes practice. We must train ourselves to allow only the thoughts that will benefit our journey on the Path, and dismiss those myriads of distracting, negative thoughts that careen through our minds on a moment-to-moment basis.

On the flip side, when we consistently focus our thinking in the direction of the Gnosis, of ultimate Liberation, we will attract energies that are in-line with those thoughts. These we need not banish from our mental body, but should allow them to multiply and to grow. The beneficent effects of such thinking will be felt throughout the personality of one so directed (see The Retrograde Movement).

"Energy follows Thought; what is focused upon, grows".

~ g

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