26 July 2015

The Transformation Of Matter


Just before the final wave of tribulations -- the seven last plagues -- those who resist evil, those who are victorious in their struggle against the temptations of separation, stand upon a sea of burning glass.

Ah, dearly beloved! Can you imagine what a burning sea of glass might be?

I will tell you. It is the transformation of matter, the very atoms of the material world. It is the quickening of the vibrations of the entire atomic structure that composes the material of Earth, and of your bodies that are made of Earth.

At the time of planetary birth, the atoms on Earth are changed: the mineral, vegetable, animal and human Kingdoms all become more transparent, like glass, through which the invisible force can be seen by all with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Just before the end shall come, those who are to be saved will be quickened. They will "stand on the sea of glass." This means they will be transformed visibly from Adam of the living soul to Adam of the life-giving Spirit.

The transformation is about to begin. Those who are to evolve are even now transforming their material bodies. A new material is being generated out of the old.

Look at your bodies right now.

Be aware that they are composed of energy and information in motion. The appearance of solid flesh is an abstraction produced by your animal sense, suitable for the phase of evolution now passing. The disappearing of solid flesh occurs through a slight change in the frequency at which atoms vibrate. Have you seen water become steam? Have you seen water become ice? So will you see water as burning glass. Your body is made up largely of water. The water in you will change to resonate with the sound vibrations of the "trumpet", or voice, or signal of the God-force, which is directed intentionally upon you.

The body-change, the inner radiation which some of you now feel, is a preliminary experience to prepare you for the alchemy you are about to undergo.

As the evolving are in the process of transformation, the last of the plagues begin for the purpose of the final purification of Earth.

From The Revelation - A Message Of Hope For A New Millennium - Barbara Marx Hubbard


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