27 August 2016
Hold Fast
"The Pupil should not mourn about passing distress and deceptions...often they can effect a direct destruction in his Inner Being. He should always allow the waves of Doubt and Unrest to wash over him, while continuously holding on to the Anchor he has found."
As repeatedly mentioned in this blog to those who have embarked upon the Path: no matter how you fail, or how many times you fail, never give up. That is exactly what the aeons of this nature-order want you to do! Always continue on. Maintain your focus on the Path you have chosen and the Goal that is within reach. You are not unworthy of Transfiguration. In fact, you are eminently worthy of the Divine Promise by way of your lost birthright, which has been found once more.
It is your Destiny to return to the Divine Kingdom as Children of God once more, as Sons of the Fire. You are not fighting to obtain something that you have never had. You are striving to regain that which has always been yours: eternal life in the True, Divine Universe that is not-of-this-world.
The prerequisite for success in this endeavor is to release your attachment to the things of this world, no matter how much they attempt to lure you back into their clutches. Focus your desires on those things which are not-of-this-world. As stated in the Holy Language of all ages, "Wherever your heart's desire is, therein lies your Treasure".
So, hold on.
~ g
24 August 2016
Man is not expected to achieve perfection here on Earth, but only to seek it. What is expected of him is a sincere and honest effort without any hypocritical or deceptive reservations. The Divine Design requires that Man make a conscious choice of Right under the constant pressure of temptation to do otherwise. This also leaves man free to choose Wrong.
Man chooses Wrong instead of Right for just two reasons: either it's the easy path of least resistance, or it is the most alluring. Consequently, the Good Religion must first concern itself with establishing strength of character and moral backbone, for these form the only foundation upon which the Palace of Spirituality can be erected.
Long ages ago, Man took the wrong path and was led astray still further by guides with insufficient knowledge of The Way. They knew the general direction, but their maps were faulty. Now Man is lost in the swamps of spiritual bitterness and the marshes of moral decay. His vision cannot penetrate the thick mists of mortal and material illusions which have closed in upon him. He has lost all confidence in his guides and feels betrayed, abandoned and lonely.
The Lost Wayfarer must be revived with a draught of moral courage. He must be strengthened and revitalized with a belief which gives him spiritual backbone. The religions which pander to the weak characters, to the meek and servile, the ignorant and unthinking, must be discarded. Man must be given what he needs, not what he deserves. He must be taught the Meaning and Purpose of Life, so that he no longer wastes it.
He must know that whatever befalls him on Earth is either decreed or the result of his own actions, but that it may be utilized to his benefit elsewhere. Now, as always, Man is taught to seek inspiration outside of himself. In the Light of the New Dawn he must be taught to seek his inspiration from the Divinity within himself.
From the Book of Wisdom: Chapter 21 - The Kolbrin
22 August 2016
Signs Of The (End) Times
A Roman soldier who hailed from Gaul spoke up, saying, "It is foolishness and futile to set one against the other, for men cannot write with swords, or fight with quills or writing reeds. Let men become brothers, as they await the day of The Awakener. Tell me good Master, when shall the end be?"
Jesus answered, "There will be an end to the Beginning and men will know this by the spirit of the times. Men will no longer be as brothers, nor will they be manly. Women will be as men as men will be as women. Adultery will not be condemned, nor will fornication, therefore they will flourish. Men will not honor their homelands and there will be no discrimination among them. Fathers will not be honored, nor mothers respected, and children will be raised to be wayward. Perversions will be encouraged and criminals will mock the law.
There will be incest and rape and it will be unsafe to walk abroad. Floods, famines, droughts and earthquakes will cause death and destruction. Strange sicknesses will smite the people and there will be a denial of God. Babes will be slain in the womb.
Men will lust after the wives of other men and marriage shall lose its meaning. Women will go to the marriage table unchaste and with deceit in their hearts. Their husbands, creatures of pity, will hear the mocking voices of laughing men. Priests will defile their altars with their impurity and rulers will be held in little repute. It is not God who marks the end days, but Man, who lives as though setting a pitfall for himself."
Chapter 3 - Jesus (Part 2) - The Britain Book - The Kolbrin
~ g
21 August 2016
Doomsday Survivors
That's what we are.
The Earth has experienced many cataclysms in her past. These were calamitous global events whose purpose was to eradicate all evil from the material-sphere and the reflection-sphere. In cyclic fashion, both Earth-planes are cleansed, and returned to a pristine state for a period of time. Gradually, Man's erroneous thinking once again pollutes the twin-spheres of the Earth to the point where they must be swept clean again. Destruction, then renewal; destruction, then renewal. This is the pattern.
Prior to the end of the destruction phase, a Remnant is always segregated from those who are to perish. The Remnant is made up of those who have kept God's Laws, who are walking the Path of the True Way, or who are earnestly attempting to do so. These ones are warned in advance and a place is prepared for them. The Holy Language refers to this place of refuge as an 'ark'. Those on the Path with knowledge of these things will know that the 'ark' is a symbolic reference to locations such as Shamballa, also known as The White Island and The Imperishable Sacred Land.
We can be fairly certain that we are not a part of the remnant that was saved from the prior destruction. If we were, we wouldn't be here. It is more likely that we are among those who perished, those whose microcosms were wiped clean in order to enable us to begin again. The Remnant are removed from the physical plane. Its members will return to the physical plane only if doing so is in the best interests of fallen mankind, or if there is a specific task that needs to be performed for the benefit of humanity.
Thus, we are doomsday survivors. We have experienced repeated end-time scenarios, have had countless confrontations with The Destroyer, and have continuously failed to learn the lesson put before us. Slaves to our unholy self-will, we have stubbornly failed to make the Liberating Choice.
We are now at the end of yet another World-Cycle. We are once again facing a Choice between True Life and Living Death. Will we choose to remain bound to the Earth and hypnotized by all that it has to offer, both 'good' and 'bad'? Or will we make the Right Choice, the One Choice, the Only Choice, and seek the Path that will lead us out of Darkness and back into the Light?
13 August 2016
Resolutions To Keep Along The Way
My duty is to learn and understand the Holy Writ, so that I may direct my children by its Light. I acknowledge that only by example can I be a true and worthy exponent.
The faith I hold shall not be something imprisoned within my thoughts, but something lived and expressed in deeds. I give thanks for the knowledge that I am a Living Soul, but I know full well the responsibility I bear towards my Future Being. I will not be a disgrace to the Earth when I pass to the Greater Realm beyond.
I shall not seek to blame others for my own failures. I shall be ever-mindful of the good things in Life and be grateful for them. I shall suffer adversity and affliction with fortitude, rising above them and not cringing before them like a dog under the stick of his master. Doubts, fears, unnatural desires and inhuman urges may lurk along my Path, like forest demons which waylay those who travel, but I shall overcome them.
I recognize that my Soul and Body compete for satisfaction of their separate desires. I know that each day the Body dies a little, that every day draws it nearer to the Dark Shore. Therefore, I will follow the precepts of Prudence, and each and every day will be a step forward in the awakening of my Soul. I shall not punish my True Self for the sake of a decaying body.
I will live in the Light as revealed in the Holy Writ, the Written Light as revealed to the Brothers of the Book.
From "The Book of the Sons of Fire - Chapter 18 - The Masiba Amendments" - The Kolbrin
11 August 2016
A Portion Of Time
Read, O children of the Unborn Years, and absorb the wisdom of the past, which is your heritage. The enlightening words from the past, which is to you, in days so far away and yet, in Truth, so near.
We are taught that we live forever, and this is true, but it is equally true that no moment of life must be wasted; for each hour and day on Earth is a shaping for the future. We are the inheritors of a portion of time, we can dissipate it on futile things or utilize it to our everlasting benefit.
In the days of our fathers, before barren teachings clogged the thoughts of men, and vain formal ritual built a wall which obscured Understanding, men walked in the light of the Truth. Then they knew that there was One God alone, but because they allowed their higher abilities to fall into disuse, they saw less clearly. Because He appeared in different aspects, they thought He was many.
Now, in our days, God has many varied forms in the eyes of men and each declares he alone knows the true name and likeness of God. Here all men fall into error, though all have spoken truly according to their understanding. But Truth can never bow to the limited understanding of man, the comprehension of man must expand to grasp it.
From "Chapter 3 - Flood of Atuma" Book of Gleanings - The Kolbrin
10 August 2016
The Frightener
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Artist's depiction of The Destroyer |
I am the prophet to tell men of The Frightener, though many generations will pass before it appears. It will be a thing of monstrous greatness arising in the form of a crab, first its body will be red, then green, then blue. It will spread destruction across the Earth, running from sunrise to sunset.
It will come in the Days of Decision, when men are inflicted with spiritual blindness, when one ignorance has been replaced with another, when men walk in darkness and call it Light. In those days, men will yearn after pleasure and comfort , they will go down roads of ease, encouraged by women incapable of inspiring them towards The Upward Path.
There will be disbelief in spiritual things, but this will proceed from ignorance, it will be a thing of the lips, for disbelief is not in the heart and nature of man. No matter how much a man cries out his disbelief, in times of turmoil, in strange and unfamiliar surroundings, when frightened by the unknown, he turns to spiritual things for comfort and strength.
In the days of The Great Conflict do not pray that the Supreme Spirit be on your side, this would be a futile waste of time. Pray, rather, that you be on the Right Side, the side of the Supreme Spirit.
Hear my voice, for I tell of things to come. There will be no great signs heralding the coming of The Frightener, it will come when men are least prepared. It will come when they seek only worldly things. In those days, men will be falling away from manliness and women from womanliness. It will be a time of confusion and chaos.
I have warned of The Frightener. I have done what I am charged to do.
From "Teachings of Elidor - 6" - Book of the Silver Bough: Chapter 7 - The Kolbrin
Then came the day when all things became still and apprehensive, for God caused a sign to appear in the Heavens, so that men should know that the Earth would be afflicted, and the sign was a strange star.
The star grew and waxed to a great brightness and was awesome to behold. It put forth horns and sang, being unlike any other ever seen. So men, seeing it, said among themselves, 'Surely, this is God appearing in the Heavens above us'. The star was not God, though it was directed by His design, but the people had not the wisdom to understand.
Then God manifested Himself in the Heavens. His voice was as the roll of thunders and He was cloaked with smoke and fire. He carried lightning in His hand and His breath, falling upon the Earth, brought forth brimstone and embers. His eye was a black void and His mouth an abyss containing the winds of Destruction. He encircled the whole of the Heavens, bearing upon His back a black robe adorned with stars.
Such was the likeness and manifestation of God in those days. Awesome was His countenance, terrible His voice of wrath, the sun and the moon hid themselves in fear and there was a heavy darkness over the face of the Earth.
"Book of Creation - Chapter 4 - Affliction of God" - The Kolbrin
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Celestial object captured on Google Sky |
07 August 2016
The Reality Of The Unreality
"All changes. The world is an illusion." - The Treatise On Resurrection - Nag Hammadi Library
That which is Real is permanent. It is eternal and does not perish. This is what establishes its Reality.
That which changes is Unreal. It is temporary, subject to perishability. Its impermanence is proof of its Unreality. If something is here one moment and then gone or changed in the next moment, that thing is an Illusion. Any magician can attest to that fact.
The material-sphere falls within the realm of Illusion. It is not Real, as it does not meet the definition of Reality. This can be proven by making the simplest of observations.
A ripe fruit falls from a tree. No matter how one may try to preserve it, eventually that fruit will fall victim to the natural process of decay and disintegrate into its constituent atoms. The fruit was never Real.
A child is born, delicate and small. Immediately, it embarks upon unceasing changes of the body, from infant, to adolescent, to young adulthood, etc., eventually reaching old age. Where is the child that was born? It no longer is, for it has changed. The child was never Real.
The reflection-sphere, the so-called 'heaven-world', which is, in fact, simply a temporary home for the so-called 'dead', is also not Real. After death, the physical body is dropped, but the etheric, astral and mental bodies continue on to travel through the different levels of the reflection-sphere. As the remains of the personality approach each higher level, a vehicle is dropped: the etheric body dissolves prior to entering the astral realm, because the etheric body cannot thrive in the astral realm due to incompatibility of vibration. The astral body is dropped as the remains of the personality approach the mental realm, finally, the mental body is dropped at the doorstep of the causal plane. Divested of the subtle bodies, all that remains of the physical personality are the permanent atoms, which store the experiences, attributes and karma of the personality.
Eventually, unfinished business on the earth-plane, karmic debts and/or desire for the sensory stimulation of physical life will prompt the microcosm to adopt a new personality, which will be inserted into the physical realm via the agency of childbirth. Thus, the circle is closed and the process of Rising-Shining-Fading begins anew. The Wheel of Death and Rebirth rolls on. This illustrates the temporal nature of the "eternal heavenly reward" that the churches pound into the heads of their blind sheep. It is not permanent. It is not Real.
The physical Earth serves as a home for human life-waves for a cycle of time. At a given point, the Earth is destroyed, not as an act of terror or punishment, but as a farmer would plow under his fields to prepare them for a new season of growing. Everything about the Earth is in a state of constant change. Earth-life is, in essence, an illusion.
So, what is Real? What is Lasting? What is Permanent?
There is a Kingdom above our Physical Realm, in which Imperishability is the hallmark. There is no death there. There is no decay. There is no endless cycle of Rising-Shining-Fading. This Divine Realm is. It lives in the womb of Eternity. There is only an eternal process of evolution, of moving from power to power, and from glory to glory.
This is where we, as spirit-spark human-beings, emanated. It is to this realm that we must return. The Path of Return provides us with the method and the way.
All those who accept and nurture the power of the Gnosis - the Christ-power - are granted the ability to become Children of God again.
~ g
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