24 August 2016



Man is not expected to achieve perfection here on Earth, but only to seek it. What is expected of him is a sincere and honest effort without any hypocritical or deceptive reservations. The Divine Design requires that Man make a conscious choice of Right under the constant pressure of temptation to do otherwise. This also leaves man free to choose Wrong.

Man chooses Wrong instead of Right for just two reasons: either it's the easy path of least resistance, or it is the most alluring. Consequently, the Good Religion must first concern itself with establishing strength of character and moral backbone, for these form the only foundation upon which the Palace of Spirituality can be erected.

Long ages ago, Man took the wrong path and was led astray still further by guides with insufficient knowledge of The Way. They knew the general direction, but their maps were faulty. Now Man is lost in the swamps of spiritual bitterness and the marshes of moral decay. His vision cannot penetrate the thick mists of mortal and material illusions which have closed in upon him. He has lost all confidence in his guides and feels betrayed, abandoned and lonely.

The Lost Wayfarer must be revived with a draught of moral courage. He must be strengthened and revitalized with a belief which gives him spiritual backbone. The religions which pander to the weak characters, to the meek and servile, the ignorant and unthinking, must be discarded. Man must be given what he needs, not what he deserves. He must be taught the Meaning and Purpose of Life, so that he no longer wastes it.

He must know that whatever befalls him on Earth is either decreed or the result of his own actions, but that it may be utilized to his benefit elsewhere. Now, as always, Man is taught to seek inspiration outside of himself. In the Light of the New Dawn he must be taught to seek his inspiration from the Divinity within himself.

From the Book of Wisdom: Chapter 21 - The Kolbrin



BrotherGee said...

Dear Anonymous,

The comment that you submitted was deleted by accident. It is being submitted below. Will respond shortly. ~ g

How does one reawaken the inner light. I remember as a child seeing the inner light or third eye flame whenever I closed my eyes and also the jathar agni or stomach fire. However in the years of growing up I am now no long able to see it when I close my eyes. Any way in which I can reconnect with my body.

BrotherGee said...

It is not the body that we need to reconnect with, but Spirit. To do so, the heart must be purified, which means that our desires must be purified. Only a pure and open heart can attract the Higher Energies needed to awaken the Rose of the Heart, the Divine Spark.

Be selfless. Ignore all earthly desires, including the desire to "see" third eyes and stomach fire. Those visions are reflection-sphere phenomena, provided by your terrestrial higher self, which means that they are not real. What you must listen for is the Voice of the Silence, which cannot be heard until the heart is still. By still, we mean without selfish desires.

Place yourself in the background and place the needs of your fellow human-beings first. Selfless service to others is a tried and true method for opening the heart sanctuary to the radiations of the Gnosis.

~ g