22 August 2016

Signs Of The (End) Times


A Roman soldier who hailed from Gaul spoke up, saying, "It is foolishness and futile to set one against the other, for men cannot write with swords, or fight with quills or writing reeds. Let men become brothers, as they await the day of The Awakener. Tell me good Master, when shall the end be?"

Jesus answered, "There will be an end to the Beginning and men will know this by the spirit of the times. Men will no longer be as brothers, nor will they be manly. Women will be as men as men will be as women. Adultery will not be condemned, nor will fornication, therefore they will flourish. Men will not honor their homelands and there will be no discrimination among them. Fathers will not be honored, nor mothers respected, and children will be raised to be wayward. Perversions will be encouraged and criminals will mock the law.

There will be incest and rape and it will be unsafe to walk abroad. Floods, famines, droughts and earthquakes will cause death and destruction. Strange sicknesses will smite the people  and there will be a denial of God. Babes will be slain in the womb.

Men will lust after the wives of other men and marriage shall lose its meaning. Women will go to the marriage table unchaste and with deceit in their hearts. Their husbands, creatures of pity, will hear the mocking voices of laughing men. Priests will defile their altars with their impurity and rulers will be held in little repute. It is not God who marks the end days, but Man, who lives as though setting a pitfall for himself."

Chapter 3 - Jesus (Part 2) - The Britain Book - The Kolbrin



~ g

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