11 November 2016

What Will You Do With This Life?

What do you do with the life that you have received?
Do you give it back, after the allotted years,
After working, eating, drinking, 'happiness',
After the Game of Good and Bad Fortune?
And you end up Unconscious,
Just as you began?

Or do you dare
To take the Upward Journey?
Wearisome, perhaps, but certain step-by-step
Of being conscious in Spirit, Soul and Body
Through Will, Wisdom and Activity.
In accepting everything
While knowing that nothing is without meaning.

Say farewell in Seven Spirals
Constantly more sublime,
By which, unknowing, the Straight Path appears
For the Spiritual Being whom you truly are,
Who, above dying nature
Enters into the Fields of Birth,

So Giving
Is Living.


Anonymous said...

I never realized how deeply beautiful the spirit of your blog was until now... Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you.

BrotherGee said...

May the Voice Within continue to speak to you and all those who frequent this blog. Resolve to learn all you can about the two nature orders and the requirements for walking the Path of Return.

The decision to travel this Path is reserved for each individual to make. The ultimate aim of this blog is to provide the Seeker with sufficient information to make that choice intelligently, and with wisdom.

all love

~ g

Free Thinker said...

Thank you BrotherGee