Take a look at the above two skeletons and try to answer the following questions:
1. Which skeleton belongs to a so-called "black" person? Which skeleton belongs to a so-called "white" person? Feel free to insert any ethnicity or tribal designation into the foregoing and ask the same question.
2. Which skeleton belongs to a wealthy person of great prestige and so-called "power"? Which skeleton belongs to a poverty-stricken, low-class, so-called "bum"?
3. Which skeleton belongs to a male? Which to a female?
4. Which skeleton belongs to an "American"? Which to a "Russian", "European", "Asian" or "Pacific Islander"?
How did we do? Did anyone go 4-for-4 with the correct answers?
So, what's the difference? Answer: there is no difference. The only "differences" that exists between one human-being and another are the differences that man constructs in his feeble and self-focused thinking. Here's the way the majority of humanity looks at the world:
"That person doesn't look like me, is darker / lighter than me, doesn't dress like me, doesn't live where I live, doesn't have what I have, doesn't think the way I do, has ancestors who hated my ancestors, etc., etc. Therefore that person is 'different' from me. And that which is 'different' from me is my opposite, my adversary, my enemy."
What ridiculous nonsense.
That which differentiates one personality from another cannot be seen by the naked eye. Although our microcosms originated from the same Source far back in the annals of what we know as "time", each microcosm has accumulated myriads of different experiences during countless instances of physical incarnations. During this span, some microcosms have advanced on the Path that leads to ultimate Liberation from the cosmic physical plane, others have stagnated or regressed. These conditions are what are responsible for that which man could possibly want to call "differences".
Your mass media is hugely responsible for how humanity looks at the world and each other. There are billions of stories occurring each day across the globe, but the mainstream news editors, publishers and broadcasters are interested only in showing you the worst sort of news, the kind that succeeds in maintaining artificial divides and separating humanity from one another. This is why certain groups, say Group "A" are disproportionately featured on the front pages, doing bad things; the purpose is to reinforce the idea in the minds of other groups, say Group "B", that members of Group "A" are animals, and the cause of all the crime in the world. In the meantime, members of Group "B" are also committing the most heinous crimes imaginable, but receiving little media attention unless the crime is so ridiculously outrageous that it cannot be ignored. Such matters are stage-managed by the handful of human lackeys who control almost everything that you see and hear in this world.
In this way, the thinking of the masses is shaped and refined. The public falls victim to a certain type of mind-control, one based upon humanity's self-focus, coupled with an erroneous assumption that the mainstream media does not lie or manipulate, and always tells the public the truth.
Make it a point to maintain control of your thinking. Observe the world from the basis of the living soul-state, not as a nature-born human-being. Recognize that the world is under the spell of a massive programming and deception, and strive to disengage yourself from it. Always remain neutral, objective, unattached to any outcome. If you fail to do these things, you risk being swept up in the maelstrom of public opinion and mass hypnosis that envelops the world today, thus impeding your ability to respond to the radiations of the Gnosis.
In the end, there is no difference between one person and another, one group or another. We are all prisoners of the aeons of this nature. We are all astral food sources for the "prince of this world". The sooner that this is recognized by the candidate, the sooner the next step on the Path can be taken.
~ g
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