27 January 2017

To Find The Light

Question: What is the aim of our experience in the Darkness?
Answer: “The aim is to find the Light during such an odyssey, and with the aid of the Light one has found, to overcome evil and restore the Original state.

All the Mysteries culminate in this. As soon as the human-being becomes aware of this, his line of development turns upward again and returns to Its Origin. But with what an immeasurable difference!
The human-being sets out as an ignorant entity, he returns as One Who Knows. He sets out as a Prodigal Son, now he is the son who has been found again, and who returns to the House of the Father”.
From  The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Part IV, p 122 – Jan van Rijckenborgh


Anonymous said...

I understand that our purpose here is the transfiguration process. There is earth, the reflection sphere, different universes, Shambhalla, there are astral influence/energies, planetary influences and there is the sixth cosmic domain.

The universe is also mental in nature. Thoughts are things.

When someone understands some of this knowledge then it is hard to believe that we live on a spherical globe and that the world is not all it seems, that our destiny is not in the stars but to become a light being here and now.

People are lost for a lack of knowledge.

We barely undetstand our world for all our books, internet pages, churches, offices, science buildings, libraries, galleries etc.

Wow, just wow. I just hope that I can hang on to this golden thread :)

BrotherGee said...

There is a saying that goes:

"Once you know, you cannot un-know"

You, and all who have freely chosen to walk the Path of Return have reached a point where a certain Knowledge - Gnosis - has been revealed to you. You are receptive to this Knowledge due to your own Remembrance, which manifests itself as "intuition". Deep within, you know the things that have been revealed to you are true. You may not be able to explain it, but you instinctively know.

This Knowledge has resonated with you and the vibration that it carries has set up a corresponding vibration within you. As you nurture your link to the Gnosis - 'the Golden Thread' - and continue to follow the Path that is being shown to you, that vibration will grow exponentially, until it eventually fills the entire microcosm with its rejuvenating Light-Power. This transmutation will culminate in the birth of the New Soul, the Spirit-Soul. Transfiguration will be the ultimate and inevitable result.

Continue to Seek and Receive this Knowledge, but remember to use discernment. Now that you have been exposed to the true gnostic vibration, it will be a bit easier for you to use proper discernment in your Seeking. You will intuitively know when a teaching does not resonate with the Universal Doctrine, as there will be an inner feeling of dissonance between that teaching and the vibration that you now carry. Discard and move on.

You can hold on to the Thread if you can maintain your focus upon the Gnosis. Live your daily life, yes, but realize always that within your heart you are now carrying a Flame that you must not allow to be extinguished! Every Thought, Feeling and Action must cease to originate from a place of "what is good for the 'I'?" and instead find their source in this question: "what can be done to help my fallen brothers and sisters? In what way can Service be offered?".

Service is the key. The more we Serve others, the less time we have to focus on our own "I". Service-to-others will help to increase and strengthen the Gnsotic vibration within you, until it becomes who you are. Through a life of constant Service, the "I-being" will gradually recede in influence and the divine Other One - the True Man, that which you really are - will henceforth guide the physical instrument. Each step taken will be taken with surety and certainty. The fruits of all endeavors will reveal the workings of the Gnosis.

It is rewarding and encouraging to know that you have been able to assimilate the Light that has been revealed to you so far and have not turned away. Many falter at this critical point and return to their caves, unable to reconcile or surrender their attachment to the "Reality" they thought they knew. But you have pressed on in Acceptance, and that has lit the Flame within. Your Rosebud has begin to bloom.

Stay on the Path, my friend. Finding this Path is the One Goal of Humanity, even though much of humanity is unaware of that fact. Never falter, never waver. As sure as The All is in All, you will be led to The Good End.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gee for taking the time to reply, what you are saying has really resonated with me and hopefully others think so too.