04 January 2018

To Nothing Be Slave

"To nothing be Slave,
Nor desire Possession
Of man-child or wife,
Of home or of household;

Calmly encounter
The Painful, the Pleasant;
Adore Me only
With heart Undistracted;

Turn all your Thought
Towards solitude,
Spurning the noise of the Crowd,
Its fruitless Commotion;

Strive without ceasing
To know the Atman (God);
Seek this Knowledge
And comprehend clearly
Why you should seek It;

Such, it is said,
Are the Roots of True Wisdom;
Ignorance, merely,
Is all that denies them."

-- Krishna --


Ghansham said...

Hari Om the truth " when the atmaa or soul never dies "once it's born or manufactured by the divinity God it that is myself just keep's changing bodies now human tomorrow a donkey like we change clothes every day only very fortunate once take human form but with very hard weird conditions so next birth is successful or more easy.

BrotherGee said...

My friend,

We do evolve via successive births as human-beings. However, we do not flip back and forth from human in one life, then to animal, then back to human, etc. We left the animal stage of our development millions of years ago.

Our rebirths are now exclusively human ones. We may regress or progress in consciousness but we will do so in the context of a human consciousness and form, not an animal consciousness and form.


~ g