22 December 2008

Encouragement For Those Who Seek TRUTH

Searching out the Truth of this World and trying to do so before The Gate opens can be a daunting task. We are at first BURDENED WITH EVERYTHING WE HAVE BEEN TAUGHT BY OTHERS WHO WERE AS IGNORANT OF THE TRUTH AS WE. The most important thing you can do in order to regain your own intellectual sovereignty and move closer towards the Truth of things is this:

Learn To Think For Yourself.

Don't accept anyone's word for anything just because they have a Ph. D, or a Masters in-whatever, or because they went to Cambridge or Harvard, or because they hold a high government position with "experience", or because they are schooled in one of the many "disciplines" that have been designed to enslave You -- Religion, Banking, Law, Government, Military, Archaeology, Science, etc. These are all EARTHLY disciplines. They have meaning and "clout" here only on this Earth. We have been BRAINWASHED to respect the "representatives" of these disciplines from the time we are very little and to accept their ego-based, self-assertive and speculative spewings as "fact". We grow up retaining our child-like faith that all of these disciplines and "experts" are needed, can be trusted and would never betray us.

Well, I'm here to tell you that that is not true. All of these disciplines are designed to ENSLAVE us and, most importantly, to RETARD OUR SOUL-GROWTH, preventing us from acquiring the True Knowledge that we need to advance ourselves and the entire Human Race.

I wish to humbly offer you tips and guidelines that have worked for me and many others inhelping to see beyond the Illusion.

1. Know That You Are Not "Crazy". If you are Questioning things, then you are definitelItalicy "sane".

2. Understand that the World is "Upside-Down and Backwards". Saddam Hussein, a "villain"? No, my friend, you need to look DEEPER.

3. Accept That You Have Been Programmed Since Birth -- and then begin to take steps to throw off that programming

4. Accept that once you make "The Breakthrough", you will not be able to reach everyone in attempts to awaken them. Do not despair, for the decision to remain ignorant will be their Choice.

5. Be Prepared, NOT SCARED -- big things are about to go down in our World. Those of us who Know, MUST NOT PANIC. We must think clearly no matter what the situation. It is what we have been trained to do. It is what we have come here for.

I no longer care whether my sanity is questioned or not, nor by who. I know what I have to do. And I am taking my first steps towards fulfilling my Mission.

Are you ready to take yours? If not, never fear. I am here to help you to Remember how.

All Love,

~~ G


Anonymous said...

Hello, Brother G--

This is just a small note to you personally, to say Thank You! for all you are doing.

You are much appreciated.


BrotherGee said...


Your kind sentiments are appreciated more than human words can express. I can only say that you and others like you are the reason that I write. To receive words of encouragement from my Sisters and Brothers is a bonus and a gift that I cherish.

Thank YOU, for giving me the opportunity to Serve.

All Love,

~~ G

Anonymous said...

Dear BrotherGee

Along with Judith I want to thank you for bringing more
light into our lives. It is truly wonderful to actually
KNOW that we are on the right path once and for all.

We have taken our first steps. Now we walk together as
one - in light and love.

With much gratitude


BrotherGee said...

Brother Kevin,

Thank You. Yes, it is Empowering and Reassuring to know that despite all of the Negativity, Permissiveness and Pop Culture surrounding us, that there really IS another Path...the NARROW PATH which when taken will lead to Destiny.

And I wish to tip my hat to you, as well. I've seen your work and i know that you are striving to bring Light to whoever wishes to avail themselves of it.

We do indeed walk together in the battle to awaken our slumbering Brothers and Sisters.

All Love, my friend.

~~ G

Anonymous said...

This is along with my first steps, my first attempt at reaching out to let others know I am here as well. I am embrassing my strength and my power for my family and those who need it and will appreciate it.

Peace- Mauvegrin

BrotherGee said...


I applaud you for taking those most important "first steps". The Bell rings for all of us when it is time. You have obviously chosen to answer The Bell.

Be Confident, be Fearless, and above all be UNSELFISH and GIVING. Your family is lucky to have you in their midst! Humanity is enriched by your offer of Service.

Here's to an Enlightened Journey for you, my friend!

~~ G