14 December 2008

Now, Why Did I Go Through All Of That?

I threw that very brief, very broad outline of the History of Man in here because I wanted to illustrate that Humanity has been here for a long time. This Era, this Closing Cycle that you and I live in is an eye-blink in comparison, but tremendous in its importance. We've worked hard to get here. We've lived repeatedly and suffered tremendously in order to reach this, the Doorstep to our next Stage of Development.

I'm not trying to come off as a "know-it-all". One thing that I can tell you about me is that everything that I write has years of research and consideration behind it. If I don't know the answer to a question, then I'll just say that I don't know. I'm not asking anyone to take my account of the "Brief History of Man" as fact. Actually, I always urge people to do their own research when presented with new or challenging information. Never take anyone's account of anything for granted or for gospel unless it resonates within you in a manner that you cannot deny.

The Information in our World that is presented to us as History, Science, Religion, Law, Politics, etc. is purposely Inaccurate and has been designed to Mislead and Deceive us. The Internet is Our Gift to Ourselves where "ordinary" Humans can post formerly hidden or hard-to-find Information to help educate other Humans, while cutting out the "middleman" of the so-called "Establishment", whose over-riding goal is the complete subjugation and suppression of the Will of Humanity.

I know a lot, but I don't claim to know everything. It is always up to The Reader to remember to check with their Inner Guidance in order to validate the Truthfulness or Accuracy of ANYTHING he or she reads, from the ingredients on a cereal box to blog treatises on the recent History of Man.

That said, I hope that the previous series has been informative and if not, then I hope that it has been at least entertaining.

All Love,

~~ G


Anonymous said...

Brother Gee

The Brief History of Man series was very informative and resonates with Truth.

The Internet is indeed our gift to exercise our free will of communication to humanity. I sometimes wonder if the dark side will try to take down the internet because of this.

What's your view on this?

BrotherGee said...


Light and Dark are involved in a battle in which there are some rules. If we look carefully at different Scenarios in Life, we can see these agreements being played out. For example:

The Light is most likely responsible for the creation and proliferation of the World-Wide Web. Yes, the Dark recognizes the threat that the Internet represents to their plans but they will not be allowed to "take it down", so to speak. However, they are allowed to do all they can to cause The Web to work (or fail) to their advantage.

Because of this we have zillions of pornography sites just a click away. We have spammers, hackers, virus- and worm-makers helping to make life miserable for people who surf the Web. We also have The Dark posting their own Misleading or Negative websites. All of these things are designed to throw us off The Path.

So, both sides will use this Resource, each in their own way. As always, it is up to us to avoid the Trapdoors and Pitfalls that the Dark work tirelessly to set up for us.

Although there has been a lot of sabre-rattling about restricting Internet access, I'm positive that the Internet will be around until the end. It can't be killed because it is an integral part of what is happening and what will happen in the next few years on this planet. Additionally, both Dark and Light are benefitting from its existence.


~~ G