21 December 2008


Hi, all.

For the last week or so I've been reading up on something totally foreign to me. It's bananas, but it resonates. I've been able to assimilate it with everything else I carry within me and that process has been the reason for my recent silence. I'll probably bring it up here in the near future.

I'd like to offer a suggestion to all. Something that has helped me in my search for Truth in a World constructed of Lies. There is a lot of dis-information and outright mis-information out there. It is up to us to slice through the baloney and find what's real. Every morning after I awake, I ask my Higher Self, my guides and whoever is of Light and wishes to assist me to "please help lead me to the Truth today and away from blind alleys". Invariably, at some point during the day, I will see or hear something that, once investigated, will yield me tons of important and useful Information. It's not magic, and anyone can use the same method in their Search. It works because of the following little-accepted fact:

We Are Not Alone.

In the world beyond the Physical, there are those who are Willing and Eager to lend us their support. But we must ask. They are not allowed to "lead us". We must ask for assistance, and then wait for the answer. If we miss the Answer because it comes in a form that we do not recognize, then that is on us. We must learn to be ready to recognize and accept the Help that we seek. We must then be equally ready to understand and incorporate the information that we receive.

This is how True Knowledge can be acquired. This is how freedom from the Lies of this World can be obtained. I'm not a big Bible fan because I know that it has been extensively tampered with but there are also many nuggets of Truth contained therein. I believe that it has been written:

"Ask, and it will be given to you;
Seek, and you will find;
Knock, and the Door will be opened for you;
For everyone who asks receives,
And everyone who searches finds,
And for everyone who knocks,
The Door will be opened."

- Matthew 7 7:8

These are not idle words. They were Spoken and Recorded 2,000 years ago for Us to benefit from today.

All Love,

~~ G

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