13 August 2012



The candidate is going the Path, and he is prepared to serve humanity. He demonstrates this by the sacrifice of himself, in which he begins to forget his own self and his own unhappiness. In this wonderful servitude he forgets his own difficulties. But these nevertheless remain, and their presence is evidence of the fact that the aeons of nature are still ruling the soul, and from time to time, the I-being sings the highest note. Every candidate, therefore, knows periods of relapse.

However, the Gnosis also speaks in the soul, and from time to time it, too, makes its power felt. In the same way, the soul of the candidate at the beginning of the Path lives between hope and fear. He walks amongst depressions of the soul as on a journey along the feet of high mountains, periodically allowing him breath-taking views.

The soul perseveres in humility, but if the candidate is in such need of humility, there must be something not quite in order with the state of his psyche. He is making progress, but the fact that he has to have such courage to travel through this darkness of the soul is evidence that the I-being still represents a great power at the center of his soul. This is why there are such tremendous ups and downs, alternations between optimism and pessimism.

If the soul wishes to break through to the Light-Birth, to the total fulfillment of the Gnosis, and if the soul wishes to become one with the Christ-radiation, then the total demolition of the soul-state of nature with all its well-known and unknown behavior is strictly necessary. The soul must be led to the complete non-being of nature, and it must demonstrate this non-being, not in theory, but in practice.

The soul needs to lose everything in order to gain everything. The important thing is: where does the candidate lay his emphasis, what is he prepared to lose, and what does he wish to gain?

The pupil on the Path is fighting against his own natural state. In this struggle, he becomes weaker and weaker, because he is working with dualistic means. After all, fighting is a dualistic method. By means of combat, he is trying to deny the reality of his nature-birth and hence reality itself.

This can be done for a certain length of time, but there is a limit. All the laws of nature prove that nature will always re-assert itself. What appeared to be valuable and initially brought success now turns out to be useless, because nature, which had so long resisted, now re-asserts itself. The humility that the candidate now possesses enables him/her to accept the truth and the reality, the reality of the words of the Christ: 'Whoever fights with the sword, shall die by the sword'. At a certain moment, the candidate leaves the arena of combat and stops resisting the rights of nature.

It is important that you understand this psychological situation very well. It is certainly not the case that the candidate welcomes nature with joy and enthusiasm and makes himself or herself subservient to it. This would be impossible. As a seeker for Divine Wisdom and detachment, the candidate has a divided soul. There are two souls in the candidate's center: one living from the Fundamental Divine radiation and the other living from the dualistic magnetic field.

The soul that lives out of the Fundamental Radiation ceases its fight against the companion of nature, but this companion still goes on existing. Discovering that fighting only makes the nature-soul stronger, the soul ceases to fight and even turns the other cheek when it is struck on one cheek. And so, psychologically and consciously, the soul enters the state of eminent impotence. In this way, the soul terminates the opposites and wins without a fight.

It works among people as well. If one person wishes to start a fight with another, but the latter does not wish to enter into it, then such a psychological fortress can never be captured. The combatant is disarmed, and the differences are resolved. All that remains is the mutually unassailable psychological values. When the soul applies the mode of life of the Sermon on the Mount, it becomes unassailable. If the soul fights, it loses, because this is a dualistic way of doing things.

The great secret lies in the termination of the opposites. Nature strikes the soul because it fights against nature. If the candidate can apply the principle of non-action completely spontaneously from within, without trying to make a point to others, and dissociate himself mentally, he will terminate the contrast between nature and the longing of the soul. Immediately, rest and peace come, and the candidate on the Path becomes unassailable. If the candidate will not allow himself to be tempted into combat and so consciously terminates the opposites, he will immediately become free from duality, because duality is always motivated by opposites.

"The Song Of Demolition" from The Gnostic Mysteries of Pistis Sophia - Jan van Rijckenborgh


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