26 August 2012

The Etheric Double and Mankind's New Beginning

In addition to your dense physical body,  we have an etheric body. The etheric body is often called the vital body, because it is where we derive our physical vitality. It is also referred to as the etheric double, because it is an exact duplicate of our physical body. Actually, it should be said that the physical body is an exact duplicate of the etheric double. The only difference is that the physical body is composed of denser particles.

The importance of the etheric vehicle cannot be understated. Any disturbance or imbalance affecting this vehicle will manifest itself in our physical body. We call these imbalances disease ("dis-ease"). The word itself represents uneasiness. What is it that is uneasy? Our etheric double.

We are surrounded by viruses and bacteria. Why do some people get ill, while others do not? More than likely, the cause lies in the condition of the etheric body. When the etheric double is healthy and vibrating at a high level, we radiate that beneficial auric energy from our hands, feet, head, etc. These healthy radiations vibrate very rapidly. Thus, when we are approached by the lower vibrating energies that compose the virus and bacteria kingdoms, the health aura acts as a repellent or barrier, and prevents these inimical vibrations from entering our auric system.

When the etheric double is vibrating at a low ebb, due to abuse of the physical body, depressive thoughts, negative emotions, stress, etc. the health aura radiates weakly. These weak vibrations are not strong enough to turn away the  ever-present, low-vibrating viruses and bacteria and before we know it, we are "sick".

Humans think that we "catch" disease from others. In a way, we do, but not in the way we've been led to suspect. A sick person can sneeze in our faces as much as he wants. If our vital body is in optimum condition, we can just wipe our faces and move on. We are protected as described above. But if we are around the sick while our own health aura is low and, for whatever reason, we allow our aura to be "infected" by their negative thoughts and feelings or our own negative thoughts and feelings (such as feeling "sorry" for them, fear of "catching" something, etc.) we run a high risk of allowing our etheric body to be attacked by these micro-organisms. This is why the best thing that we can do when we are around the sick is to preserve a positive, cheerful attitude. This keeps our aura vibrating at a high level and we can impart that vitality to our sick friend.

All disease manifests from the inside-out. If we get sick, we should examine our thoughts and emotions. If we are honest with ourselves, we should arrive at the conclusion that we have been harboring negative or stressful thoughts and emotions prior to falling ill. There is an unmistakable connection between our health and the types of thoughts and emotions we entertain.

Let's talk about HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases. Doctors say that these can be prevented by the use of a condom. These are viruses. They are microscopic. If you look at a condom under a microscope, you will see plenty of holes. How can a condom prevent the transmission of microscopic particles? The only way to prevent the contraction of sexually-transmitted diseases is to not have sex. But since humanity is both ill-informed and hard-headed, we try to find ways to continue to break certain cosmic laws while trying to evade the consequences.

Humans should not be having sex for "pleasure". The sex act was designed for a single purpose: the propagation of the species. It was never meant to be a recreation or an indulgence. But humanity is strong-willed and self-indulgent. Couple this with a complete ignorance of the laws of this nature-order and we inevitably find ourselves suffering the consequences of our reckless actions. Sexually-transmitted diseases are behavior-driven. This means that they can be eradicated only if humanity reverses its behavior as it pertains to the abuse of the sex function.

Deep within, everyone knows this to be true. However, instead of contemplating the issue intelligently, they either lash out at the messenger, or dive ever deeper into their sexual addictions and proclivities. These traits and behaviors are part of our Atlantean heritage. Our microscosms carry within them the seeds of these ancient desires. Life after life, we try to conquer them or at least, to control them, often failing miserably. When we fall into abuse of this sacred creative function, sexually-transmitted diseases will act as a corrective measure, to try and alert the human entity that the consequences for this particular behavior will always be painful, and at times fatal.

The same circumstances apply to any wrong-thinking or wrong-actions that we may commit (smoking, drinking, drugs, impure or violent thoughts, depression, anger, fear, etc.). The effects of these causes will impact the etheric vehicle first, and then manifest in the physical body and its internal organs.

Anyway, the subject of the etheric double and the vitality of the human entity, although interesting and important information, was not the original purpose of this post. That will have to be presented in the next blog post.

~ g


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