22 November 2012
The Task Of The Image-Bearer
We are created as bearers of God's image; therefore we are not divine beings at birth, but images, reflections or representations of divine beings. Until the process of Transfiguration is complete, we are intelligently- and purposefully-formed imitations of the Original Divine Man. As fallen microcosms, therefore, we are Called, and by going the Path it is possible to assimilate into our systems the Original Divine Radiation Power that is present everywhere, to allow it to work in us and so to prepare ourselves for Deliverance.
Suppose, like the vast majority of human beings on Earth, we do not go the Path, because we do not understand it, or because we are not willing to take this course owing to various aberrations and obstructions in our fallen state. Then we shall be neglecting the one great Task to which we are all Called. For we have been created solely to realise, to make real God's image in ourselves by following the Path under the auspices of the Divine Plan of Salvation. Each moment that we forsake this Calling, every moment that we deny it for whatever reason, a cause is set up that produces a corresponding karmic effect that further binds us to the fallen world and its fear-matrix, and at every moment that we repeat such dualistic activity, in thinking, feeling or action, we immerse ourselves more deeply in the great stagnant pool of suffering and sorrow.
If a being, created for a certain task and equipped with the necessary abilities, does not take up that task, a reversal of values must arise, and the emergency-order of duality will begin to take on a different character to that which was originally established long ago: a character we all know so well today. The emergency-order, which was once a Garden of Eden, requires that either the image-bearer of God must "die in Christ", to be resurrected into the Original Divine State, or alternatively he must eventually die the once-only death of personality destruction. He must either die in order to win Eternity, or he must undergo the death of finality and annihilation.
If we do not accept our divine Calling, one does not need to be a prophet to predict with certainty that, in choosing a path of worry and sorrow in the nature of death, we shall experience perpetual and useless misery until we embrace the prime requirement of our Task: fundamental reversal. Then, battered and bruised to exhaustion by the drag of fallen life, after a great many ordeals and tribulations throughout numerous incarnations, we will eventually choose to follow our Calling anyway. But it is certainly not beyond the realms of possibility that by then our microcosms will be so damaged that we can no longer achieve what is required, and we shall therefore necessarily be put through the astral purgatorial Fire on our inevitable departure from this world. Throughout the ages this has been the unfortunate lot of most human microcosms at the end of major world cycles such as that which is now approaching for mankind on Earth.
By revealing these things, we do not mean to appeal to the religious instincts of aspirants or to arouse fear, for an animal, too, is god-fearing in its own way. No, we are making an appeal to the intelligence, to the rational-moral insight of every candidate for Liberation.
We need to gird ourselves with the Truth, which is of the Gnosis, of Christ, and we may do this by opening our hearts to Reality, by yearning without compromise for the True and the Real. Anyone who subjects himself to the True Path will be able to absorb the Living Truth into his blood and anchor it there. Anyone who delays will find that such a transformation will become increasingly difficult to achieve in these times preceding the planetary deadline and the Harvest Time.
From "Gitd Your Loins With Truth" - The New Gnosis - The New Call
"To die in Christ" means to pass from this world after having opened the heart sanctuary to the Christ Radiations, thereby awakening one's divine-spark. Once the Rosebud opens, and the candidate, in sincerity and devotion, begins to walk The Path, he or she can be assured of one thing: upon laying down of the physical body and transition from this world: that the remaining vehicles of the personality will not head off to the dualistic reflection-sphere for routine microcosmic emptying and re-cycling, but will be taken up in the Vacuum of Shamballa, a place of refuge, where they will have no need to fear the "second death" (dissolution of the personality). There, these ones will continue the work of transfiguration that they began while on Earth.
This is what Paul was referring to whenever he mentioned those who had "died in Christ". It means to die while under the influence, and in the service of the Gnosis.
~ g
18 November 2012
Sin = Error
We have been taught to believe that "sin" is synonymous with "evil". This is true only to the extent that "evil" is properly defined. So, let's do just that.
The Universal Doctrine defines "evil" as anything that goes against the Plan of the Logos. Any thought, feeling or action that is born out of feelings of separation, individuality, self-focus, isolation-from-others, etc., can be construed as evil. The magnitude of the act doesn't matter. From outright murder to hiding your cookies from your brothers and sisters, both acts can be characterized as "evil". Unfortunately, evil is a word that has lost its true meaning over the ages. This post attempts to restore the proper definition.
Evil is any thought, feeling or action that originates from the error of selfishness. When a personality believes that he or she is an individualized entity, separated from all others, that personality's thinking is in error. As such, a better definition for sin is not "evil", but "error". When man sins, he errs.
The Bible states that "the soul that sins must die" (Ezekiel 18:20). Very few know what this statement truly means. It refers to the microcosm whose personality chooses to accept the delusion of duality as reality and does not make an attempt to awaken the divine-spark. Such a personality does not fulfill its True Purpose, which is to walk the Path of Return : Liberation. This is the One Goal of Humanity. If the personality does not awaken the spirit-spark and keep it alight, it has failed in its purpose. That personality will be dissolved by the process that we call "death". The microcosm will be emptied and a fresh personality will be generated for a new incarnation, in which it will attempt, once again, to find the Key that will lead to the Path of Liberation.
It is important to remember that sin is not evil. Sin is error, and errors can be corrected. If you make a mistake in your thinking, willing or acting, don't get down on yourself or consider yourself a "hopeless sinner" or "hell-bound". You have simply erred. It is completely within your power to correct your own errors. You start by taking a new attitude towards life. Before entertaining any thought, desire or action, make sure that it will result not in what is best for you, but what is best for all.
Now go...and "sin" no more.
~ g
Apocalypse (Greek - "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. "the veil to be lifted". - Wikipedia
In the heart and head sanctuaries a Very Special Life exists that may still be slumbering, but which, nevertheless, is present. Your sevenfold heart, as the mother Isis, is capable of revealing this Life, of living it.
You can begin immediately with this birth in Bethlehem and the victory on Golgotha if only you are willing to tear up the garment of ignorance, the garment of the blood-culture behind which you have barricaded yourself as if behind the walls of a fortress. Your entire character, your entire manner of thinking and acting, your nature-born being must be reduced to rubble; it is the basis of your malignity, the fetter of corruption, the lightless prison, the living death, the corpse with sense-organs, the tomb you care carrying about with you. All these consequences of your conflicts with Karma-Nemesis, yours and those of predecessors in the microcosm, must be nullifed -- immediately and absolutely -- by you.
The new morning is beckoning. The new gnostic realm has become a reality and manifests itself in a steadily growing, powerful experience. Do you want to participate in this? You can, if only you have at your disposal an entirely new being, if only you have opened wide the doors of the still-sleeping Life within you.
The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol II - Jan van Rijckenborgh
Both the Hopi and the Mayan recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age. In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to end end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another.
The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility.
The same can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other Native American visionaries, from Black Elk to Sun Bear. - Joseph Robert Jochmans
Not only is the Earth undergoing a transformation, but each and every incarnate human being is currently being subjected to forces that can result in their own transformation. The Radiations of the Christ have returned, as promised. If we cooperate with this powerful light energy, we can make a smooth transition. If we resist, sorrow and grief will be the result.
Most humans are not even aware that such radiations exist, or that they are being exposed to it daily. They only know that they are "tired", "depressed" or suffer mysterious maladies. The reason humanity does not know is because this information has been suppressed or destroyed by the Roman church and its satellites. There is no way they want humanity to know that there is "a way out". The job of the Roman church, the job of all religions, is to win souls for their aeons in the reflection-sphere, beyond-the-veil. Allowing us to achieve Liberation is not part of their plan.
The only way that mankind can become aware of the greatness that sleeps within their hearts or of the Path that leads to liberation from this nature-order is to have it revealed to them. That is what an apocalypse is -- a revelation. It does not mean destruction or disaster or any other such nonsense. It is a revealing of that which has been hidden.
Not all will understand or heed the Aquarian revelation. The seed of Truth will fall upon stony ground. Others, however, will hear it, remember and act.
May you be one of that number.
~ g
The Fetters Of The Blood - Conclusion
How can one escape from the grip of one's own blood-type and the ensuing clouding of the consciousness? Hermes' answer is:
"Therefore, do not allow yourself to be carried along by the violence of the stream, but let those among you who are able to reach the harbours of salvation make use of the counter-currents to put into port.
Look for Him who will take you by the hand and lead you to the gates of the Gnosis, where the clear light shines in which there is no darkness, where no one is drunk, but all are sober and look up to with their hearts to Him who wishes to be known.
But listen well: His Voice cannot be heard and His Name cannot be pronounced, nor can material eyes view Him. Only the Spirit-Soul is capable of so doing.
That is why you should first tear up the garment you are wearing: the fabric of ignorance, the basis of malignity, the fetters of corruption, the lightless prison".
Are we then to look for a teacher, for a master or an adept who will accept us as pupils, as is customary in the world around us? Are we then to enter into personal ties? Are we to look for someone we can follow as an authority?
No! The text refers to Him whom we can see only with the Spirit-Soul. The text refers to Him whose Voice cannot be heard with the physical ear, whose Name cannot be pronounced with the physical organs of speech and who cannot be seen with the physical eyes. The text refers to Him who will not reveal Himself through one or another reflection-sphere method. The text refers to Him who is called Pymander, or alter-ego, The Other One, the Spirit. You will have to seek the Guide who is not to be found on the horizontal level of duality. This Guide wishes to take you by the hand. You will only be able to experience this Other One in a very special way; with the Spirit-Soul, the unity of the spiritual consciousness and the heart that has been purified by the Gnosis.
If you open your heart for the Light of Lights, the Rose of the Heart will open and the color and scent of the Rose will console you. If you follow that Light, in accordance with its aims and essence, and if you cause it to circulate in your system, right through all the obstacles and against the intoxicating stream, you will be able to fix the nucleus of the Light in the head sanctuary, in the open space behind the frontal bone. Then you will prepare the Upper Room and Pymander (Spirit), having arisen from his sleep of death, will ascend his throne in the Upper Room and celebrate with you the Lord's Supper.
To celebrate the Lord's Supper will make real sense only if it can be received in the Upper Room. Pymander, the God within you, will then guide you to the gates of the Gnosis, to the gates of the Golden Head, where the bright Light shines, where there is no darkness, where no one is intoxicated but all are perfectly sober.
If you want to pass through these gates, if you are willing to liberate this Kingdom within you, you will first have to tear up the garment of ignorance, the garment of daily denial. This is the core pupilship of the Spiritual School. This will keep you busy everyday, if you take it seriously. You will have to nullify your blood-type, your blood-culture and thus, the dualistic individualism out of which your entire character and conduct are to be explained, so that you change daily.
Through your ordinary, everyday habits and behavior, which are to be explained out of your blood-type, you deny the God within you. We are not alluding to exceptional behavior, to exceptionally bad or evil things. No, we are emphatically aiming at your everyday attitude to life, as determined by your character and blood-type. This attitude to life is the central power of sin, the cause of what is most monstrous, Hermes said. If, in the School of the Golden Rosycross, we talk about the endura, about the abolition of the natural self and the transfigurating ascent into the Other One, this is not merely superficial, academic knowledge transmitted as a means to an end, but it has profound meaning which seizes the entire blood-being. One cannot cast off the evil of denial by a resolution of the will: "I will never do it again". No, it requires an intense struggle, for your blood-type is completely one with the dualistic universe, the fallen nature-of-death.
The evil of ignorance, of denial, is atmospheric, it is one with the essence and the inherent law of the dualistic universe.If you want to escape your fate, you will actually have to go the Way of Redemption. You will need to begin to rend the garment of ignorance, to annul your blood-type, for it contains the cause.
The universal Path of Redemption is again shown to you. Therefore, walk this Path! Rend the garment of daily denial that you are wearing. If you do so, you will begin to make peace with Karma-Nemesis, with the goddess of avenging justice.
"Karma-Nemesis and the Way of Redemption" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol II - Jan van Rijckenborgh
To walk The Path requires that we make a fundamental reversal in our state-of-being, that we develop a new attitude of life. Not only must we nullify the major flaws in our character, but also the small everyday thoughts and behaviors that normally go unnoticed by us. These are just as big , if not bigger obstacles to our obtaining the Good End.
The Path takes work, as we attempt to dismantle the tomb that has imprisoned our spirit-spark for so long. Thankfully, the Light of the Gnosis is there to help us to navigate whatever difficulties may arise, as long as we seek it out and open our hearts to it.
~ g
The Fetters Of The Blood
In Romans 7, we read:
"We know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal; and through the flesh I have been sold to sin. I cannot understand my own behavior: I fail to carry out the things I want to do, and I find myself doing the very things I hate. When I act against my own will, that means I acknowledge that the law is good. Then it is no longer I that do it, but sin living in me. I know of nothing good living in me; I mean, in my flesh. Certainly, the will to do what is good is in me, but the performance is not. Instead of doing the good things I want to do, I carry out the sinful things I do not want to do. When I act against my will, then it is no longer myself that does it, but sin which live in me.
Thus, I discover in me the following law: whenever I want to do good, it is something evil that comes about. After the inner man I dearly love God's law, but in my members I see a different law that battles against the law of my reason and makes me a prisoner of the law of sin, which rules in my members. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God, it happens through Jesus Christ, our Lord!".
We would like now to discuss at some length the fact that all in whom the New Soul is not born , all who have not completely raised the Light-Power of the Gnosis up into the head sanctuary, the open space behind the frontal bone, live continually in a state of intoxication.
The narcotizing substance responsible for this is called by Hermes "the malignity of ignorance". It floods over the whole earth and corrupts every New Soul condition developing in the body. The narcotizing substance is atmospheric, yet is also active in the blood, even down to every atom of the personality, with the exception of some parts of the heart and head which are not Yet entirely in the grip of the nature-of-death.
The malignity of ignorance seeks to gain dominion over the heart and the head also, and thus make them unsuitable for their high destiny. So man finds himself in the state of captivity so adequately described by Paul in Romans 7: By virtue of the light that touches me, I turn towards the light and definitely want to do what is good, but the power existing in my blood dominates me and, consequently, I do what is evil.
Just as there is a God within you, in your microcosm, so there is also evil within you. Through the living evil within you, you deny the God who is imprisoned in your microcosm. Accept this, although you don't like the idea. Accept that the evil you experience is not outside of yourself, does not come from a being that exists outside of you. Do not think that someone else can harm you without your co-operation. The evil you suffer through others as well as the evil that is manifested in you yourself, keep perfect pace with the powers of evil existing within you.
Evil is in everyone; it is inherent in the personality. It can command you and it will command you, and unfortunately, you will find satisfaction in it as long as you act out of your blood culture. Unless you make every effort to undergo a radical change, you will remain in this situation which pulls you down and keeps you down. The stream of life must flow through the head sanctuary. Then, the sensorial faculties will again be susceptible ti the Light, matter will be removed from it and the sinful pleasure will disappear.
"Sinful pleasure" in the hermetic text means pleasure in, and satisfaction with, actions and thoughts arising from our blood culture. He who allows himself to be imprisoned by his blood type and culture is also imprisoned sensorially. He does evil, thinking that he is doing good, and in this he find his satisfaction. This is the fatal intoxication of sinful pleasure.
"The Fetters Of The Blood" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol II - Jan van Rijckenborgh
All of us go through this struggle, even those of us on The Path. We do our best to do right, to follow the light of the Gnosis. Then, out of nowehere, we do something completely at odds with the Path we are walking, with the inention of our hearts. Do not feel a failure when this occurs. It is a part of the struggle, it is what must be overcome. Why does this happen?
There are three obstacles that the candidate on The Path must overcome:
environment - the influence of this nature-order upon your thinking, willing and acting
karma - the accumulated karma of all the personalities that came before you in your microcosm
heredity - the accumulated tendencies of your ancestors, passed on to you by your human parents
It has been said that "the blood is a very peculiar fluid", and so it is. Among other things, it carries the tendencies of all the personalities that came before you. Our blood circulates throughout the entire body and thus transmits these influences to the heart and head sanctuaries, where our thinking and feeling is centered.
When the blood is impure, saturated with sin, we will be constantly influenced by these ancient tendencies. We must wash the blood clean of these nefarious influences. How do we accomplish this?
~ g
17 November 2012
The Malignity Of Ignorance
Where are you hurrying, O men, you whose minds are clouded because you are drunk with the word that lacks all Gnosis, the word of absolute ignorance that does not agree with you and that you will vomit in the end?
Stop and become sober: see again with the eyes of your heart! And if not all of you can do so, let at least those who can. The malignity of ignorance floods over the whole earth, ruins the soul which is penned up in the body and prevents it from reaching the harbours of salvation.
Therefore, do not allow yourself to be carried along by the violence of the stream, but let those among you who are able to reach the harbours of salvation make use of the counter-currents to put into port.
Look for Him who will take you by the hand and lead you to the gates of the Gnosis, where the clear light shines in which there is no darkness, where no one is drunk, but all are sober and look up to with their hearts to Him who wishes to be known.
But listen well: His Voice cannot be heard and His Name cannot be pronounced, nor can material eyes view Him. Only the Spirit-Soul is capable of so doing.
That is why you should first tear up the garment you are wearing: the fabric of ignorance, the basis of malignity, the fetters of corruption, the lightless prison, the living death, the corpse with sense-organs, the tomb you are carrying about with you, the robber who lodged within you who shows his hatred by what he loves and his envy by what he hates.
Such is the hostile garment with which you have enveloped yourself, the garment which, by preventing you from breathing, drags you down to itself, so that you will not regain your sight, whereby you might behold the beauty of Truth and of the Good enclosed in it, and come to hate your garment's malignity and see through its tricks and snares.
For it makes your sense organs insensitive by closing them off with an abundance of matter and filling them with sinful pleasures, so that you will not hear what it is so necessary for you to hear and will not see what you so much need to see.
Book III verses 1-8 - Corpus Hermeticum - Hermes Trismegistus
"Ignorance of God is the greatest evil in man"
14 November 2012
Why Worlds "End"
"As Above, So Below".
This hermetic axiom is the key to understanding the microcosm (man), the cosmos (earth) and the macrocosm (the solar system). It very plainly states that the order we see in the heavens and on earth is mirrored in the man.
Contrary to the confused reasoning of a significant portion of humanity, man, earth and solar system are not the result of a random conglomeration of atoms which over the course of billions of years accidentally assembled themselves into the diverse hierarchies and kingdoms of life that we see today. These are the ruminations of fools who have chosen not to accept, as fact, the existence of a Divine Architect which orders all things. To hold such a viewpoint is akin to saying "I will leave this sack of trash right here and in a billion years, a mighty civilization will arise from it".
There is a divine order to the macrocosm (solar system) and the cosmos (the Earth) which extends also to the microcosm of man. The Logos always creates with a specific plan in mind, a divine blueprint from which all that is to be created will build their foundations upon.
When God's creations follow the Divine Plan, things go smoothly. The creature shares in the Power and the Glory of the Logos and in this way, comes to know God because God acts through the creature. When the creature acts against The Plan, sorrow and suffering is the result. Acting against the Divine Plan results in a pollution of the subtle spheres of a cosmos (the etheric, astral and mental realms). At some point, this pollution threatens to do irreparable harm to the entites that are experiencing there. When this situation arises, a cleansing must result.
Let's take the Earth as an example. Approximately 26,000 years ago, at the end of the last precessional cycle, the Earth underwent a cleansing of its subtle planes as well as a cleansing of its surface. The cleansing became necessary because humanity had thoroughly polluted the Earth with thousands of years of wrong-thinking, wrong-willing, and wrong-acting. The cleansing allowed the subtle and gross spheres of the Earth to be purified once again.
Many humans perished in the cataclysms, but many were also spared. Those who were spared were taken to a place of refuge, where they could wait out the destruction and re-construction of the earth's material plane. In the meantime, they enjoyed the pure and unsullied ethers of the rejuvenated etheric, astral and mental realms.
During this period of rejuvenation, the Remnant, as we shall refer to them, were reminded of their True Purpose, the One Goal of Humanity: Liberation. They were taught the requirements for walking the Path of Return. Their instructors were great, divine teachers and their helpers, who were now able to return to the purified Earth and make direct contact with humanity. These exalted beings led and nurtured the surviving Remnant in preparation for the dawn of a new day of manifestation.
At a given moment, the time came for the Remnant, armed now with True Knowledge, to resume their sojourn on the Earth. Their divine teachers went with them and continued to over-shadow them, keeping them safe from error. However, as time went on, the old habits began to crop up again, as it always has. The race became headstrong and began to disregard their divine leadership. Wrong-thinking, wrong-willing and wrong-feeling began to once again pollute the etheric, astral and mental realms. The divine emissaries had to withdraw. Man was once again left on his own. Thousands of years later, we see where that has ultimately led.
All things great and small run in cycles. Thus, we have once more reached the end of another 26,000 year precessional cycle. The Earth is being prepared for another cleansing. However, this time the stakes are much higher, as the Earth will be transitioning to a higher rate of vibration. The dense, physical Earth will no longer be available for habitation by humanity. This means that humans will have to raise their own microcosmic vibration to a level that matches or exceeds that of the New Earth in order to continue to be able to experience with her. The physical body will no longer be of use, or necessary. Man will utilize his etheric double (also known as the etheric, or vital body) as his lowest vehicle.
This is why worlds end...so that they can begin anew, with fresh pure ethers that can benefit all of mankind. So that humanity can once again be given an opportunity to know their True Purpose. So that those who have learned their lessons can take leave of the Earth-system, and those who have yet to learn can start over, under divine leadership, instruction and guidance.
Humanity now stands at the precipice of a monumental cosmic event. We face not an "end", but a glorious New Beginning.
~ g
13 November 2012
The Delusion Of Dream-Life
We must now inform you of an almost unknown part of serious pupilship -- the time when the body sleeps. One-third of the day is spent in this way without one being able to participate in it consciously. This is a very unpleasant thought. No one likes to pass through the unknown unprepared and unarmed. Therefore, for the serious candidate it is of the greatest importance to come to an understanding of this situation.
There are dangers and life-processes of which man is completely unconscious. There are also great possibilities in man which, because of his ignorance, remain untried. It is certainly not our intention to speak about the nocturnal experiences of man in general. This is a subject which is very dear to the negatively or occultly-inclined man and it has been spoken and written about very often. Dream-life is a good basis for a psychological examination, for in this way, it is often possible to establish the deepest and most subconscious motives of man.
No, we limit our explanation almost entirely to the life of the soul-man during the hours of sleep, and we restrict our discussion to the state-of-being of the serious pupil; to the birth of the soul in him as a state which is clearly demonstrated through his actions.
When we fall asleep, a splitting of the personality takes place and part of it withdraws. However, what usually escapes the attention of investigators is that, besides the splitting of the personality, a splitting of the consciousness occurs as well.
Dualistic consciousness results from the organic cooperation of all atoms that belong to the personality-system. Accordingly, we can differentiate four manifestations of consciousness: two that belong more to the material and etheric bodies, and two that belong to the astral and mental bodies. When someone enters the condition of sleep and the tenuous part of the personality withdraws, the consciousness also splits. The material aspect remains on the material side, sometimes in a state of latency, of inactivity, sometimes in a state of partial activity. The latter is the case when during the day the body has been unduly strained, or if one is extremely nervous or anxious. The other aspect of the consciousness accompanies the astral and mental bodies that have withdrawn. Since everyone's mental body is organized in only a very elementary and incomplete fashion, the consciousness is almost completely governed by the astral consciousness during sleep. Therefore, as far as present-day man is concerned, one can safely say that his sleeping consciousness is the astral consciousness.
Without further investigation, one can deduce from this that the nocturnal conscious life of man cannot in any way be compared with the conscious life in matter, when the four aggregates of consciousness are found concentrically within one another, co-operating with one another and so mutually controlling one another.
The night-consciousness of man is exclusively an astral consciousness. Whoever really knows what this means will no longer be a victim of the thousand-and-one mistakes that man has made and will continue to make.
The astral sphere of our planet has become incredibly filthy and complicated. If there is one domain of life on our planet that demonstrates the situation of present-day humanity, it is certainly the astral sphere. Here, everything about which one worries in religious, occult and negative movements is accomplished. One can safely say that all life in the astral sphere is delusion. This does not mean there is no life or movement in the astral sphere; on the contrary, it swarms with life, but this has no real basis, no meaning; it is empty and rotten. It is only a picture, an appearance which is mistaken for reality by all the ignorant. He who is deceived by the dualistic astral life and sees it as beautiful and exalted, is absolutely lost. Let us for a moment revert to our original discussion.
When a new Day of Manifestation dawns in a period of mankind, after a purification of world-spheres, and one can speak of a new beginning; when the part of mankind that is still in duality is once more brought into manifestation, then the pure astral sphere is only a domain in which certain ideas, teachings and and processes project themselves as a series of pictures. One could compare it with a useful and instructive film. As each human being perceives astrally during the night-conscious life, the instructive astral viewing will be of the highest importance for him. In a pure personality that is directed upon a high purpose, this nightly astral viewing can have a good effect upon the action-life of the day, and man can know from within how it should and should not be.
Just imagine that the astral sphere is completely pure and clean at this moment and that the Universal Gnostic Chain fills this field with its powers and teachings. Imagine that during sleep, when we withdraw with the astral self, we would be able to refresh ourselves with all the wonderful powers, all the series of pure pictures assembled for our sake in the astral sphere by the Universal Brotherhood; upon awakening, we would then bring back into the waking consciousness all the glorious help we had received, and be able to profit from it.
But when the astral sphere became polluted and the occultists, among others, made themselves masters of this region, when the reflection-sphere brotherhoods constructed their dream castles -- the churches built their heavenly cathedrals and innumerable iniquities piled up there -- then the astral sphere could no longer serve as an inner instruction-field, and teaching the truly seeking man became extremely difficult. In fact, if applied in the usual manner, it would represent a deadly danger. Therefore, it became necessary for the Brotherhood to devise other means to be of service to the seeker.
You should become aware of these dangers, for night after night you are in the astral sphere with your ordinary night-consciousness, so everything we speak of concerns you directly. It is out of the question that you would be able to dissociate yourself from the astral sphere.
Every group-conscious idea forms a projection, a reflection in the astral sphere. That is the reason why we call this sphere the reflection-sphere. Therefore, there also exists at this moment a reflection of our work and our working-apparatus in the astral sphere of the nature-of-death. This is a reality, a very dangerous reality. For the unholy powers that abuse all projections to delude mankind reside in that so very filthy and wretched astral sphere of duality. There are people who are astrally conscious and able to convey their astral impressions to the waking consciousness. It is precisely such people who are victimized. In this way, they imagine, for instance, that great beings are in communication with them, "angels", "masters", and the like. Or they can imagine that they participate in the inner life of the Gnosis. But they delude themselves and often make others fellow-victims.
In many cases, the dream-life is a great danger, the more so because those, to whom it is of importance to chain you, come to you in a series of images which you so enthusiastically receive. Just as it is possible to make a film which can be shown, so the astral sphere may be compared to a theatre to which you can go every night to see what you like most.
"The Astral Sphere Of Duality" - Jan van Rijckenborgh
Anyone who is active in the dream-state and mistakes it for reality is sadly mistaken and in grave danger. There is nothing in the reflection-sphere, as it is currently constituted, that can be of any benefit to mankind. Upon waking, one is best-served to forget about whatever took place while the eyes were closed. There is nothing but deception and delusion in the astral realms, and it will remain so until The Great Cleansing - which is now taking place - has been completed.
~ g
09 November 2012
The Opportunity Of Disaster
Being impacted by the "superstorm" that recently hit the east coast of the United States, once again this writer is reminded of the hidden, beneficial purposes of disasters such as these.
One may wonder, "Beneficial? What is he talking about? What possible benefit can be derived from the loss of life, limb and/or property?". Well, it goes like this:
In any disaster scenario, acts of unselfishness and kindness - both large and small - abound. Although there will be a certain percentage of lawlessness and inhumane behavior, for the most part, humans will instinctively work to help one another in some fashion. Besides the immediately observable benefits of such acts for the recipients, there are also benefits for the giver. When we are engaged in behavior of an unselfish nature, such as helping disaster victims, we focus our attentions away from the "I", from the lower self. This re-direction of desire helps to "still" the heart, which is the seat of desire. Stilling the heart allows an opportunity for the Christine radiations, which are ever-present, to penetrate the heart sanctuary without encountering the normal level of resistance. When these divine radiations come in contact with the divine-spark housed in the heart, a measure of purification takes place. The man or woman comes one step closer to awakening the spirit-spark atom.
Our thoughts and feelings have a direct affect on our inner and outer constitution. The purer our thinking and feeling, the purer our subtle vehicles will become. A healthy physical body will be the natural by-product. However, we are not concerned with the state of the physical body beyond obtaining the minimum level of health necessary to function on this plane. What is important is the condition of our etheric double (the vital body), as well as the desire and mental vehicles. These are the parts of the man that must be purified in order to awaken the divine spark, signalling the beginning of the journey along the Path of Return.
So, it's always helpful to look beyond the tragedy of any disastrous occurrence, the better to see the hidden opportunities for soul-growth that such occurrences provide. In the run-up to, and right through, the coming Tribulations, humans are going to find out that focusing their desires away from self and towards other-selves will result in the greatest benefit for all concerned.
~ g
06 November 2012
** The Secret **
If you knew of a secret formula that could save the lives of millions, would you sit on it, or would you distribute it? This writer has wrestled with this dilemma for some time now. However, the clouds have parted and clarity has dawned.
In the distant past, a certain amount of secret knowledge was kept from the masses, as they were not ready or prepared to assimilate the knowledge those secrets contained. These secrets were known as "the mysteries" and were disseminated in what became known as "mystery schools". A person had to show a certain aptitude, a certain state-of-being, before he would be considered and/or selected for entry into one of these schools. This made sense for those times, as the mass of men were barbaric and primitive, concerned primarily with their desires and passions. These ones could not be trusted with the mysteries, therefore justifying the intense weeding-out process.
However, now that we have reached the end of this Major World Cycle, it is incumbent upon all those who "know" to pass along to our seeking, sleeping or unaware brothers and sisters the knowledge that has been revealed to them .
“There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know that there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones where we don't know that we don't know.”
Mark the following: there are things that you do not know, of which you are completely unaware of. This is the most tragic state of ignorance, because if one does not know, one will continue to blindly err. This knowledge is critical to the state of your microcosm and your future location in the Creator's Universe. You must become aware of these things if you are to make an informed choice as to what path you will take before we reach zero-point.
There are many things that this writer refers to in this blog which may appear strange or confusing, at times. This may be because some readers do not have a deep enough background in true gnosis to put all the pieces together. Therefore, the decision has been made to offer material that will assist in understanding. The decision was reached because, in the end, this information belongs to all those who are seeking the One Truth, the Only Good.
Anyone who wishes to avail themselves of pure gnosis, true Knowledge, please send an email to brothergee2012@yahoo.com with the word "gnosis" in the subject line.
A word of caution. This information will challenge all of your cultivated belief systems. If you do not put aside all of your earth-conditioning and brainwashing, you will have difficulty with it. Remember: "one cannot pour new wine into old wineskins". However, if you empty yourself and approach this material like a child, with no pre-conceptions or prejudices, the experience will serve you well.
You are being offered a great treasure. May you receive it with great humility and utilize it with great care.
'One thing, o mortals, is established here by us, namely: that God has decided that before its end, the world will be presented with a stream of Truth, Light and Greatness, such as He ordained should accompany Adam in Paradise!'.
~ g
P.S.: Those who have already received a copy of TPG need not submit an email.
The Divine Heart Of The Microcosm
The Microcosm and the Rose
In the mythology of most races there is a story of a Fall, a story of how original, divinely created human beings chose to deviate from the plan underlying creation, and to live in a way that separated them from God, and from Paradise. This story is found in the traditions of so many cultures that one can’t help thinking there must have been some kind of truth behind it. Have you ever wondered what that truth might have been? Have you ever wondered what the Fall from Paradise really was, and what really happened?
Well, one of the cornerstones of Rosicrucian teaching is an explanation about what the Divine Human Being was, what happened at the time of the Fall from Paradise, and how human beings came to be as we know them now. We want to tell you about this explanation, but we are very mindful of the fact that what we are saying is only a model, a much-simplified representation of something far beyond anything we could imagine or express with our limited consciousness. Our only reason for giving you this model is because we hope that, when you understand it, it will be clearer to you what you need to do, here and now. Just like a map, the model we are going to give you is only useful as a guide, and a basis for action. So, don’t hold onto the form of what we are going to say. Just let its essence work on you.
So let’s start by describing the divine human system, the human system as it was intended to be in the divine plan of creation. The Rosicrucians speak of the human system as a ‘microcosm’, or cosmos in miniature.
You could imagine the structure of the divine microcosm as being rather like a kind of spherical energy-transforming station. In the centre of the sphere there were two main foci of energy rotating around each other. One of them was negative, feminine, receiving, and the other one was positive, masculine, radiating. And there was a third focus of energy rotating in a wide orbit around the other two. This third one was neutrally charged and its function was to keep the whole microcosmic system together and act as a balancing factor.
So the whole system worked by receiving divine energy, transforming it in keeping with the divine law underlying the system, and then radiating it out again. And that process of receiving, transforming and radiating filled the microcosm with life, so that it literally became a cosmos in miniature, a whole kingdom, in effect, so that one could rightly say of the microcosm as a whole: ‘Behold, the Kingdom is within you’.
In the Bible, this Kingdom, this manifestation, is called ‘the Kingdom of God’. But when you hear this, you shouldn’t think of lots of individual microcosms, all of them gods, and all of them separate wholes. For every divine, microcosmic system was part of a greater whole, in just the same way as a cosmos does not exist by itself, but belongs to a macrocosm, a group of cosmoi.
So the divine microcosm’s consciousness was not focused inwards, on a certain point, like ours is, but outwards. And it was not centripetal, like ours is, but centrifugal, and therefore absorbed in the greater whole, so that the divine microcosm lived in a state of self-forgetful service to the whole. And this self-forgetful service was not
Lectorium Rosicrucianum - Contact Letter - November 2012
04 November 2012
The Doctrine Of "The Pure Ones" - Conclusion
The Cathars explained the Fall of Lucifer, the origin of the Earth, and the birth of man with the following mythological formula:
Seven heavens. The purest and most brilliant was the Kingdom of God and the celestial Spirits. Each one of these heavens had special superior angels, whose hymns of praise rose incessantly to God's throne in the seventh heaven. Beneath the celestial regions four other elements existed, immobile and without form, but separate one from the other. Beneath heaven: the air, with clouds; further down, the ocean with its endless rolling waves; further down still, the Earth, and in the interior of the Earth, fire. Air, water, earth, and fire: the four elements, each one presided over by an angel.
Commanding the celestial armies was Lucifer, to whom God had entrusted the administration of the heavens. Flying high, he visited all the regions of the infinite celestial world, from the deepest abyss to the throne of invisible eternity. His privileged position sparked rebellious thoughts in him; he wanted to be like his Creator and Lord. First, he seduced the four angels of the elements and then a regiment of the celestial army. Then God expelled him from the Kingdom of the Heavens. The Light that until then had been soft and pure was taken from him and was replaced by another, reddish, similar to incandescent iron. The angels seduced by Lucifer were stripped of their finery and and crowns and were expelled from the heavens. Lucifer fled with them to the outer limits of the firmament. Tormented by remorse, he said to God, "Have patience with me, I will return everything to you".
And God, having compassion for His preferred son, gave him seven days -- which meant seven Days of Manifestation -- to do everything that he thought was proper. Then Lucifer established his residence in the firmament and ordered the rest of the angels who had followed him to shape the Earth. He took his crown, which had been broken since his expulsion from the Kingdom of Heavens, and with half of it formed the sun, and with the other half, the moon. Then he converted his precious stones into the stars. From the primitive mud he fashioned the first terrestrial creatures, animals and plants.
The supreme angels of the third and second heavens desired to share power with Lucifer and pleaded with God to allow them to descend to Earth, promising to return immediately afterward. God read their thoughts, but He did not deny their wish. He wanted to punish them for their lie, but He advised them not to fall asleep during their voyage, because if they did, they would forget the way to return to the Heavens. If they fell asleep, He would not call them before 7,000 years had passed. The two angels began their journey. But Lucifer put them into a deep sleep and locked them in bodies that had been shaped from the original clay. When the angels awoke, they were the human beings Adam and Eve.
To get them to forget Heaven, Lucifer created Earthly paradise. But he decided to cheat them with a new strategy. He wanted them both to sin in order to make them his slaves forever. When he put them in paradise, he forbade them -- to give more encouragement to their natural curiosity -- to eat from the tree of science. He transformed himself into a snake and seduced Eve, who in turn induced Adam to commit the original sin.
Lucifer knew very well that God had also forbidden the first pair to eat the wretched fruit. Because God would never want to see the multiplication of Lucifer's nature, Lucifer acted as if the prohibition of eating the fruit came from himself, to triumph in this way with greater certainty.
Humanity had to reproduce, because Lucifer needed fresh souls, In the new bodies produced by Adam and Eve, he confined all the angels who had abandoned the celestial regions with him.
And then, with the death of Abel, murder entered into the world.
After a while, God had compassion with the fallen angels who had been expelled from Heaven and transformed into humans. So He decided to reveal Himself to them, and sent His most perfect creature down to the Earth. His supreme angel, Christ, who would assume an outwardly human appearance. The Christ came into the world to indicate how they could return to Heaven, to the Kingdom of the Eternal Light.
I am come a Light unto the world, that whoseoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness. While ye have Light, believe in the Light, that ye may be the children of the Light. John 12:46, 36
The Christ did not become a man, a creature of Lucifer; He only appeared as one. He only gave the impression that He ate, drank, taught, suffered and died, revealing to humans a sort of shadow of His real body. This is the reason He could walk on water and transform Himself on Mount Tabor, where He revealed to His disciples the real substance of His body. Since the Fall of Lucifer, the Christ was the greatest of all angels, and for this reason He is called "the Son of God". When the Christ said that He wasn't of this world, but rather from above it, the Cathars applied this passage of the New Testament not only to the spiritual nature of the Savior, but also to His body. With this ethereal body, the Aeon Christ entered the body of Maria, like the "Word of God", through her ear. He left her as pure as He had entered her, without taking any of her matter. For this reason, he never called her "mother", and this is why he said to her, "Woman, what have I to do with you?".
The Cathars did not recognize the reality of the miracles of Jesus. Why would He cure physical illnesses when He considered the body an obstacle to the redemption of the soul? When He cured the blind, He was curing men who were blinded by sin and allowing them to see Reality. The" bread" that He divided among the five thousand was His Word, the Bread of the Soul that gave real Life. The storm that He calmed was the storm of passions unleashed by Lucifer. In this respect, it is possible to apply the written words of the Christ: the written word kills, but the Spirit breathes Life.
Because the body of the Christ was not of an earthly nature, His crucifixion was only an apparition; this was the only way possible He could rise to Heaven. A heavenly ascension with a body of flesh and blood appeared absurd to the Cathars. A human body cannot go to heaven; an Aeon (such as the Christ), cannot die.
From "The Pure Ones" and Their Doctrine - Crusade Against the Grail - Otto Rahn
03 November 2012
The Doctrine Of "The Pure Ones" - Part II
The spirits are of God; the bodies are of the Evil one.
The Cathars believed that Lucifer, whom they also called Luzibel, had created everything visible, material and perishable. Not only do all terrestrial things belong to him, but he also governs them and tries to keep them under his dominion.
But the Old Testament tells us that Jehovah is the creator of Heaven and the Earth and virtually everything on it. This is true, the Cathars said: He "created" human beings, man and woman.
In the New Testament, you can read, "There is neither man nor woman, but you are all one thing in Christ": and that "for God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in (Christ) and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on Earth or things in Heaven". By contrast, Jehovah said, "I will put enmity between you and the woman". Jehovah curses and God blesses. All the "children of God" in the Old Testament sinned, and in the New Testament, "those born of God do not sin". Don't they contradict one another?
The Cathars referred specifically to the passages of the Old Testament that speak of the vengeance and anger of Jehovah. They were convinced that Jehovah -- who sent the Great Flood, destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and repeated over and over again that he wanted to destroy his enemies and transfer the sins of the fathers onto the sons of the third or fourth generations -- was neither God nor absolute and eternal love.
Jehovah forbade Adam from eating from the tree of science. He either knew that other human beings would eat the fruit or he didn't. If he knew it, he did nothing other than to push Adam toward temptation, make him a sinner, and provoke his destruction.
Above all, the Albigensian "heretics" invoked the seventh chapter of the epistle to the Romans, where Paul calls Mosaic Law a "law of death and sin". Lot committed incest with his daughters, Abraham lied and committed adultery with his servant, David was a murderer and adulterer, and the rest mentioned in the Old Testament were not any better, affirmed the Cathars. For them, the law that Jehovah announced to the Jews through Moses was of satanic inspiration, and if it contained some good things (for example, the seventh commandment), it was in order to gain some hearty souls for the cause of Evil.
A divinity who reveals himself in a burning bush to a man -- Moses -- cannot be "God" because God is Spirit and does not reveal Himself to mortals in a physical manner. Jehovah is not God. He is the Anti-Christ; he is Lucifer.
Unless one is completely brainwashed or braindead, even a cursory look at the two books of the Bible will present a significant dilemma. How can the vengeful, bloodthirsty, jealous god of the Old Testament be the same as the benevolent, forgiving, loving "Father" that the Christ speaks of in the New Testament? How do we reconcile this?
We don't. There is no way to reconcile the two because they are completely different entities. The fact that the organized church turns a blind eye to this, the fact that its clergy sidesteps the issue while continuing to mislead their "flock" is proof that the organized church on Earth is under the aegis of "the prince of this world", Lucifer.
For having the termity, the gall, to exercise independent thinking and the use of common damn sense to expose the lie of the Old Testament, the Cathars were slandered, persecuted and eventually exterminated by the Crusade that your history books never talk about -- the Albigensian Crusade (1209-1255).
~ g
02 November 2012
The Doctrine Of "The Pure Ones"
Note 1: Divine Love bears no relation to the degenerated human "love" that is venerated in this fallen world. Human "love" is lustful, selfish, possessive, conditional. Divine Love has nothing to do with desire or emotion. Divine Love, the Love of the Creator, is a universal, omnipresent, omnipotent, all-powerful force whose characteristics are unlimited, absolute and pure. This is why it has always been stated that 'God is Love' .
Note 2: The Cathars (the word "Cathar" means "pure one") were the preceding gnostic brotherhood on earth who lived in the South of France over 700 years ago. Their pure doctrine was deemed "heretical" by the Roman Church, who ordered them exterminated. Thus, the Albigensian Crusades came into being. Tens of thousands of Cathars and their supporters were burned at the stake, walled up in caves, or massacred in the thousands by the marauding, blood-thirsty "Army of the Pope". Although the Church succeeded in eradicating the physical threat, they failed miserably in their true aim, which was to eradicate the presence of the Gnosis on earth.
The fact that we are here today is proof positive that Gnosis, the "True Knowledge of God" can never be exterminated.
~ g
The Occitan Cathars taught that God is Spirit. For all eternity, Love is absolute, perfect in itself, immutable (unchangeable), eternal and just. Nothing evil or transitory can exist in it or come from it. Consequently, its works can only be perfect, immutable, eternal, just and good, as pure in the end as the Fountain from which they flow.
If we contemplate this world, its imperfection, impermanence, and changeability are self-evident. The matter from which it is made is perishable and is the cause of innumerable evils and sufferings. This matter of life contains within it the principle of death, a death from which no man can escape.
Out of this opposition between imperfect matter and God's perfection, between a world full of misery and a God who is Love Itself, between creatures who are born only to die and a God who is eternal life, the Cathars came to the conclusion that an incompatibility exists between what is perfect and what isn't. Don't the foundations of modern philosophy establish the principle of cause and effect? If the cause is Immutable, so are its effects. Consequently, a being with a contradictory nature could not have created the terrestrial world and its creatures.
If the Creation is the work of a good God, why did He not make it perfect like Himself? And if he wanted to make it perfect and couldn't, it is obvious that He is neither all-powerful or perfect. If He could have made it perfect and didn't want to, he would be in conflict with the perfection of Love. Consequently, for the Cathars, God did not create the terrestrial world.
If so many things that happen in this world have nothing to do with Divine Providence and the will of God, then how do we believe that God is happy with so much disorder and confusion? And how to explain that all the creatures whose only purpose is to disturb and torture mankind come from a creator who is pure kindness for man? How can the fires and floods that destroy crops and cause the death of so many people or destroy the shacks of the poor be ascribed to this God? A God who is used by our enemies to justify our destruction, we who only wish for and seek the Truth? Such were the thoughts of the Albigensian Cathars.
And how could a perfect God give man a body whose ultimate destiny is death after having been tortured with all kinds of evils?
The Cathars saw far too much intent in visible creation to somehow deny it an intelligent origin. From the analogous principle of cause and effect, they deduced that bad effects came from bad causes and that our world, which could never have been created by a good God, had to have as its creator a bad principle. This dualist system bases itself in the fundamental opposition between Good and Evil. The Cathars believed that Evil was really nothing other than the negation, or absence, of Good.
When the devil tempted Christ -- "All these things I will give you if you fall down and worship me" -- how could he offer it if it did not already belong to him? And how could it belong to him if he wasn't its creator? When John the Evangelist speaks of "the children of God that are not born of flesh and blood," from whom do the children of flesh and blood come? Are not these children from another creator -- the "devil" -- who according to Christ's own words is "their Father"?
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the Father of it....He that is of God heareth God's words; ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God" John 8:44, 47
For the Cathars, all passages of the New Testament that mention the Devil, or the fight between the flesh and the Spirit, or the old man who should be cast out (to make way for the New Man), or the world submerged in sin and darkness, were sufficient to demonstrate the antithesis between God, whose kingdom is not-of-this-Earth, and the true prince of this world, Lucifer.
The Kingdom of God is the invisible world, absolutely good and perfect, the world of Light: the Eternal City.
God is the "Creator" of all things, because "to create" signifies producing something that did not exist before. He also created matter, which before was non-existent. He created it from nothing*, but only from principle. It was Lucifer, himself a creature of God, who gave "shape" to matter; this was his principle.
Who is the cause of this world? Can you resolve this question?
*g: this sentence fragment is in error, for there is no such thing as "nothing". There is no empty space. All matter was created from God, The All. Think upon it. If God is The All, then where would He find "other" material to create with? The existence of some "other" sort of matter would mean that God is not The All, because there would be something that exists which is outside of God. Therefore, in order for the sentence to be more in line with truth, it should read: "He created it from Himself" If we take this one step further, we can conclude that God essentially permeates all matter, whether subtle or gross. The essence of the Divine is within every created thing, however these creations are not completely conscious of their innate Divinity).
From "The Pure Ones" and Their Doctrine - Crusade Against the Grail - Otto Rahn
The "God-Shaped Vacuum"
"There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through the Christ.” - Blaise Pascal , 17th century
That "God-shaped vacuum" is the divine-spark of the heart. It is the tiny spirit-spark atom composed of divine material not-of-this-world. This is the only part of the Divine that is within us. It is the seed from which the Immortal Other One can emerge, if, through self-surrender, neutralization of desire and not-being, we allow this Transformation to take place.
~ g
"Do you not know that you are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" Paul's first letter to the Corinthians 3:16
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