19 January 2014



What is archaeocryptography? It is a new science, only about 20 years old (~ g: written in 1998), which plots the ancient global positioning of pyramids, earthworks, mounds (I believe you call them moulds and barrows on your side of the Atlantic), temples and henges around the world.

"Archaeo" = prehistoric and "Cryptography" = codification. Yes, I DECODE Pyramids.

Archaeology, since its inception, has been searching for the roots of mankind, with all of its speartips, broken pottery and other hand-made and hand-held artifacts, believes that it has the answer: our ancestors were primitive half-savages.

What I have found is just the opposite: we have been preceded by genius! The fallacy of archaeology is that it relies on written records and when they search back beyond writing, they find nothing. Hence, all earlier peoples were ignorant.

But there is another way of expressing human intelligence...

NUMBERS rule the far side of history!

If that causes fear or doubt, it is understandable. We "moderns" are not conditioned to numbers or simple arithmetic as a viable means of expression. We use writing, French, English, German, Italian, Russian, Bosnian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and all the rest. Quite a mess.

As a result the French cannot understand his moulds, the British his tumuli, the Russian his barrow, the American his mound, the Ecuadorian his tola or the Egyptian his pyramid. Yet, the fact that these ancient monuments occur on a world-wide basis suggests a common language and that common language could only have been numbers, arithmetic or mathematics; the common language of the Universe. Indeed, God's language.

Does anyone remember this ancient arithmetical language? Have we ever found it written down? Only on very rare occasions and when we do, we cannot recognize it because it makes no sense to anyone. We and our progenitors have a language barrier, a very serious one.

Let's begin with England's Stonehenge, which most people are vaguely aware of. History asserts that the Druids built it - because they still use it as a temple. Yet, were the Druids around 10,000 years ago? That's the new formal date awarded the Stonehenge site in the June 1997 issue of English Heritage. Immense antiquity.

What DO we actually know about Stonehenge? Surely, it is a ruins, a complete wreck, with many of its Sarsen stones toppled, broken or missing, and few of its lintels intact. But English archaeologists have verified (from depressions in the ground) that there were originally a total of 30 Sarsens - on top of which there were 30 flat stones (lintels).

That is a grand total of 60 stones on its perimeter, and presented in a perfect 360-degree circle. What did it mean?

By aligning certain of its stones towards the heavens, archaeoastronomers insist that it served as a primitive clock or calendar, and this may indeed have been one of its functions. But, if they had asked its numbers, they would've found something far more awesome!

Did the builders know what "60" meant? According to existing thought, probably not.  People back then were stupid and had no knowledge of numbers - much less arithmetical process.

Were they aware, as we are, that circles (in stone or anything else) comprised 360 degrees of arc? No. They were just circles. Ask yourself that same question. Chances are you won;t believe it's possible either.. After all, you've been taught that such primitive knowledge simply was not available.

Enter archaeocryptography - which doesn't search for the tools of our scratch-building ignorant ancestors but rather indications of intelligence. Here's what it find...

(1)   STONEHENGE:   Take the 60 and 360 and multiply them:

60    x      360    =  21,600

 (a)   Now notice the latitude of Stonehenge as it appears on our own modern maps, specifically the British Pathfinder series of topographical maps - the best we have. Notice that a parallel of latitude bisecting the very center of Stonehenge yields a position of 51 degrees, 10 minutes and 45.35 seconds (51 10' 42.35").

(b)    Notice also that the previous figure, presented by the structure, ENCODES this latitude:

21,600      :       51       :       10'     =   42.35294117"

~ g: The above implies dividing 21,600 by 51 by 10. Now multiply 51 x 10 x 42.35294117 and see what answer you get.

How numbers can speak! There isn't a word written at Stonehenge and yet, there it is: Its numbers speak  -- and very specifically -- to the common language of mapping: degrees, minutes and seconds.

What has Stonehenge explained through its arithmetical language?

(c) That its builders

--  Knew EXACTLY where the equator was located, and still is,
--  Where the true North Pole was - and still is,
--  That they had mastered the science of mapping,
--  That circles did indeed comprise 60 degrees of arc,
--  That they could not only count to sixty but,
--  Could handle the multiplication of numbers,
--  And that if they ever had a written language, they saw no need for expressing it in their monuments.

And it wasn't necessary anyway, was it? We DID find the message!

It sure looks awesome on paper, doesn't it? Genius from a time before time -- in pre-Celtic England, no less.

From "Preface" - Whispers Before Time - Carl P. Munck


It is the monuments themselves that encode this information. In this example, it was encoded in the number of stones and their geometry. In other monuments, it is the geometric shape, number of sides, stairsteps, etc. that can be used to determined latitude.

The above post deals with encoding and decoding latitude (east-west). Determining longitude (north-south) requires an extra step, as the Prime Meridian of the ancients was not the same as the one recognized today in Greenwich, England. The following is taken from "Code of the Ancients"

"One of Munck's major discoveries was his re-discovery of "our" (?) original prime meridian for longitude measurement. He determined that the prime meridian for this 'geomath matrix' passes directly through the center of The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt. So, we adjust our longitude (east or west, according to the site we are working with) by 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec . . . the exact longitude distance between the current Greenwich, England prime meridian and the center of The Great Pyramid ".

This 31 degree variance must be used when calculating longitudes for ancient monuments, as you will see in the excellent examples presented below:


The Nazca Lines

The Bent Pyramid

The point of posting this is to share with others something this writer came across many years ago in the early stages of seeking. It indicated several things:

a. at least a portion of ancient humanity were not "ignorant savages"
b. a very high intelligence existed on earth in deep antiquity
c. present-day archaeologists are either fools, incompetents or are purposely suppressing this information

The origins of these high intelligences were not "extra"-terrestrial -- at least not in the manner in which that word is understood by today's humanity. Perhaps more on that later.

This information doesn't serve to bring anyone closer to Final Liberation. It's just one of those little-known secrets kept from us that deserves to be shared, for whatever it's worth.

~ g

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