03 January 2014

The Coming New Man

Get this book. Less than twenty dollars (US) on Amazon. You've spent more on less.
Below, an excerpt from the opening of Chapter One. Highlights and italics are mine.
~ g


Perhaps you are familiar with various occult or ethnological speculations concerning the advent of a new human race on this earth and the nature and character of this race. Indeed, new human races have repeatedly emerged and disappeared over the course of millennia of years. Future dualistic manifestations (i.e., material worlds) will certainly prove no exception to this.

There are regions on our planet which can quite rightly be termed melting-pots of peoples. It is from such melting-pots that new races emerge in 'time' after undergoing much cleansing.

When cosmic revolutions occur (i.e., the end of a major world cycle), whole continents disappear and many other catastrophes terminate the lives of countless people, there are always individuals who escape and in some cases are deliberately brought to safety in advance: that is to say, they are transferred to safe regions. It is from such 'last remnants' of dualistic mankind that new races are cultivated. They offer all who perished in a cosmic revolution an opportunity to reincarnate.

No doubt you will have read fragmentary accounts of re-populations of our globe after its cleansing. Myriad legends and myths deal with this. We need to recall the story of Noah who, after escaping the flood, finds solid ground on Mount Ararat and along with his family, lays the foundation of another world-populace. We find the tale of Noah, in one form or another, in the myths of nearly every people.

Thus, the wheel of time revolves through the years, centuries and aeons; and Ecclesiastes rightly says: 'Is there anything of which one can say, See, this is new? It has already been, in the ages before us'; the same is true of the coming and going of human races. These are not essentially 'new', in the literal sense, but are older races or mixtures of them which return.

It is always the same things, facts and people, which in the constant revolutions of duality, measure up to current events. When we speak to you about the coming new man, you will immediately sense that we have no intention of informing you about a coming dualistic human race. As already stated, in its dualistic manifestation every new race already existed in bygone ages, so it is folly to call them 'new'. Even if they were new, such a racial manifestation would be meaningless to us. For we strive after liberation from the endless peregrinations through 'time', for the original life of the Kingdom of God which is not of this world.

We draw your attention to the fact that the pure, absolute Holy Language, too, contains statements relating to a new human race, in a special sense. This new race is known by various names. Sometimes we read of the coming of the people of God, sometimes of the Una Sancta, a Holy Brotherhood, etc. You will know all this but it is necessary to understand it correctly to avoid all sorts of errors.

There is a Holy Brotherhood, the Universal Brotherhood, the Brotherhood of the Original Kingdom, but the above-mentioned allusions in the Bible do not apply to this Brotherhood. No, our attention is drawn to the formation of an entirely new Brotherhood, an entirely new Una Sancta.

In order to obtain the right idea, let us consider the relevant problems from the point of view of time and space. We then see the dualistic-material world and mankind on one side, and the Kingdom of God with its inhabitants on the other. Separating these two worlds is a gaping chasm unbridgeable in time and space. Flesh and blood of the ordinary dualistic-material nature cannot cross this abyss. This is why, in the dualistic world-order, everything rotates like a wheel, continually returning, incessantly repeating.

We know that the Brotherhood of  'the other Kingdom' continually struggles to redeem fallen and captive humanity. Many people in this world react seriously and devotedly to the suggestions of the Universal Brotherhood. We do not know the exact number but they certainly exist. We do not know in which countries they live or to which peoples and nations they belong, but it is almost certain that people who thus react are to be found in practically every country.

All these people, from that immense variety of countries and nations, will, at a certain moment in world history, be drawn from those countries and from all directions, to form one community, a very special, exclusive race. It will not bear the characteristics of some region of this earth, but be lifted from the doom of the dualistic-material rotating wheel and achieve the miracle of leaping the unbridgeable abyss to the lost Fatherland. It is to this new community in genesis that the Holy Language refers.

Since the moment for the formation of such a race has come in our time, it is our duty to draw your attention to the fact. We must establish how all this will be accomplished and study various aspects of this wonderful development. We firstly intend to approach this exceptional wondrous manifestation and development of a totally new, non-dualistic type of man in this dualistic-material world from the mystical-philosophical angle. We shall then investigate how all this can be realised and which consequences we may ultimately expect.

From "The Coming New Man" - The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh



Andrew said...


This book introduces us to the possibility of the coming of an entirely new type of human being. In the movie The Truman Show,the eponymous Truman lives in a world completely constructed around him by an intrepid television producer. At one point an interviewer asks the producer,"Why do you think Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of this world?" The producer replies, "We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented." Our perception of this world comes via our senses and people believe that's all there is. You try telling them that there is another nature order and most will say, OK show me! Which is impossible to do with the senses we have.I Googled "What does a person born blind see" And the answer was nothing", not even blackness, because they have never seen colours. My question g, is how would we give a satisfactory answer to their question?

BrotherGee said...


There is no satisfactory answer that we can provide. The best that can be done is to present them with the material which was provided to us. If they so choose, they can examine this material and draw their own conclusion.

We are not in the business of convincing those who do not wish to know. We are in the business of helping those whose seeking has brought them to a borderland. Those who are completely discouraged by the ugliness of the world, even in its apparent "beauties". Those who recognize that there is something missing and are ready to find out what that "something" is.

Your remarks ring true. In the 4th century, Augustine was a follower of the gnostic Mani for over ten years. He left in disgust and converted to christianity because, as he put it: "Never once did I receive evidence of the existence of two separate nature-orders". He subsequently went on to become vehemently anti-Manichean and anti-gnosis; He performed so well in this capacity that the Roman Church made him a "saint".

When it comes to proving that which cannot be proven, we are advised by The Christ as follows:

"Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet" Matthew 10:14

Every human being is not at the same level of Remembrance. Those who are still deeply attached to duality will have difficulty apprehending the Truth of two separate nature-orders. One can only present an opportunity for others to partake of this key Truth. Whether the opportunity will be accepted depends solely upon the readiness of the individual to seriously consider the possibility.

Speaking of "possibility", re: "...the possibility of the coming of an entirely new type of human being", may i humbly replace the word "possibility" with the word "fact". An entirely New Human Race is now in the process of actively being born. Suitability for inclusion in the New Race is being measured every moment of every day, with the execution of each and every one of our thoughts, desires and actions.

In closing, one of the most difficult things to accept is that not everyone can see what we see; not everyone wants their eyes to be opened. Just like the guy in The Matrix who chooses a juicy steak, a great "life" and forgetfulness rather than the Truth - even though he knows it is all an illusion - there are many who are quite content with their present lot. These ones will have to travel many more turns on the Wheel before they reach a stage of Remembrance that will enable them to become receptive to another opportunity to partake of the Gnosis.

~ g

Andrew said...


When J van Rijckenborgh wrote such books as The Coming New Man it was his view that humanity had only a limited time of 50 years to achieve results before the astral conditions would be to hard to continue.

Could you say why it is possible to continue the work after the 50 years have passed?

BrotherGee said...

"50 years" was an estimate, based on the knowledge that certain cosmic and macrocosmic cycles were set to reach an endpoint around the turn of this century. It has always been understood that "no man knows the day nor the hour". If JVR were alive today, it is almost certain he would express some measure of regret for publishing a time-frame, as it is the natural tendency of human beings to look to such time-frames as absolutes.

Although the year 2012 has passed, the astral and planetary alignments associated with the end of this world-cycle are still in place. The effects of these alignments are being felt even now, although beneath the perception of most humans.

Many people are waiting for a specific date, a specific hour, primarily so they can figure out how to plan their final party before stopping in time to be good boys and girls. Well, there will be no specific forewarning given.

It has also been said that the timing of the Tribulations depends on the accumulation of a critical mass of human-beings who are of sufficiently high vibration to qualify for admission into The New Heaven/Earth. It is the condition of humanity which acts as a delaying factor.

Even so, the atmospheric revolution has been unfolding at a steady pace for over a half a century and is gradually reaching a culmination point. Last Friday in the New York area there was 10 inches of snow with temperatures in the single digits. Today, the high temperature was 57 degrees. Tomorrow the high is expected to be 17 degrees. These frequent large temperature fluctuations are not normal and reflect the instabiity of the planet and its atmosphere. A brief examination of the meteorological and geological anomalies occurring all over the world should reveal that the earth is experiencing a significant amount of instability.

Whether JVR is off by ten years, twenty years or fifty years does not take away from the intent of the warning given, the essence of which is this:

There is very little time left to choose.

The Work will continue until the moment that the Ark departs. When the aforementioned critical mass is reached, the Light-power of the Gnosis will be withdrawn from the material earth-plane and all will collapse. It is only this Grace which is currently holding things together.

We are advised to not look for a date. We should live our soul-directed lives as if the Tribulations will begin at any moment. Those who do so will have no need to worry about dates, times and seasons.

When the Clock strikes the Hour, they will be ready.

~ g

Andrew said...


J van Rijckenborgh held a lot of controversial views such as the cause of cancer, homosexuality etc they would be not accepted today. Rudolf Steiner predicted that Christ would reappear in the etheric plane beginning in the 1930s. This would manifest in various ways: as a new spiritual approach to community life and between individuals; in more and more individuals discovering fully conscious access to the etheric plane and in Christ's appearance to groups of seekers gathered together. I believe this was once the LR view and was discussed in the Aquarius Renewal Conferences. Even the book The coming New Man, was to have its title changed with the word man dropped and replaced with something else. Can you recommend a up-to-date book other than JVR writings that would appeal to someone living in the year 2014.

BrotherGee said...


This response will be in two parts.

The cause of all cancers is as van Rijckenborgh explained it. Cancer is a negative reaction to the radiations of the Gnosis. If one lives in disharmony with those radiations, a breaking-up of the physical body is the natural result. When one lives in harmony with these radiations, great healing and the building up of the New Soul is the result.

His views on the origins of counter-natural sexuality are rooted in the fact that such practices always appear at the end of major-world cycles. From ancient Atlantis to ancient Rome to today's world, these practices are a natural occurrence. One of the reasons for this is that many of the same microcosms that were present during the cataclysms of Atlantis are currently incarnated, reprising their roles of old.

i have not read Steiner but he is correct in that there will come a time when ALL humans will be able to see what lives in the etheric plane. This is because the dimensions are slowly merging, which is a part of what always happens at cycle's end. As for the Christ's re-appearance, if Steiner mentioned that in the manner you've presented, that would constitute an error, as the entity once known as Jesus the Christ has been liberated from the earth-plane and will never take another material body. The Christ is a cosmic vibration, not a man, and It has already made Its return.

These men weren't predicting anything new. All of this has happened before. They were simply presenting to the world, as a warning, an important part of mankind’s long-forgotten history; that of the run-up to the end of a major world-cycle.

Because present humanity "won't accept" the things written by van Rijckenborgh doesn't mean that those things do not have value or ring of Truth. We live in a world where humans sanction whatever it is that brings them pleasure and deride anything that threatens to curtail their pleasures.

The use of the term "up-to-date" cannot be applied. The Gnosis, the true Knowledge of God, is hundreds of millions of years old. It descended with humanity after The Fall. It is a Truth that never changes. It cannot change, otherwise it would not be the Truth! The only thing that changes are the times in which the Gnosis is presented and the Messengers who incarnate to spread the word. This Truth always clashes with man's moral state because it always resurfaces when mankind has reached a nadir.

End Part 1

BrotherGee said...

Part 2

Man wants to have his Truths sugar-coated and made as palatable as possible. Man wants to have his raucous, debauched behavior approved and rubber-stamped. He wants the Truth to dove-tail with the world that his vaunted scientists, philosophers, political and religious leaders have tried to construct. This can never be. As the Christ stated, "I came not to bring Peace, but a Sword". All the falsity that has been built up by blind humanity must be unmasked, torn down. If it is something up-to-date and socially acceptable that you are seeking, there are the orthodox Churches and the hundreds of “New Age” movements present world-wide. One can certainly find something more “modern” there.

The Gnosis is not designed to "appeal to someone living in 2014". It is designed to appeal to whatever human-being in whatever age who can respond to its radiations, awaken their sleeping Spirit-spark, gain the proper insight and make the fundamental life-changes necessary to complete the Path of Return. If someone in 2014 thinks that they are too "modern" to connect with the oldest of Truths, then they are still walking in darkness.

Blavatsky, Heindel, Steiner, Bailey, van Rijckenborgh and others were Messengers but they were also fallen humans. They did the best they could within the social strictures of the worlds that they lived in. Errors were made due to the fact that although they were able to break through significantly, they labored under the same veil of forgetfulness that we all labor under. However, their presentation of the core Truths of the Gnosis, the explanation of Man's dilemma, the Road to Salvation and the method of achieving same, are unassailable. This is because these Messengers did not "think up" these Truths, it is a Universal Doctrine that was revealed to them.

In an attempt to assist you in your quest for a more “up-to-date” telling of the ancient Gnosis, there was a group, no longer active, that relentlessly sounded The Call during the '90's and early 2K. i'll provide a link to their backup website in my next post.

all love,

~ g

Andrew said...


First of all with regard to Rudolf Steiner he said, "Christ is always present, but He is in the spiritual world; we can reach Him if we raise ourselves into that world." So I think he is saying the same thing as the LR says. In dialectics we are under the influence of the reflection spheres and its ethers so the only Christ we may see is outlined in the book Unmasking. After many years in the Living Body of School breathing the fire ether we change to spirit-soul beings and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Steiners 'spiritual world.' J van Rijckenborgh describes the process in the book The Light-Vesture of the New Man. "Everyone of us has a light-vesture which, currently, is entirely under the influence of the etheric spheres of dialectics. The light-vesture must be liberated from these etheric spheres and purified totally if man is to receive the higher etheric vibrations emanating from the original, divine realm, and thereby be enabled to enter the 'Kingdom of Heaven.' 'Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter the City by the gates.' (Rev. 22:14) In the above book he also warns that illness occurs exactly as you described it. 'If one lives in disharmony with those radiations, a breaking-up of the physical body is the natural result.' I wonder if pupils know this?

BrotherGee said...


Thanks for the Steiner quote. When he speaks of "the spiritual world", he is speaking of the Sixth Cosmic Domain, the Divine Kingdom one level above our current location in the Seventh Cosmic Domain. The entity that incarnated as Jesus to carry out the mission of the Christ ascended to the Sixth Cosmic Domain once He achieved Liberation. The only way that we can get close to that entity is to take the same journey that He did.

The purification of man's Light-Vesture (the etheric double or vital body) is a critical component necessary for successfull completion of the Path of Return. Purification of the head (the mental body) will allow Spirit to enter. Purification of the heart (the astral, or desire body) will enable the birth of the New Soul. Thus unified, the reborn Spirit-Soul will release divine ethers, the "four holy foods" necesaary to build the new etheric body, the Light-Vesture of the New Man.

As for the cause of illness, i would imagine that serious pupils are absolutely (or at least should be) aware of the relationship between their way of life and the health of their vehicles. Liberation is an "either-or" proposition. Either we walk the Path in sincerity and receive the healing, constructive rays of the Gnosis, or we walk in self-willedness and subject ourselves to the Sword of the Gnosis, whose duty it is to break apart all that stands in oppostion to the Divine Plan.

There can be no half-stepping, it is all or nothing.

~ g