22 April 2014

About Shamballa

The following is in response to a comment posted by andrew on 4/21/2014:

The Lectorium Rosicrucianum does not function in the reflection-sphere. The reflection-sphere is the last place that one will find a true brother of the RosyCross. With all the effort that is spent trying to warn mankind about the dangers of the reflection-sphere, there is no way that help of any sort would be extended to ailing humanity from that sphere. To do so would go against what we know to be true about this nature-order and its twin spheres.

If any entity approaches you from the reflection-sphere, even if he says he is God Himself, place no undue value or emphasis on the communication. The reflection-sphere is the realm of deception and illusion. Nothing truly divine could operate in that region. Yes, there are spirit-guides and invisible helpers and the like. But all of these entities are fallen entities, light-spirits, reflection-sphere phenomena. None of them have obtained Liberation and most of them do not know how. If they did, they wouldn't be hanging around in the reflection-sphere!

When a true brother or sister of the RosyCross transitions, their destination will be the Vacuum of Shamballa, not the reflection-sphere. Why? Because the awakening of the Divine Spark, combined with insight, yearning for salvation, self-surrender, a new attitude of life and a life of selfless service to humanity creates a vibrational change in the microcosm. The entity's soul-vehicles vibrate at too high a level to be attracted by any region of the reflection-sphere. Remember, like attracts like.

Communication between fallen humanity and those in Shamballa is not possible, at least not in the ways that man is accustomed to (i.e., dreams, apparitions, voices, etc.). Shamballa is composed of ethers that are not of this world. Physical humanity has not yet activated the sensory apparatus required to "see" Shamballa or its inhabitants. The only communication that that can be expected from Shamballa comes in the form of impressions that are sent out constantly into the world from its location somewhere in the Gobi Desert.

Shamballa is open to all who follow the fivefold gnostic Path, not just pupils of the LRC. The advantage of joining with LRC is that it provides those who are truly sincere with the ability to walk the Path aided by a gnostic power-field built up over the centuries by previous brotherhoods, such as the Essenes, the Manicheans and the Cathars. We refer to this power-field as the Thirteenth Aeon. With this aid, every step that the candidate takes is sure-footed and true. With perseverance and steadfastness, obstacles are overcome. All of this is provided through the agency of group unity, the Universal Brotherhood. Within this power-field, it is one for all and all for one. The strong will stand for the weak.

An additional note: although the Vacuum of Shamballa is centered in a physical location (the Gobi), it is not a material-sphere or reflection-sphere location, per se. It is more of a borderline between this Seventh Cosmic Domain and the Sixth Cosmic Domain, the Divine Kingdom. Therefore, its ethers are of a very subtle nature, more Divine than physical. This is why it is referred to as a vacuum, because there is a complete absence of material-sphere ethers present therein.

In order to be taken up into this realm the preparation of the etheric, astral and mental bodies has to begin here in the material-sphere during the physical life. After death, the physical body is of no more use ("flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven)"). At that time it is our soul-vehicles that must have been prepared and made ready for the Journey to Shamballa. That is what walking the Path is about, that is the purpose of the Path. And that is the mission of Lectorium Rosicrucianum. Linked to the New Field of Life, it provides a safe-haven of development for those who are sincerely ready to leave this world and never come back.

For more on the Vacuum of Shamballa, you may want to read The Brotherhood of Shamballa by Jan van Rijckenborgh

~ g


Andrew said...


If the Lectorium Rosicrucianum does not function in the refection sphere where do its pupils go when they fall asleep? My understanding is that according to ones vibration we are attracted to the same in the astral world when we fall asleep. Yet you say school does not function there.

BrotherGee said...


Thank you for pointing out this apparent contradiction. It appears that the explanation given was not as thorough as it should have been. i will post a clarification this evening.

Be well.

~ g

BrotherGee said...

When we say that the Lectorium Rosicrucianum does not help its pupils from the reflection-sphere, what is meant is that one will not find a grandiose version of the School on the other side. Neither are there glorified astral versions of van Rijckenborgh or de Petri teaching class on a sandy beach (then again, there might be. If so, they are obviously fakes).

That said, the reflection-sphere is composed of many different vibrations of astral matter, from the very coarse to the very pure. At the highest level of the reflection-sphere, there is a type of border region, a sphere of transition that links this Seventh Cosmic Domain with the higher Sixth (the Divine Kingdom). It is here that those who have awakened their Divine Spark and are undergoing soul-transformation can spend the hours of sleep. As we know, like attracts like. As such, the state of our astral body at the moment we fall asleep will determine where we spend the nocturnal hours.

It should be understood that this area is not exclusively reserved for pupils of the Rosycross. For example, those who practice certain occult exercises can condition theur astral bodies so that they are able to penetrate this region. However, those who show up in this region under false pretences will be turned away. JVR explains this in (The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross, Volume 1).

This region of the reflection-sphere is sometimes referred to as the Golden Head or the New Life Field. As a sphere of transition, it has existed in this region of the reflection-sphere for ages, long before the founding of LRC. Over the past several decades, the School itself has built a power-field whose highest vibration matches that of this border region. So, in that narrow sense, LRC does maintain a presence in the highest region of the reflection-sphere, in a location far removed(vibrationally-speaking) from the ordinary astral realm of this nature-order.

What is imparted to the candidate during the hours of sleep will not be remembered in the form of dreams. Dreams are a lower astral phenomena. What is learned there is passed on more in the form of impressions. The pupil carries these impressions in his / her astral body back to the waking-state. During day-life, the candidate should behave in a manner that is sparked by his charged astral-state. Having lived a soul-directed life during the day, his astral body will be prepared to return to the Golden Head when sleep overtakes the body. There it will be immersed in another reinforcing Bath of Light.

So, yes, the School does have a presence in the reflection-sphere. It's just not the kind of presence that can be sensed via the five physical senses or experienced in the normal reflection-sphere fashion (dreams and the like).

Hope this helps a little bit. Apologies for the incomplete explanation in the original post.

~ g

Andrew said...


Thank you for your clarification, so the higher realms of the astral planes would be where the Bodhisattvas those enlightened beings who have put off entering paradise (sixth cosmic domain) in order to help others attain enlightenment reside. Mr van Rijckenborgh says that transfigurists are very scarce in this world and I think he said there are only 32 Golden Head members at any one time working with the radiation-field of Christ.