23 July 2014


When it is revealed that one's microcosm is in possession of a "spirit-spark atom", the sole remnant of a Divine existence that contains within it all of the potentialities required to transform man into god-man, skepticism and disbelief are apt to follow. How can one tiny, microscopic atom effect a total change from a mundane, earthly personality to one that is glorified and immortal? Come, now!

But it is true. Ridicule and scorn can never tarnish Truth. Man cheats himself by refusing to think outside the box. Instead, he chooses to remain trapped in the mental prison that the aeons of this nature have erected for him. If he would dedicate himself to seeking Right Knowledge, if he would listen to the Silent Voice Within, instead of his arrogant and under-developed mental faculty, perhaps he would begin to see the simplicity of the Miracle That Lies Within.

One has but to look at the example that was left for us to contemplate in the natural world. The wonderful mystery of the caterpillar's metamorphosis from lowly, ground-bound grub to magnificently colored and delicate butterfly. How is such a feat accomplished? We know it speaks to the glory of the Logos but the whys and hows of it leave us speechless.

The following from LRC's Pentagram #4, 2012:


...I am fascinated by the image of the caterpillar that becomes a butterfly. The profound truth that what you receive does not become valuable until you are able to use it in the right way, can be seen very clearly in this. The purpose of the caterpillar is to consume the plant on which it lives. It does not look left or right and does not see sun or horizon. It has no time for this kind of nonsense. It keeps its eager glance focused on the indirect sunlight that is contained in the leaf; it wants to have as much of it as possible. This eagerness reminds me of something: my insatiable hunger for knowledge, truth, excitement, mystical experiences and wisdom. Just think of the countless leaves in our bookcase.

A caterpillar eats until it is filled. Not until then does a change in its pattern of life begin: it no longer eats, but it begins to digest its food. First, it spins and weaves a mantle around itself, the cocoon, in which it withdraws. Then, hidden from the eyes of the outside world, the caterpillar now enters a peculiar process.

Only very few people are aware that, before a magnificent butterfly breaks out of the cocoon, a tremendous struggle is fought inside. The old form must be completely demolished and, indeed, a truly new body must be built. The immune system of the caterpillar violently resists this strange transmutation of cells. It does anything to preserve the caterpillar. Only if it gives up the hopeless struggle, can the transformation of cells continue unhindered. Nothing remains of the caterpillar, except a shapeless, small heap. And exactly one cell contains the building plan of the butterfly, on which basis the completely new body is built.

Then I understood.


Everything is brought forth from a single seed. From plant to man, all begins as an image, a matrix, encased in a single seed or atom. The seed-atom matrix of an oak tree contains everything that is required to produce a mighty adult oak. The seed-atom matrix of a human embryo contains everything that is required to produce an adult human being. The matrix of the Spirit-Spark atom, our Divinve Spark, contains everything that is required to transfigure the lowly human being into a Divine Child of God.

None should think that such a miracle, such an alchemical event, is impossible. Nothing is impossible in God's Creation! You have but to contemplate the example of the humble caterpillar to get an inkling of that.

Now ponder this: if something as small and seemingly insignificant as a caterpillar is allowed to undergo such a beautiful metamorphosis, imagine how much more can be accomplished by the human personality who takes it upon himself or herself to walk the Path that leads to True Life.

~ g

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