01 July 2014

The Plan


The Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross distinguishes between the earthly and the heavenly human being. The nature-born, earthly personality has a physical body, an etheric body and an astral body. The microcosm has a monadic flame and an etheric and astral aspect. In addition, we know that the earthly personality was not created as an end in itself. A Plan underlies its ages of development: it must devote itself to a Healing Process by a sanctifying mode of life. This means that the personality must surrender to a process of healing and purification, thus helping the microcosm develop its latent properties and powers once again. In this way, the earthly personality makes the return of the microcosm to its Original Realm of Life possible.

The Plan of the Logos enables the microcosm and the personality to merge into a single being. Through an alchemical development, the two must unite into one being. The Spiritual School calls this process transfiguration. This is extensively discussed, because transfiguration is one of the pillars of the gnostic teachings of Liberation. Through a series of developments, the growing new human being acquires properties and powers which far surpass the possibilities of the earthly personality. They should certainly not be confused with the properties and powers that can be acquired by means of certain occult methods.

The above-mentioned new state of consciousness and life can only be realized by following the Path of inner Liberation. This Path cannot be unlocked by any power of the earthly personality or by occult practices but is only accessible through the Rose of the Heart, the last remnant of the Divine Life.

From "Gnosis - Basis for the New Man" - Gnosis As Inner Religion


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